How to lead in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

once upon a time

there were plenty of jobs for people who

used to drive horse-driven carriages

they were called coachmen

when the first industrial revolution


with steam engines

these jobs were no longer in demand

once upon a time

there were plenty of jobs for weavers

when the second industrial revolution


with electricity

and mass production

these jobs were no longer in demand

once upon a time

there was a world championship for

typists who used to type on typewriters

when the third industrial revolution


with personal computing and automation

the jobs of typists were no longer


with every industrial revolution

there are many jobs that will go away

and many other opportunities will get


and in the fourth industrial revolution

so many jobs will go away

and new opportunities will get created

so definitely

we will need designers

for human genes to eliminate certain

illnesses we will certainly need

cosmetic specialists

for robots

the fourth industrial revolution is

getting our physical world

merging with the digital world to

reshape our economy and society

through artificial intelligence drones


3d printing

autonomous vehicles

and many other technologies

while some people might think that

autonomous vehicles is still part of the

future who are living in this part of

the world in western australia where

autonomous trucks have been there in the

mines for years the other day

i bought something from an online store

and i had problem with it so i hopped

onto the website and i was trying to

talk to the customer

support representative

i was chatting and trying to explain my


to realize after a couple minutes

that i was chatting with a bot

bots are just one form of artificial


as we speak now


employs more than two hundred thousand

no not employees


the fourth industrial revolution

is coming to us with a lot of complexity

and an unprecedented pace of change

and this is why


will face problems

that they never faced before

and they will be looking


for talents

they will be looking for us

the most scarce resource

will be talents unlike in the previous

industrial revolutions where the scarce

resource was financial resources

the future scarce resource and precious

resource it will be us

organizations will be looking for

talents and this is why we need to

develop our talents

in any field that we love because we

will not be able to develop our talents

in any field

unless we are passionate about it

be it in healthcare legal media art

engineering the field that you love

if you don’t know yet where your passion


start exploring today

know where your passion is

start developing your talents


developing our talents alone will not be


because organizations

will depend less on their rigid

departmental silos where people used to


independently of other departments they

will move towards teams


address some problems that never existed


deliver a project or deliver an


and then adjourn quickly

to join other teams

and as talented people

probably will work across organizations

and this is why we need to develop our

communication skills because we will not

be able to deliver a loan

we will deliver in teams and this is why

we need to work hard

on our emotional intelligence

but we will be working with teams across

different cultures across different

parts of the world online

and this is why

we need to work hard on our cultural


and most likely

some of our colleagues within the same


will be digital bodies robots or digital


and we need to develop the skills

to know how to team up with those

digital bodies to deliver better results

and this is what i call a great

digital communicators

but developing our talents in the field

that we love

being a great digital communicators

will not be sufficient either

because of the pace of change the fourth

industrial revolution is bringing with


our knowledge will become obsolete very


and to give you an

example in 2020 alone

in the united states alone

there were more than 354

000 patents registered

so every


a new invention is registered

we need to realize this pace of change

that we are in

and we need to keep ourselves up to date

with our field

not to stay relevant only

but to stay in the job market

so we need to be hyper learners where we

learn quickly

and then unlearn

and then learn again

and we need to keep this cycle

our lifetime

in order to stay in the job market

develop your talents

in the field that you love

be great digital communicators

and be hyper learners

and you will be the leaders of our


thank you

