Industrial Systems Engineering is Fun Improves Our World





what’s common between pokemon go

disney ride and trauma care it is an

industrial and systems engineer

today i’m going to show you a small peek

into the world of industrial and systems


but before i dive into my talk i’m going

to be using the acronyms ises a lot

because i’m an engineer so i’m used to

using acronyms right

out of habit ise stand for

industrial and systems engineering

growing up my dad always raised me by

saying that

i should be an engineer as he never got

to finish his engineering degree

because of financial constraints and

when you hear the word engineering

you probably don’t associate it with

words like

fun exciting engaging etc right

it’s probably more words like mathy

number crunching boring

i was of that opinion too i thought

engineering was very heavy

and definitely not fun until i got

introduced to ise by my dad

who was in supply chain and logistics in

a manufacturing company

i was just fascinated to learn that ise

was about humanizing technology

and had applications in everyday life

this motivated me

to pursue my masters and phd in ise

in the us have you ever wondered

how the characters in pokemon go show up

in augmented reality

well my team has worked on looking at


the technology for how augmented reality


shows up in a certain way in a certain


when working on this project i realized

that people get

very excited to see an augmented reality

when you show the right information

at the right place at the right time so

we looked at how

we can enable these characters to show

up in a certain way

based on the user location and user

preference so user could

place a character in one location and

have another user pick up that character

based on his preference as an isc

i have to think about how user

experience is a very important factor

in designing systems

now isn’t this a common living room

scene now where everybody is accessing

education through computers when i was

working for intel several years back

we looked at how kids in india

use classmate pc which is intel’s

sensor enhanced laptop for access to


intel’s worldwide impact of classmate pc

was to provide access to education in

emerging countries for k-12 education

we found that kids tend to keep their

laptops on their bare skin

and this can actually burn them because

the thermal limits on these computers

need to be much

cooler than the standard temperatures

which is about 95 to 98 degree


so as an ise i have to think about how

to translate these user requirements

into the product requirements

don’t we all get excited to go to disney

it could be the rides it can be the

stay it could be the thrill of meeting

the characters right will you be

surprised if i tell you

there is an ise behind making this

experience magical for you

disney actually employs ises to design

systems to bring the magical story of

disney to life

disney parks have this specific brand


imagineering where they employ ises to

design systems

for a variety of roles such as right


statistics guest flow and even quality


imagine washing 240 000 pounds of


every day or 30 000 costumes

or how about transporting 200 thousands

of guests

every day with just 260 buses

all of those operational efficiencies

are actually managed by an isc

so that you can have an enjoyable and an

attractive experience

now doesn’t this feel like a roller

coaster ride from a cheery picture of


i jumped right into trauma so this

is a project that we worked on looking

at how

to train pre-hospital trauma care

so that we can improve health care for

improving patient safety so in this


we looked at how we can use live virtual

and constructive environments

to create simulations with the live

agents and the constructive environments

to improve healthcare imagine

if the emt could actually send your

vitals to the hospital

even before you reach the hospital so

that the doctors can take care

and make an action plan even before you

reach the hospital

so that you can have literally

life-changing decisions

we work to develop mobile applications


doctors can view the vitals at a glance

using variable computing and can create


action plans so that you get better care

as iscs we work in healthcare industry

to look at process improvement patient


and planning in today’s world

people use sick technology like never


for social media checking emails

scheduling supply chain logistics the

list is

endless will you be surprised if i tell

you that from where a jug of milk needs

to be placed

to when to order your next groceries or

all handled by an isc

yes blame the irc for the extra bag of

chips you didn’t need

or the gum packet that you picked on

your way out of a store

we are at tedx dayton here today which

stands for technology

entertainment and design and ises are at

the center of it

isa encompasses this broad area of


in ise’s design systems to integrate


and technology to make people feel


and have an enjoyable experience

my dad inspired me to think beyond

traditional engineering

and to look at things from a different

perspective such as

applications in industrial and systems


we need a makeover to get people to

think about

engineering and how engineering is

actually fun

no matter where you go and what you do

there is an ise making sure that you go

through your

grocery store more efficiently or

make your online purchases with a snap

of a finger thank you

