Elevating Spiritual Intelligence


what if i pursued a different major

what if i accepted a different job

what if i married so and so

what if i invested in bitcoin what if

what if what if to a degree

all of us are haunted by the dark forces

behind the letters i and f

whether it’s in our relationships our


our finances that ideas always lingers

in the back of our minds holding

ourselves accountable

for making certain decisions in the past

with the possibility

of being in the better place in our


the problem with this type of thinking

is that once you open those doors

it has the ability to slowly consume you

with these imaginary utopian outcomes

one needs to be careful that this type

of thinking

has many negative negative ramifications

it’s like a psychological quicksand the

more you try to think about it

the more it draws you in the stronger it

pulls you

deeper and deeper into negative thoughts

what if is just one of many of these

psychological landmines that can deter


from being productive pursue our goals

moving forward elevating ourselves

with the current state of affairs our

themes of a conference

to revision and refocus helps us look

deeper into ourselves and asks

how can i elevate myself how can i

elevate my spiritual intellect

so what do we rely upon to restrain

these thoughts

as it’s not a matter of intellect

one might have a very high iq

yet they might have difficult

controlling emotions

indicating a low level of emotional cue

in the science of islamic spiritual


there are what i call the golden rules

prophetic that help safeguard us

from these types of psychological


in the case of what-ifs the golden rule

is there are no what-ifs period

the rule protects us from becoming

a victim to the what if mentality

it’s a code you live by naturally

these thoughts will come to you but when

they do

you simply remind yourself and not

entertain it

let’s take a deeper dive into the


of the islamic spiritual psychology and


how one can spiritually elevate oneself

and purify one’s heart

in this ecosystem there are four key


the heart it is at its core

right at the center above the heart

is the higher dimension the roux

the soul and below the heart

is the lower dimension called nups

the awareness and lastly

away from the heart on the side

we have occl which is loosely translated

as the mind but to be precise

in the arabic language it’s translated

as restraint or to control

it is the ceo the chief operations

officer it takes orders

and fulfills them and commands our limbs

our tongue our hearts our minds our


our actions the nafs

the awareness below the heart is divided

into four categories which help us


our nature the lowest nature

is of livestock which is of a cattle

or a sheep if your ultimate goal in life

is to just eat play drink

copulate then essentially

that is your state of a cow or a sheep

the next level of awareness is

categorized as predatory

it’s very much like a hyena a predatory


will do whatever it takes to kill the


to intimidate it to enrage and violence

and if you find yourself in that state

then that is your predatory state

the third level is the darker nature

which is even worse in addition to the

predatory state

now we add arrogance

deception lying

cheating if you take pleasure in those

states and if it makes you feel elevated

in that state then you are in that state

and the last one is the angelic state

a state of purity truthfulness

humbleness and to know the divine

is the ultimate state and the pursuit of

all those

attributes that is the angelic awareness

our goal should be to always elevate


and take a lifetime journey to purify

our hearts

which will liberate from these lower


of nufs or awareness

the heart is a reflection of your of

your awareness

so if you continue to indulge in these

lower levels of awareness

the heart will be the reflection of that

it will command the uncle our chief

operations officer

to command our limbs and hearts and our


but if we purify our hearts and strive

towards that which is good

then our hearts will illuminate

and illuminate light

inwardly and outwardly
