Innovation through Monotony


so let’s start my story

from where i started and what was the

motivation behind this

so this is where my school is situated

so this is an island of 42 villages and

this is known as

mojave i live 42 villages

and in this quarter village there’s a

village named

that is my home village and

i was a rural guy starting in this


middle school after class fifth and only

because of education

uh what my father did is he was in

seattle so we got transferred from this

village to gopal only because of


we migrated when i did my schooling

during my schooling years i was very


interested in innovation technology

making something so this is me

when i was in class 6 and i got awarded

for all of the city planning


and when i got migrated from this

the main problem with me was i was very

bad at

communication i was very bad at english

so i didn’t get admission in a very good


at hope it took me two years only to


an interview to get into a

very good english reading school


like when i went when i was in 10

and you are very good at math and

science so what your father do is

you try for this three letter word i i

t so

and this is where the problem lies

when we compare the acceptance

ratio of iit with mid iit is

india’s best technical institute and

when we compare with mit

world’s best technical institute the

success rate

of getting into iii is only one percent

and success rate

of getting into mit is eight percent

and this idea is not in top 100 qs


so from here i got a knowledge

that something is very wrong with our

education system in india

we are pushing our students into that

race and after that

what he is getting is not the best in

the world

so when i was in engineering i

unfortunately unfortunately didn’t get

iit but i got the

best state government college in madison

that is uc berlin

and i started experimenting my stock so

this is me welding

i got various awards but the important

thing was

i was into programming i was into


i was into rocket designing i was

interceding designing i was inventing

all that stuff and you guessed what was


branch you couldn’t guess it it’s civil


okay so that’s the best part and i got

a bag in my structural engineering paper

so structural engineering is skill

structure engineering paper

and my faculty told me i know you’ve got

a backless in this in the subject

we’re not studying it after two months

what happened is

i did one project i was awarded by tata

and i got this award and i told so this


what i did this is a real-life project

that i did and i was

successful in that so will you judge me

with this market or with a certificate

then what happened is when i was in

engineering i thought

why not solve this problem everyone is

talking about we don’t have a very good

education system

50 years the education system is the

same but

why not we are trying to make it happen

why not

try to change it let’s rule our nation

so the biggest problem was

who is the first one to start this kind

of thing

we indians have one problem the biggest

problem is

we all want to dive into the sea but who

is the first one to dive into the sea

and see

whether there are sharks or not

and once that one guy said okay it’s a

thumbs up no sharks here then

we all can like so i was the first guy

that i’ll start this kind of school

and then you’ll

so this is the basic essence of


we have to tell our teachers we have to

tell our students

just tinker around and this is the

environment that i am creating

now if i ask what is this

nice confirm it’s m it’s about the

environment that

i’m giving you so this is my formula

environment and experiment will give you

an experience

so this is how my experiential learning

is the road learning process that you

are doing in your schools and colleges

so this is the tab based learning that i

have implemented so

what we have done is we have provided

students with tablets

and they have their own content in this

tablet and they can access it

so if you’ll ask yourself what you did

for this pre-nursery students

they can’t be taught what is innovation

they can’t be taught about what is

science technology

so what i told them have just changed

the is

by which you are learning okay

so if the main problem if you have a kid

and a three-year-old or a five-year-old

kid the

biggest problem with them is they are

very bad handwriting

and we don’t have any solution for that

so what i did is

i i gave my students a little and a

thread they told

just put them in this riddle so there


n number of permutation and combination

you can use these two fingers you can

use these three fingers these four


any combination and combination but the

easiest way

how you can put this thread in the

middle is by using only these two


so this is an experiment in my school

this experiment

students i used to give them 10 minutes

every day

they do this experiment and then i don’t

make them understand what is what is


this is the way i however hold pencil

after this kind of experiment

the easier you can know

then this is experiential learning

learning outside the four roles of

classroom if the problem is outside the


walls of classroom then you have to move

to the problem

not to just sit idle inside the

classroom and walk so this is what we do

then to develop the skilled technology

we have a number of uh

laboratories first is portfolio lab

okay so this is one of the best lab

where students

come down they dismantle

all the equipments that we have in our 8


10 subjects for example many of you

must be knowing how water works they can

also ride on

a paragraph and they can get 10 out of

10 marks in their boards

but how can a few really know how a

motto works

and how actually the binding is inside

unless an antenna

in our students i don’t think that we

can fix the

education problem so this is the lab in


then there is a zone so this is actually

electronics laboratory that

uh implemented for my students where

they can come and they can

tinker around with the electronics

equipment third one is a design

innovation lab

so in this design innovation lab what i

did is

i gave them 3d meters cnc machines

and they can take her around and they

can make any stuff

if they have anything in their mind they

can design things and then they can

count down to this

then we have so this lab is very

interesting because

climate change is the hottest topic on

earth now

and everyone is like talking about

climate change

and we have to do something for the

climate and we have a lot of tv rates

and we have a lot of competition

spending competitions all that stuff

but when it comes to the action we don’t

do anything

not even our schools so what i did is

this kind of initiative we have

implemented in

our own school so this is a lab where

they can actually see how

recycling can be done and we are in zero


so we don’t have anything to throw out

then this is a robotics lab like any

other robotics lab we have the same lab

this is a hydro lab

so you can see students rural students

working on rural problems okay

students they’re working in the cottage


so they are actually designing something

that can be used to

scavenge the plastic out from the

outdoors then this is the project

prototyping so you can actually see

students working on prototypes

they are actually working on real life

problems to make that happen

then my students this is the recent

activity they did

and in this they are making furnitures

out of old tyres

and these furnitures are further used in

their own learning spaces these are the

learning spaces that we have created

and these are fully made by our students


this is a 3d printing facility this is

the project prototyping thing

then they have a lot of prototyping

related to

like hydrophonics surface farming

aquaponics and all that

then said you are a criminal guy and you

started a school

it’s not that easy that you’re telling

so how this all happened

it happened because of these three

things the first thing is the font

second was the

partnership thing and the third one is

the idea behind

okay so for fun what i do the great help


if you do anything good for the people

if you have the right

intention and you have to make a

positive impact on the society

then people will come up they will they

may take time

but even they will come up so my college



school here in odessa and with a

capacity of 10

students then

then about partnership

when i was a kid i was rejected by

various organizations

including the ied so now iit is one of

my partners

working towards this present

then these are the students from iit

delhi who came down to my

village and they are now working on

how can we make this sustainable how can

design be complete curriculum

and all that this is you can see

students from other colleges

like jesus christ and other government

colleges coming down to the base

and working on how this curriculum

can be patented and this curriculum can

be spread across other government


this is the design thinking this is it

so the thing is what next so you did it

in a single village what is what do you

do for the whole country

can it be replicated so the answer is

yes the thing is

what we are doing is very simple if we

have the solution

of changing and making the education


a better thing then why not go for it

we at the policy making thing

we all have on that one thing that yes

our education system is not good

this need to be changed this need to be

revolutionized but

when and how there are three kinds of


i say there are three kinds of people

the first is

people who are immortal

these are only 20 of people and

there are second type of people who will

tend to work

on the direction with the direction of

the event they will flow over the

direction of the world

and if there are less than 20 percent

those are movable

will drive the thing so if these 20

people who can drive the thing will come

and join hands and make a positive


then this less 80 percent will also join

and then we can think about

revolutionaries with things

so it’s our revolution education system

it’s about each and every one of us if

each and every one of us

will make this thing happen that yes we

have to do and we’ll do

then i think we’ll do it thank you thank

you so much
