All your devices can be hacked Avi Rubin



I’m a computer science professor and my

area of expertise is computer and

information security when I was in

graduate school I had the opportunity to

overhear my grandmother describing to

one of her fellow senior citizens what I

did for a living

apparently I was in charge of making

sure that no one stole the computers

from the university and you know that’s

a perfectly reasonable thing for her to

think because I told her I was working

in computer security and it was

interesting to get her perspective but

that’s not the most ridiculous thing

I’ve ever heard anyone say about my work

the most ridiculous thing I ever heard

is I was at a dinner party and a woman

heard that I work in computer security

and she asked me if she said her

computer had been infected by a virus

and she was very concerned that she

might get sick from it that she could

get this virus and I’m not a doctor but

I reassured her that it was very very

unlikely that this would happen but if

she felt more comfortable she could be

free to use latex gloves when she was on

the computer and it’d be no harm

whatsoever than that I’m gonna get back

to this notion of being able to get a

virus from your computer in a serious


what I’m going to talk to you about

today are some hacks some real-world

cyberattacks that people in my community

the academic research community have

performed which I don’t think most

people know about and I think they’re

very interesting and scary and this talk

is kind of a greatest hits of the

academic security community’s hacks none

of the work is my work it’s all work

that my colleagues have done and

actually asked them for their slides and

incorporated them into this talk so the

first one I’m going to talk about are

implanted medical devices no medical

devices have come a long way

technologically you can see in 1926 the

first pacemaker was invented in 1960 the

first internal pacemaker was implanted

hopefully a little smaller than that one

that you see there and technology has

continued to move forward

in 2006 we hit an important milestone

from the perspective of of computer

security and why do I say that because

that’s when implanted devices inside of

people started to have networking

capabilities one thing that brings us

close to home as we look at Dick

Cheney’s device he had a device that

pumped blood from an aorta to another

part of the heart and as you could see

at the bottom there it was controlled by

a computer controller and if you ever

thought that software reliability was

very important get one of these inside

of you now what a research team did was

they got their hands on what’s called an

ICD this is a defibrillator and this is

a device that goes into a person to

control their heart rhythm and these

have saved many lives well in order to

not have to open up the person every

time you want to reprogram their device

or do some Diagnostics on it they made

the thing be able to communicate

wirelessly and what this research team

did is they reverse engineered the

wireless protocol and they built the

device you see pictured here with a

little antenna that could talk the

protocol to the device and and thus

control it in order to make their

experience real they were unable to find

any volunteers and so they went and they

got some ground beef and some bacon and

they wrapped it all up to about the size

of a human beings area where the device

would go when they stuck the device

inside it to perform their experiments

somewhat realistically they launched

many many successful attacks one that

I’ll highlight here is changing the

patient’s name I don’t know why you

would want to do that but I sure

wouldn’t want that done to me and they

were able to change therapies including

disabling the device and this is with a

real commercial off-the-shelf device

simply by performing reverse engineering

and sending wireless signals to it

there was a piece on NPR that some of

these I CDs could actually have their

performance disrupted simply by holding

a pair of headphones on to them now

wireless and the Internet can improve

healthcare greatly there are several

examples up on the screen of situations

where doctors are looking to implant

devices inside of people and all of

these devices now it’s standard that

they communicate wirelessly and I think

this is great but without a full

understanding of trust

were the computing and without

understanding what attackers can do and

the security risks from the beginning

there’s a lot of danger in this ok let

me shift gears and show you another

target I’m going to show you a few

different targets like this and that’s

my top so we’ll look at automobiles this

is a car and it has a lot of components

a lot of electronics in it today in fact

it’s got many many different computers

inside of it more Pentiums than my lab

did when i was in college and they’re

connected by a wired network there’s

also a wireless network in the car which

can be reached from many different ways

so there’s Bluetooth there’s the FM and

XM radio there’s actually Wi-Fi there

are sensors in the wheels that

wirelessly communicate the tire pressure

to a controller onboard the modern car

is a sophisticated multi computer device

and what happens if somebody wanted to

attack this well that’s what the

researchers that I’m going to talk about

today did they basically stuck an

attacker on the wired network and on the

wireless network now they have two areas

they can attack one is short-range

wireless where you can actually

communicate with device from nearby

either through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi and

the other it’s long range where you can

communicate with the car through the

cellular network or through one of the

