The worlds most painful insect sting Justin Schmidt

Welcome to It Hurts!

One of these creatures is thought
to possess

the world’s most painful insect sting.

If you were to guess, would it be:

the ant that forages
in rainforest canopies?

The bee that protects a hive
of delectable honey?

Or the wasp that paralyzes tarantulas?

Let’s find out!

Ant, bee, and wasp venoms contain
a variable cocktail of compounds

designed to incite unsavory sensations
and even compromise bodily functions.

Entomologist Justin O. Schmidt’s
sting pain index

describes and ranks the pain
of around 100 kinds of insect stings.

One of our three competitors
claims the nastiest one.

First, let’s consider
the Western honeybee’s sting,

Schmidt says it’s like “a flaming
match head has landed on your arm

and is quenched first with lye
and then sulfuric acid.”

This discomfort is accomplished with venom

that’s packed with a pain-causing
peptide called “melittin”

and flesh-softening enzymes
that disperse the venom.

These enzymes may also cause
allergic reactions

and even lead to fluid buildup
in the lungs.

Because worker honeybees have barbed
stingers that burrow into certain victims,

they usually can’t sting without leaving
part of their bodies behind,

which ultimately kills them.

Since only the queen bee has
the ability to reproduce,

a worker bee’s self-sacrifice helps
ensure that the colony— and their genes—

will prevail.

But before they go,

they release an alarm pheromone
that activates a mass attack

and often targets some of the most
vulnerable sites on their victim’s body.

The tarantula hawk wasp sting is,
as Schmidt says,

“blinding, fierce, shockingly electric …
A bolt out of the heavens.

Lie down and scream.”

The sensation might last just 5
agonizing minutes for humans,

but it leaves tarantulas— the wasp’s
preferred target— permanently paralyzed.

After the wasp stings a tarantula,
aiming for a crucial bundle of nerves,

it lays an egg on the immobilized spider.

Once hatched, the wasp’s larva spends
its formative days

in the bountiful environment
of the tarantula’s body—

devouring it alive.

Aside from paralyzing the tarantula,

the wasp’s sting doesn’t seem
to do further harm.

This functions to preserve the spider
as fresh meat for the wasp’s offspring.

The rainforest-dwelling bullet ant’s sting

“pure, intense, brilliant pain.

Like walking over a flaming bed
of charcoal

with a 3-inch nail embedded
in your heel,” according to Schmidt.

And this torture
often lasts more than 12 hours.

A neurotoxic peptide called poneratoxin

that our bodies struggle to degrade
is what makes the pain last so long.

In addition to agony, poneratoxin can
induce trembling, cold sweats,

nausea, vomiting,
and even an abnormal heartbeat.

The bullet ant is, in fact, crowned
with the most painful insect sting.

It’s thought that they may have evolved
such an excruciating defense

because they forage in rainforest canopies
loaded with predators

looking for proteinaceous snacks.

They can’t simply jump or fly away,

so perhaps they’re better off with this
reliable, rather off-putting weapon.

The tarantula hawk wasp’s formidable sting

clocks in as the second most painful
on the scale.

And it’s likely the reason this wasp
has no known predators.

Honeybee stings are in the middle
of the pain scale.

But when many sting simultaneously,

what might’ve felt manageable at first
becomes all the more dangerous.

In fact, insect stings helped enable
the evolution of complex colonies

that would otherwise represent
an easy feast to predators.

Some stinging insects are, of course,
more aggressive than others,

but most of the time, they only sting us
when we provoke them.

The truth hurts.