Why Disruption Innovation and Technology are not the same

okay so in 12 minutes today i’m going to

explain to you why disruption innovation

and technology

are not the same okay so our vision is

to enable and inspire the global

transformation required

for innovation and profit so why is

innovation right now at this point in

time so critical

so they’re rapid changes happening all

around the world right now and that’s

changing the way that we do and

understand business

and those changes are only actually

going to get faster so it’s only as slow

as it ever is going to be

today that’s why they’re calling it the

exponential age

because it’s going to get exponentially

faster so some say we are in the fourth

industrial revolution some say we’re not

but that’s a conversation for another

time so i’m sure you’ve all met sophia

so sophia is the first ar robot by

hanson robotics

that has got citizenship in saudi arabia


she has a passport and she travels and

actually read an article yesterday that

she’s wanting to have a baby which is

quite concerning and another


so then she has a sister called girl

sophia so little sofia is commercially

available for purchase

there’s a robot in china that’s past the

national medical licensing examination

there’s more than one virtual anchor in

china at the moment

uber are test flying flying taxis

in dallas in la and in melbourne at the


and cern which is and in switzerland


underground is about 50 to 175 meters

underground depending on the location

it’s 27 kilometers in diameter and

they’ve managed to get a particle to go

faster than the speed of light

so that means never mind the battle

going on

in space that time travel might possibly


be possible in the future um so we can

be traveling in flying

taxis back in time who knows so living

on other planets is a critical step in

the evolution of humanity that’s

musk and ultimately this plant will be

zoned residential and light industry

so long story short and there’s a

million of these examples that i can go


there’s a lot of change happening

globally at the moment we’re largely in

a bubble

this is real this is happening and there

are two options

adapt or die a bit extreme but

it was darwin who said it’s not the

strongest the species that survives

nor the most intelligent it’s the ones

most adaptable to change

so we’re living in changing times and

those companies that lag behind are

going to become as extinct

as the dinosaurs were so what actually

is innovation so now we understand

why we need to innovate at the moment

most of us do so what exactly is


so at its simplest form innovation is a

process of conceptualizing an idea into

a product or service of value

so there are three phases in that value

creation and we call it

design thinking so the first phase is

inspiration then ideation

and then implementation so the first


inspiration inspiration is when you


with another human being so that’s when

you suspend all of your existing


you normally do some form of ethnography

which is observing of human behavior of

your particular target market

you use deep empathy you connect you

feel the pain of another you step into

their shoes

and you are driven by that connection

to have a desire to solve their pain or

enable their love so that’s inspiration

the second step then is ideation you

take all of that inspiration

and you go what is technologically

feasible what is financially viable

what is a good business plan and you

select an idea from that

you then go into the implementation

phase where you decide how are you

actually going to take this product or

service to market

is it going to be offline is it going to

be online so where companies are going

wrong at the moment is they are focusing

too much on the

latter two phases and not enough on the

first phase

so the latter phase is they’re focusing

on their product or service

and they’re trying to understand how do

we make our product or service better

faster digitized you know technology

or they’re focusing on ideas and they’re

ideating and they’re using different

forms of ideation such as you know the

agile the agile concepts conceptual


focus groups and so forth not enough

compasses are focusing on the

inspiration part

which is that deep connection to your

target market and understanding

what exactly are the needs of your

target market through empathy

through stepping into their shoes so

what you’re ultimately doing in terms of

innovation is that you’re matching

needs consumer needs that are out there

with what is technologically feasible

and what a viable business strategy you

can convert into value

so that’s actually what innovation is so

ideas are meaningless unless you know

what your customer values

so it goes back to that deep heartfelt

empathetic connection

which we are not doing enough of at the

moment so your product or service is

merely a vehicle of value

we’re focusing on the product or service

as the execution but

that’s just merely a a vehicle of that

of that value

so the process is very human centered

it’s the creation of an idea

by observing another human being by

another human being so it’s a human

centred process

so at any stage it may or may not

include technology at any one of those

stages inspiration

ideation implementation you may or may

not utilize technology but technology is

not innovation

so innovation is the empathy to connect

the inspiration to solve creativity

which means beyond existing paradigms

which means going beyond your current


thinking differently knowing how locked

in your arc sheets your current thinking

at the moment

and then to ideate and have the courage

to be able to implement so

innovation is very much human-centered

it’s a human-centric process

it’s far removed in reality from


so all of your weft 2022 skills for


all of those skills are based on your

ability to think critically to think


to problem solve to have emotional

intelligence to connect with another

