Artificial Intelligence The impossibility of the inevitable


and i am here today to ask of you to do

something simple first

can everyone please close your eyes and


a future city a utopia where humans and

machines sort of like merge together to

create a thriving society

now please keep that image in your eyes

as you

open them and we continue on with the

rest of the presentation

today i’m gonna talk about artificial

intelligence or as i like to call it

the inevitably i think i mean the


of the inevitable so what is ai first

and foremost

a stands for artificial it’s a state

where something is made by humans

it’s manufactured is created


is the ability to think to reason to

have logic

and figure out problems on your own when

given so what do we have

when we combine those two artificial


an effort by humans to create a machine

that thinks and acts like human

that we can just give problems to and

they will figure out how to solve them

so what are the applications and

advantages of this first off let’s talk

about the opportunities this

is sophia an ai made in

hong kong who is the first ai to

actually gain citizenship

and has a passport she is extremely


advanced and is able to hold debates ask


questions her own existence at times

even though that might seem kind of


so we’re gonna move on to something a

bit simpler and easier to understand

sorry everyone here knows siri i can say

hey siri call your mom

and some phones will pick up

and syria will your among it’s actually

pretty convenient i use it every now and


but it’s an application of ai that is

albeit simple

very close to our daily lives so

what are the middle ground between these

simple and complicated ai

first off it’s a korean airport robot i

have been in korea these robots are

really great

you can tell them hey i need to go to

this gate because i have a flight at

5 pm and it will take you there in


you can tell it to take a picture for

you and send it to your family members


it would it’s great it’s smart it knows

how to compliment you and stuff too

and this is a robot that’s painting

painting a job that requires a lot of


and skill in humans is now being

done by a robot how

how weird is that how great is that

actually imagine all the applications we

could use in the field

robots at the surgery that gives


medicines robot that does construction

robot that

kill us right i guess we’re getting to


as some a lot of people have pointed out

there is

an a fear of an inevitable robot

apocalypse where the robot thinks

they’re inferior to human and they would

take us over with guns and bombs

so what leads to this actually first off

is charge

humans can make a burger robots they can

also make a burger but with just the

right amount of

buns and mayonnaise and meat for it to

be the best burger you have ever tasted

in your entire life

and we’re afraid of being replaced


the idea that ai are inherently superior

than us

as demonstrated in irobot starring will


is that the robot thinks of themselves

as something more advanced than us and

they think that

why are we serving these slowly humans

and we should rise up which leads to the


as some a lot of you have probably seen

and watched you know the games you know

the movies you know the unstoppable

killing machines with rockets that they


but i’m not here today to talk about

that i’m here to talk about why we

should not be afraid actually

what are these this is a citizen this

is a movie this is another movie what

are they

the mass media created by the people for

the people

for entertainment and either exaggerate

it or

invent a problem that isn’t existing in

the first place

so be smart consume

with deflated hurricanes comes deflated


somebody has to try drugs it may also be

you these are quotes generated by an

ai called inspirobot or as it calls

itself an artificial intelligence

dedicated to generating

countless amounts of inspirational

quotes for humans

now um i can’t speak for everyone in

this room obviously but

some of these quotes are not as

inspirational as others i’m sure

i’m sure so let us go on to

the misconceptions about ai first off

the ais are smarter than us

google’s advanced ai everyone so

they actually need a lot of time to be


how ai works is that you give them a

problem and feed them very little

info and through trial and error they

will figure out a solution

but the key word here is through trial

and error

they have to go through multiple

iterations before they can reach the

level of

perfection that is required to perform

the job that they’re given

and that can take months years if not


and as shown by a picture here these are

four ais

being told walk and the last one

is better than all the others because

he’s generation 999 that means

he has been doing the same routine of

walking for nearly a thousand times

before he can get to that level of

perfection in a way it’s similar to us

i did a math test last week and i

flopped but if i do that same math test

999 times i will get to

the perfect level so secondly

that air just straight up out of the box

better than

us as demonstrated by a checkers match

between lisa dole and google’s alphago


in which the ai won and actually brought

home a 1 million

dollar prize pool so a lot of people use

this and think that like

ai’s are better than us they’re gonna

take us over and to that my answer is

no what do we have that they don’t

first things first the originality again

ai is a machine you have to feed it

information and it has to go through

a lot of calculating process before it

can come up with

a proper solution or a product

meanwhile us humans have the ability to

go to sleep

to suddenly dream of something that’s

very surreal and out of this world and

may or may not have even

existed in the first place in fact

that’s how ai came to be someone went to

sleep and woke up thinking i’m gonna

make a machine that thinks like a human

and it’s something that machines

themselves can never do because they

need to rely on

information before sorry beforehand

secondly the feelings

we have emotions i’m not saying that ai

can’t have emotions they totally can

but it’s gonna feel very machined and


if you tell it something and it wants to

react to that the ai have to go through

a process of taking

apart your words and tones and it has to

calculate the context even

and to output an emotion it feels very

sticky done it’s not something organic


at least something as organic as when

you tell your friend you killed his pet


and finally what does that lead to the


we as humans are higher than animals

that’s because we have the corporal

colossus linking our two

sides of the brain that’s because we

have the eq the emotional quotient

ai have iq they’re able to do and think

and calculate things that we almost

never can

but instantly meanwhile ai has i mean

i’m sorry humans have the privilege of

having emotion

a lot of you think that we have human

errors and those are

things that we need to fix we need to

eliminate but have you ever asked

yourself if that’s

what makes us human i can be up here

giving a presentation

five times in a row and each time we

feel different with a different tone

with a different voice

and it will feel somewhat fresh even

with the same content

an ai can come up here gives my


five times in a row and it will feel

like something you copy and paste it

in five different documents so

it’s just not the same us humans are


the ais cannot replace us simply because

they are a different entity now

i’m not saying that google i mean i’m

not saying that human sucks and ai is


neither am i saying that ai sucks and

humans are better

what i’m saying is that we are different

so how about we work together think back

to the utopia i told you to imagine at

the beginning of the presentation

what if in that society humans are the

one who comes up with the idea

who has the vision who has the purpose

in life

and ai is the one who helps us actually

doing it what if ai can help us in

constructing buildings

and humans can think of those buildings

in the first place

and i guess my main point today is just

why are we pushing the ai away

or why are we afraid that they’re gonna

take us over

why do we keep seeing this imaginary


future of robots pointing guns at our

faces and

make us submit to them why are we

afraid so please

give them a chance i conclude my