radio stations think about it when a car

receives a radio signal its processed by

software that software has to receive

and decode the radio signal and then

figure out what to do with it even if

it’s just music that it needs to play on

the radio and that software that does

that decoding if it has any bugs in it

could create a vulnerability for

somebody to hack the car the way that

the researchers did this work is they

read the software in in the computer

chips that were in the car and then they

use sophisticated reverse engineering

tools to figure out what that software

did and then they found vulnerabilities

in that software and then they built

exploits to exploit those they actually

carried out their attack in real life

they bought two cars and I guess they

have better budgets than I do the first

threat model was to see what someone

could do if an attacker actually got

access to the internal network on the

car ok so think of

if someone gets to go to your car they

get to mess around with it and then they

leave and now what kind of trouble are

you in the other threat model is that

they contact you in real-time over one

of the wireless networks like the

cellular or something like that never

having actually gotten physical access

to your car this is what their setup

looks like for the first model where you

get to have access to the car they put a

laptop and they connected to the

diagnostic unit on the in-car network

and they did all kinds of silly things

like here’s a picture of the speedometer

showing 140 miles an hour when the cars

in park once you have control of the

cars computers you can do anything now

you might say okay that’s silly well

what if you make the car always say it’s

going 20 miles an hour slower than it’s

actually going you might produce a lot

of speeding tickets then they went out

to an abandoned airstrip with two cars

the target victim car in the chase car

and they launched a bunch of other

attacks one of the things they were able

to do from the chase cars apply the

brakes on the other car simply by

hacking the computer they were able to

disable the brakes they also were able

to install malware that wouldn’t kick in

and wouldn’t trigger until the car was

doing something like going over 20 miles

an hour or something like that the

results are astonishing and when they

gave this talk even though they gave

this talk at a conference to a bunch of

computer security researchers everybody

was gasping they were able to take over

a bunch of critical computers inside the

car the brakes computer the lighting

computer the engine the dash the radio

etc and they were able to perform these

on real commercial cars that they

purchased using the radio network they

were able to compromise every single one

of the pieces of software that

controlled every single one of the

wireless capabilities of the car all of

these are implemented successfully how

would you steal a car in this model well

you compromised the car by a buffer

overflow vulnerability in the software

or something like that you use the GPS

in the car to locate it you remotely

unlock the doors through the computer

that controls that start the engine

bypass anti-theft and you’ve got

yourself a car surveillance was really

interesting the authors of the study

have a video where they show themselves

taking over a car

and then turning on the microphone in

the car and listening in on the car

while tracking it via GPS on a map and

so that’s something that the drivers of

the car would never know was happening i

scaring you yet got a few more of these

interesting ones these are ones where I

went to a conference and my mind was

just blown and I said I have to share

this with other people

this was Fabien Monroe says lab at the

University of North Carolina and what

they did was something intuitive once

you see it but kind of surprising they

videotape people on a bus and then they

post processes the video what you see

here in number one is a reflection in

somebody’s glasses of the smartphone

that they’re typing in they wrote

software to stabilize even though they

were on a bus and maybe someones holding

their phone at an angle to stabilize the

phone process it and you may know on

your smartphone when you type a password

the keys pop out a little bit and they

were able to use that to reconstruct

what the person was typing and had a

language model for detecting typing was

what was interesting is by videotaping

on a bus they were able to produce

exactly what people on their smartphones

were typing and then they had a

surprising result which is that their

software had not only done it for their

target but other people who accidentally

happen to be in the picture they were

able to produce what those people had

been typing and that was kind of an

accidental artifact of what their

software was doing I’ll show you two

more one is p25 radios p25 radios are

used by law enforcement and all kinds of

government agencies and people in combat

to communicate and there’s an encryption

option on these phones this is what the

phone looks like it’s not really a phone

it’s more of a two-way radio motorola

makes the most widely used one and you

can see that they’re used by secret

service they’re used in combat it’s a

very very common standard in the US and

elsewhere so one question the

researchers asked themselves is could

you block this thing right could you run

a denial of service because these are

first responders so what a terrorist

organization want to black out the

ability of police and fire to

communicate at an emergency they found

that there’s this girl tech device used

for texting that happens to operate at

the same exact frequency

is the p25 and they built what they

called my first jammer if you look