human being

so all the skills that you actually need

in the new age are human

centered skills which we are not

focusing sufficiently on

because we focus so much on thinking

we’re going to miss the boat with


our environments and digitizing our

products and services

so what are different types of

innovation i’m not going to go into all

of these

but there are 11 broad different types

of innovation and

one of those types of innovation is

disruption so many different types of

innovation one of them is disruption and


less than one out of ten even less than

that is actually some form of disruption

so most innovations actually incremental

that we’re hardly even noticing

so disruption is a type of innovation

that displaces so it completely


an industry it displaces companies

disruption is not innovation disruption

is a type of innovation

and it’s a very small part of what

innovation actually is

so now spacex at the moment are working

on technology to enable us to go

anywhere in the world within 30 minutes

so they’re wanting to make that

commercially available in under 10 years

at the price of a domestic ticket

okay so they’re wanting to make that

available in less than 10 years

so that’s disruption that’s a

singularity innovation

happens thereafter so that disrupts many

companies many industries many countries

because your competition all of a sudden

got global

you can live anywhere work anywhere at

the price of a domestic ticket

and travel literally anywhere from 20 to

30 minutes

so how to innovate so insanity is doing

the same thing over and over again

expecting a different result right so if

you want to innovate you want to change

your results

so to change your results you need to

change your behavior and to change your

behavior you need to change the way that

you think

innovation starts with the way that you

think and it’s your ability to be able

to connect

so 95 of everything that we do as a

result of habit and some actually say

this goes up to 97 and even the way you


is as a result of habit so if you want a

new outcome you’ll have to break the

habit of being yourself you have to

break the habit of how you think and how

you feel and how you act

if you want to innovate so your brain

actually is only able to absorb 40 bits

of information per second

and there is 11 million bits of

information at any point in time


so that’s why there’s no such thing as

reality because reality is just

perception all of you right now even

though you’re looking at me

you’re actually looking through a

different lens which means you’re seeing

a different version of reality

so does reality exist or not so there’s

11 million bits of information we can

only absorb in 40 bits of that


and the 40 bits that we choose to absorb

depends on our programs depends on what

we are choosing

to believe so if you want to open up

your programs and be creative

and think beyond your existing paradigms

you need to understand to be able to


outside of your existing programs

so we notice only what matches our

internal belief system

and identified context so extreme

achievers see opportunities through


through human empathetic connection they

see opportunities

they have they’re able to step into the

shoes of another and they’re driven by

that to solve their pains or enable them

they create outside of existing

paradigms they’re aware

of that they can only see those 40 base

their limitations and they know how to

step outside of that and think


so the new parent business paradigm of

the the exponential age is v

equals v so what a u value which it’s in

brackets because it doesn’t really

matter in the innovation context which

you value

that’s just what you’re going to get as

a default so what’s most important is

number two and number three so what is

the market value

what is their need are you assuming they

need do do you actually understand what

their needs are are you through deep

empathy connecting with them and do you

actually understand what your customers

actually want

so what do they need and then how do you

sustainably deliver

that need and as cindy norcal mentioned

earlier you always

give more than what you actually want in

return so you always give more value

than the value that you’re actually

receiving in return and in business

that value in return will be the profit

that you actually actually make so

before you actually make money is there

actually is a high enough need

over deliver that and ensure that the

way that you actually deliver that is

done in a sustainable manner where

you’re caretaking the entire ecosystem

so that’s the new business paradigm for

the exponential age and a paradigm shift

is a change that happens when the usual

way of thinking is replaced by a new and

different way so the innovation age

is not calling you to digitize

everything the innovations age is

calling you to connect

is to get back into back in touch with

your human skills and be able to think

differently outside of your existing


that’s focused outside of yourself

innovation is not focused on you

innovation besides you being the vessel

of excellence

and value delivery your focus on the

other whoever your target market is and

how are you going to deliver value that

they need

not value that you need because if most

businesses are failing to innovate

they’re failing to innovate because

they’re not matching um up with the

value in the marketplace that’s actually


so try not to become a man of success or

should i rather say a person of success

but rather try to become a person of

value so look at look at the world in

terms of value how are you creating

value high delivering value outside of


so we’re passionate about shifting our

paradigm to delivering value outside of

yourselves are you

that’s the question and did you

understand in 12 minutes

oh i went over 12 55

why innovation and disruption and

technology are different

then my job is done thank you
