Innovation and Education

in 2012

i had the incredible privilege of

presenting a tedx talk

where i touched on how schools are


with the rapid development of technology

and its implementation

within the classroom and beyond i made

it very clear that the internet is going

to play a crucial role

in the future of education while

expressing concern

over the inequity of the digital divide

i pointed out that if the poorest

communities were given access to faster


and affordable devices it would go a

long way

to leveling the playing fields

high-speed internet

would provide students with greater

access to information

ideas people the world

and even beyond technology

is producing opportunities at an

exponential rate

we are immersed in technology and our


is sadly very easily identifiable

by the apps that we use while teachers

are living

in a facebooking tweeting and

whatsapping world

our students are living in a


instagramming and snapchatting world

our personal growth has been quite


until now then along comes

2020 this year will be remembered

for many things but sadly most of them

rather unpleasant

the devastating bushfires in australia

volcanoes erupted major earthquakes

and floods two airliners crashed

even the duke and duchess of sussex

applied for a separation from the royal


we also had the george floyd

incident social unrest

amongst many others but to top it off

the covert 19 pandemic put a


over the world schools businesses and


literally shut down frontline medical


are putting themselves in harm’s way to

save lives

every day teachers had to be upskilled

overnight they had to offer

distance learning education

was forced to contemplate the idea that

change is possible but if the truth be


it is inevitable 2020

has not just brought us heartache it has

given us

the gift of 2020 vision

we have been blessed with an opportunity

to look through new eyes

and to revisit the way we educate our


conduct business and deal with people


how we shape the students today for the


of tomorrow we have a chance

to redesign and innovate the way forward

i want to place a spotlight on education

for now

and in order to develop a plan on how

best to prepare our students

for the workforce of tomorrow i believe

we need a

three-pronged approach address

assess and adjust

let’s focus on each one address we need

to discuss

and plan for the future trajectory

of education regarding the ever-changing

job market

we must strategize on how we are going

to educate our students

will it be in person online or

perhaps a hybrid of the two

are we going to push for access to

high-speed internet

and affordable devices how are we going

to mold the leaders

of tomorrow and provide them with the

tools and the requisite skills they need

to reach their full potential

we need to ask the tough questions

on what skills our students must have

to play a meaningful role in society

it’s time to engage

in robust debate on possible ways


is university still the end goal

will degrees play an important role

in landing jobs of the future

now we move on to assess we have to

honestly examine what is relevant

and what is missing from our curriculum

when we are preparing our students for

the future

we need to take a very hard look at

where we have failed

and how we can improve we need to test


various modalities did we cope with

teaching and learning during lockdown

how effective were the various digital


what were our greatest obstacles

what did we do well and where can we


and now we move on to adjust

we need to commit to making changes

and move with the times education needs

to keep up with a rapidly changing world

it is evident that there is no point in


students with 19th and 20th century

methodologies and curriculum while we

are living

in the 21st century we

are the custodians of the legacy that we

want to leave behind

for future generations now is the time

to show leadership we need to be bold

over the past few months students around

the world

experience the convenience that comes

with access to the internet

and the ownership of a device it is

growing evident

that the use of technology is changing

how we teach

how we learn and how we conduct business

some examples include distance learning

during covet 19 moocs which are massive

online courses artificial intelligence

which is ai

differentiated learning for people of

different levels

webinars workshops online conferences

festivals tournaments video conferencing

and even tedx talks like this one

global collaboration is flattening

classroom walls

and allowing students access to


and allowing them to engage with

international peers

technology is being incorporated into so

many parts

of our lives and especially in education

we must expect a massive growth

in video apps software to curate

our work portfolios design programs that

allow us to create projects

from an idea to a 3d prototype

project-based learning tools that allow

groups to collaborate

simultaneously gamification of content

and a very wide variety of additional

digital tools

it is inevitable that the adoption of


is going to accelerate the evolution of


if we are ready to climb out of our

comfort zones

we will achieve real growth

this is the perfect opportunity to make

changes now

for the benefit of generations to come

but wait this comes

with a warning education in the future

will involve humans interacting

with each other we need this

as a species we must

ensure that when we innovate how we


we should never forget education was


by people for people the importance of

human connection

is critical we cannot allow for quality


to be denied to so many due to poverty

our new models must include equity

and access an increase in technology

should not correspond with a decrease

in humanity education will need to


empathy problem solving and creativity

we must use technological tools to solve


and not create new ones education

must leverage the technology to improve

the learning experience

and ensure maximum outcomes we need to

think creatively

on how all students with varying levels

of ability

can participate effectively in their own


let us encourage the redesign of the


that need to be solved we must move away

from how many cupcakes jenny will have

left over to working out how can we

ensure that

students do not arrive at our schools

with no food in their tummies when

covert 19 hit

schools around the world were caught off

guard teachers and students proved

that with creativity and grit innovative


were found many valuable lessons have

been learned

by all stop and ask yourself the


should students even return to school

should teaching return to how it was

before covert 19 should schools use the

covert 19 experience

as a foundation for change do you think

your school is brave enough to be a


in education and

will teachers ever be ready to walk away

from the mute all button

my message to schools is the following

innovate and redesign yourselves

now schools 2.0 this is your chance to

be a part

of the wave of change that you want to

see in your students

you cannot preach innovation and


without practicing it yourself schools


take a moment and ask yourself are we

preparing students to complete

a curriculum or to enter society with

useful knowledge

and skills schools 2.0

we need to ensure that students will

still have

real life interactions with teachers and


and not just have online classes

schools 2.0 this is our chance

to create an environment where all

students irrespective

of economic circumstances color country

of origin

sexual orientation or creed are welcomed

as valued members of the community

because diversity makes us stronger

schools 2.0 if there ever was a time

to show leadership it is now

i wish you all the best of luck