Conquer your fears to live your dream



as a person who was born a small village

and conservative society

definition of success it’s very simple

it’s defined as obtaining the basic

needs in life what are the basic needs

find a job marry a woman

that’s will be called housewife

all her life and she can bear as much as

kids as she can

more better uh

education never been part of it but if

you’re educated

then it’s better

growing up and

thinking that i have to wait that 12

years of study

and schooling to be finished and i can

find a job

and then marriage

somehow the idea of it it was bothering

me because there were so many questions

in my head

who am i uh what i want to be

and is that i’m gonna

do gonna make me happy and so many other


and one big question was in my head that

when i reached 50 if someone asked me

uh what are your achievement in life and

will i have an answer for that

but i wasn’t brave enough to

ask those questions

to anyone um

by the age of 18

when i finished my school and uh

i went abroad to

for university so i realized

i can ask more

it’s fine also to ask yourself

it’s fine questioning yourself it’s fine

to analyze which is

in that society maybe wasn’t allowed

that much

because you’ve been told somehow that

you’re limited and you won’t be able to


so many questions so it’s better not to


so i thought maybe

it’s better to just follow the path

of everyone and that’s what they did

i studied and as soon as i finished my


i went back to uae the place where

i grew up no i try to find a job

like every youngster after the


i wanted to change the world but it

wasn’t that easy

so i thought let’s start from myself


i tried to find a job it wasn’t that


and uh it took me so long

uh to find a job after six months almost

every week five times a week


or being interviewed i found a job

what was the job putting fires

in the places wasn’t that great

it took me only a week to change my job

and then i found another job

which was uh at the beginning it was

uh full of excitement a salesperson who


go from one office to another office

from one meeting to another meeting

but that excitement

ends soon as well i decided that

uh my goal is

i’m gonna just get my master degree

and be a manager of the company and

that’s going to be my ultimate goal

so i work on it and i try to find

another job which is that

can pay the university bills that is

was so expensive

so what happened is

luckily i found a job and i started my

master education

in a university which was 150

kilometers away from where i was living

so uh for five days a week

every day 300 kilometers i was driving

for one and a half year

that’s mean you’re sleeping

three to four hours per day if you’re


i was waking up early morning working


going to the job and

then leaving job at 4-5 or let’s say

escaping from job at 4-5

and driving to university coming back

late night

studying and that was the daily routine

by 2011 i

reached the management position i was

the public relations manager of the


and the same year

i got my master degree so

i guess i reached the ultimate goal

but a month later i resigned from

my position and i

reasoned i wasn’t happy

as simple as that

i just decided i said till when i’m

gonna leave i don’t know

i mean at least let me do what i love to


so i started an acting

job uh with no experience

zero experience not on a stage

not in front of camera i wanted to be an

actor that was my decision everybody was

was no one was taking me serious because

you know

after you reach the management position

and you have the master degree which is


pay so much for it and you try

so many years for it and then suddenly

in a month

time you just decide to say oh by the

way it wasn’t me all these years

i was somehow prepared somehow

i thought i’m prepared for this job to


you know homeless uh not being able to

pay rent and all those but what

i wasn’t prepared uh it was

failing uh failure

because in the society they tell you

don’t fail if you fail that’s the end

but acting taught me something else

every day is a new life every moment is

in your life and

it’s a new beginning when

i started in 2011 i had no idea about

acting about

filmmaking nothing and all i knew

i just loved this job

and it didn’t take me

long to understand it’s not all about

education it’s

it’s mainly about passion

somehow i was breathing

when i was on set and i knew that that’s

a place where i want to be

even failure

was coming back to back and from day one

i wanted to enter bollywood industry i

mean it was a joke those days

because you know millions of people they

try to enter bollywood and uh for a

person who’s

outside who lives outside india and want

to come to the bollywood

it was a joke and you don’t speak india

as well

so uh then i decide to

just not talk about my dreams and just

work on it

years working on different

movies different plays

different cereal

i was trying my luck and then by 2015

i i did

two films and one serial which is i

thought is

gonna change my life uh 2016

the first movie released

i guess only a few people they watched


the crew plus some other people

and the cereal

i wasn’t noticed but then there was this

british film which i was part of it


movies start with my scene so it’s very

interesting scene

so before the release of the film i read


news that it got nominated

for bath award and from

england also it’s going to be sent to


that was great news and i posted on

social media only three hours later

my director sent me a message

to say i’m sorry we had to

remove that scene your scene

from the final cut that was


but uh it was

a few hours till i go back to work again

people said look you try hard all these


it doesn’t work sometimes for some

people doesn’t work

i didn’t believe that

i thought no i mean first of all you’re

enjoying it

i mean even it comes with a lot of

failure but you’re enjoying it

so a year later i was in

the biggest bollywood movie of the year

in front of the biggest superstar

mr salman khan in india

that was shocking for so many people who

said how you can reach there

and after that also when

after release of the the movie

i packed my bag to go to india

everyone told me that’s nothing wise

if it works one it doesn’t mean it’s

worth in-game

uh i went to india 2018

and 2019

i started to

work with one of the finest director of

the country mr nireswander

on one of the biggest

show in india special ops

what i’m thinking about all these years


why this happened to me because

i put the fear away i

i forgot the fear i

listened to my heart it sound cliche but

yes i listened

to my heart till today

when i go for a meeting for work or

film first of all i ask myself

how i feel uh i don’t ask my

so what they were thinking that’s the

first question

if i feel good about it i will do it

yes i listen to my heart i put the fear


so i’m still an actor in bollywood