closely at this device it’s got a switch

for encryption or clear text let me

advance the slide and now I’ll go back

you see the difference

this is plain text this is encrypted

there’s one little dot that shows up on

the screen and one little tiny turn of

the switch and so the researchers asked

themselves I wonder how many times very

secure important sensitive conversations

are happening on these 2-way radios

where they forget to encrypt and they

don’t notice that they didn’t encrypt so

they bought a scanner these are

perfectly legal and they run at the

frequency of the p25 and what they did

is they hopped around frequencies and

they wrote software to listen in if they

found encrypted communication they

stayed on that channel and they wrote

down that’s a channel that these people

communicate in these law enforcement

agencies and they went to 20

metropolitan areas and listened in on

conversations that were happening at

those frequencies they found that in

every metropolitan area they would

capture over 20 minutes a day of clear

text communication and what kind of

things were people talking about well

they found the names and information

about confidential informants they found

information that was being recorded in

wiretaps a bunch of crimes that were

being discussed sensitive information

it was mostly law enforcement in

criminal they went and reported this to

the law enforcement agencies after

anonymizing it and the vulnerability

here is simply the user interface wasn’t

good enough if you’re talking about

something really secure and sensitive it

should be really clear to you that this

conversation is encrypted that one’s

pretty easy to fix the last one I

thought was really really cool and I

just had to show it to you it’s probably

not something that you’re gonna lose

sleep over like the cars or the


but it’s stealing keystrokes now we’ve

all looked at smart phones upside down

every security expert wants to hack a

smart phone and we tend to look at the

USB port to GPS for tracking the camera

the microphone but no one up till this

point had looked at the accelerometer

the accelerometer is the thing that

determines the vertical orientation of

the smartphone and so they had a simple

setup they put a smart

phone next to a keyboard and they had

people type and then their goal was to

use the vibrations that were created by

typing to measure the change in the

accelerometer reading to determine what

the person had been typing now when they

tried this on an iPhone 3GS this is a

graph of the perturbations that were

created by the typing and you can see

that it’s very difficult to tell when

somebody was typing or what they were

typing but iPhone 4 greatly improved the

accelerometer and so the same

measurement produced this graph now that

gave you a lot of information while

someone was typing and what they did

then is used advanced artificial

intelligence techniques called machine

learning to have a training phase and so

they got most likely grad students to

type in a whole lot of things and to

learn to have the system use the machine

learning tools that were available to

learn what it is that the people were

typing and to match that up with the

measurements in the accelerometer and

then there’s the attack phase where you

get somebody to type something in you

don’t know what it was but you use your

model that you created in the training

phase to figure out what they were

typing they had pretty good success this

is an article from the USA Today they

typed in the Illinois Supreme Court has

ruled that Ram Immanuel is eligible to

run for mayor of Chicago see I tied into

the last talk and ordered him to stay on

the ballot now the system is interesting

because it produced Illinois Supreme and

then it wasn’t sure the model produced a

bunch of options and this is the beauty

of of some of the AI techniques is that

computers are good at some things humans

are good at other things take the best

of both what the humans solve this one

don’t waste computer cycles a human’s

not going to think it’s the supreme

might it’s the Supreme Court right and

so together we’re able to reproduce

typing simply by measuring the

accelerometer why is this matter well in

in the Android platform for example the

developers have a manifest where every

device on their the microphone etc has

to register if you’re going to use it so

that hackers can’t take over it but

nobody controls the accelerometer so

what’s the point you can leave your

iPhone next to someone’s keyboard and

just leave the room and then later

recover what they did even without

using the microphone if someone is able

to put malware on your iPhone they could

then maybe get the typing that you do

whenever you put your iPhone next to

your keyboard there’s several other

notable attacks that unfortunately I

don’t have time to go into but the one

that I wanted to point out was a group

from the University of Michigan which

was able to take voting machines the

Sequoia AVC edged er ease that were

going to be used in New Jersey in the

election that were left in a hallway and

put pac-man on it so they ran the

pac-man game what does this all mean

well I think that society tends to adopt

technology really quickly I love the

next coolest gadget but it’s very

important and these researchers are

showing that the developers of these

things need to take security into

account from the very beginning and need

to realize that they may have a threat

model but the attackers may not be nice

enough to limit themselves to that

threat model and so you need to think

outside of the box what we can do is be

aware that devices can be compromised

and anything that has software in it is

going to be vulnerable it’s going to

have bugs thank you very much
