The Gateway to Space



hello everyone

um my name is ahmad farid

first thing i want to ask you what is

your dream

i also want to ask you is it really your


or your parents or your dads your mom’s

your family’s dream i want to go through

space story how did the space start

and where is going to end and

how is ending what they are planning to

do right now

space started 1926

with the first rocket

it was a failure it was a small idea

afterwards they came up with a it was an

american rocket

and then the the germans started as well


uh do the other um

liquid rocket flying to the space

uh 1944 as we see here

we’ve got the first man

trying to be there but it’s not


and it never happened then the russians

the americans and then the russians


and then again landing on the moon

started after the sputnik that was the


object and space


that’s just a story of the space itself

um it was a through a cold war

while everyone wanna say i’m stronger

i have the idea i’m

doing much better that than

than than yourself



which is coming up that was the first

man on the moon

when they came up with the idea in 1926

what they want to do in a space

they started from 1969

by having armstrong on the moon

realizing that the dream that they have

dreamed of

is becoming something becoming bigger

and from there they were just

letting the man land on the moon without

real experiment that’s really

affecting us on earth

started the space station the

international space station

started uh mir the russian

space station and they

um they did the united united together

they they became

international space station where they


the russians the americans

the japanese the europeans

and the canadians

they started space exploration from

nothing from a small idea

until it became really huge

small idea nobody understood why they

wanted to do that before

nobody understood why they wanted to go

to space

and why space is important to us on


it became complicated became also

very uh matter of subject of people

asking now what does space

help us how is it helping us on earth


we need space is it just to be cool to

be an astronaut

is it just to be cool to be in a space

is just to

to get uh people starting

uh their interests changing from

the internet to the space

which i always say space is the new


why am i talking about the space history

i’m going to the gateway to the moon

it’s not me i’m going to the story that

i started

for the next step that is happening

right now

in space i talked about the

international space station before which

is a cooperation between the americans

russians canadians and japanese


out of those nations they decided

they want to go deeper in space

they decided they want to get more

science they want to get more


where they have

weak knowledge and and

the deep space when they started to do


they are deciding 2024

which is in four years they want to

build another

space station it’s called gateway that’s

going to be orbiting the moon

while it’s orbiting the moon there are


going to that space station they’ll

orbit the moon

they go from the gateway space station

to the moon

they want to build a

base on the moon they want to build


which called moon village

they want to build

robots they want to build

cities that taking the workers

from the ground to the moon

and from the moon to the deep space

why why they’re doing that why why

especially the moon why not mars

for example why not mars starting now

and then

starting with the moon first the moon

does have

h3 does have a material that is not on


that is way more expensive on earth

than getting it from the moon that’s why

india now want to be landing on the moon

russia isa which are the europeans

americans of course at this stage they

are not the first

but they are the leaders still

and all other nations they want to land

and get more

advantages to earth from space

how’s that happening how

we’re getting advantage from space

why i’m telling the story about this


because three words

thoughts become things

if you think of something

you really do it dreams

without work it’s just dreams

as i asked before what is your dream and

as i asked as well

is it really your dream or this is

how your parents want you to be

my dad he wanted me to be a doctor

it wasn’t really my interest although

while i was child i just knew

that hospitals

hospital atmosphere um

doctors that’s all what i knew that’s

what my word was

but it didn’t really take my interest i

was interested into

games i wanted to play

um as a every little child but

not just playing i also wanted to

create something while i was playing i

was eight

i was eight and that’s when i started my


so i started my career as as when i was

eight years old it’s a joke everyone

you can laugh and

at the time when i started my my career

when i was eight i started to play with

the computer

i started to play with the programming i

i was bored of the games i was bored of

gaming i was bored of

letting my my time being waste and just

no gain after hours of gaming’s

i wanted to build a game myself i wanted

to build what is happening on the screen

i wanted to build it myself but still i

didn’t learn

how and still the idea of people

surrounding me telling me gaming

playing that’s not getting you to


uh you gotta be you gotta be something

that people

will talk about they’re gonna be

something that is bigger than just

interested in in i.t or gaming or


which practically the profiling

engineer doctor officer pilot

and an astronaut the

idea of me starting to do

what i want to do is just

been let out by my parents

they supported me for

letting me do what i really want to do

after the support i took my

way and

been selected

as ground controller spacecraft


spacecraft controller for the ground


ground ground space station

been selected as an astronaut scientist


for possum program

um i’m the only egyptian

there at the german located at the

german space operation center


the the final of that

i know a person

very very close to me

recently he passed away

he had problems with his back

he had a back pain and

the spine is getting

very hard powered on the nerves

which the nerve letting

the hands not really moving in the right

direction and

as well as the legs so there were


doing fine things while

the hands are not really doing what it

should do what it’s supposed to do

this person had to be

either operated it was an older person

or doing a physiotherapy

the physiotherapy was the option

for that person the physiotherapy

it was in a special machine

that is letting the spines

and the heads moving in certain way

that the nerves getting its freedom


um i always talk

with that person i always say how

how would you fix that right now and

that was the last thing to be fixed

which is

the physiotherapy the machine

it’s located in few spots on earth

they’re not everywhere he had to fly


to use that machine

i searched the internet i was looking at

the machine

and i was saying all right let me see


is that machine developed and why is so


and why is that much expensive

and how does this help us here

i figured out that this machine been


on the international space station

that’s the iss

while i was already working as a ground


for the international space station for




this person he was my dad

so my dad the doctor

i helped him without me being a doctor

while i did what i really wanted to do

the idea behind what i want to say

is dream big

dream what you really want to dream for

dream what you really want to do

i always say no matter where you come


your dream is valid

when i was your age when i was younger

when i was eight

i didn’t know where i’m going to be but

i had a dream

and no matter where you come from your

dream is valid

thank you



