The 4 things to do before your lose your job


you may think

that superheroes were invented in united

states in the 50s or the 60s

you’re wrong superheroes with superpower

were actually invented and created in


3000 years ago they have 12 olympian


the most important of them is zeos

when the romans conquered greece

they didn’t really bother to create new


and therefore they literally cut and

pasted the greek gods and translate into

roman religion except one god a true

roman god let me introduce him to him

his name is janus and is considered the

god of transitions because he symbolized

the moment of transition between

life and death war and peace summer and


it was really an important god according

to the romans

and in case you wonder why january is

called that way

is because it was worshipped as the god

of the beginning

and general is called that way in honor

of janus

now look at the iconic feature

of janus yes two faces

one looking at the pasta the face of


because we have to learn from the past

and one looking at the future

a younger more energetic face looking at

the future

looking at the age of change at the age

of transition

so we should relate to januza because

we’re exactly in an age of change as we


and as we look into the future the

question is which kind of future

do we want to see and are we seeing the

answer is

we don’t know we don’t know what the

future unfold

but we probably know that is unlikely

that the future can be defined as a new


which to my surprise has been kind of


term from maybe many organization


and an academic but really

should we really expect normality going


in order to understand this we i’m gonna

ask once more

some help from our greek friends because

normal is a greek word for canonicus

means conforming to a type standard


average predictable what people expect

and my question to you is are we really

sure that what is coming next

can be defined as normal in my view what

i think is coming next

can be better defined as a new context

something that we need to shape

that’s going to be made by chaos crisis

the necessity to take decisions

complexity confusion

and guess what constant change

so this conversation is divided in two


the bad news and the good news the bad

news is gonna last only a few seconds

and the bad news part is gonna last a

little bit longer

it’s gonna be a lot of fun but it’s

gonna be a little bit smelly

and with some tears smelly because we

have to sweat

and to do quite a lot of work over there

now the bad news is you’re going to lose

your job let me repeat you

are going to lose your job or at least

the job that you’re currently doing

is going to be so different in three

maximum five years

down the line that you need to acquire

completely new skills in order to be

able to do it

it’s fair to say that uh people losing


happened before because of technological


look at this guy for example his job was

to wake up people at 5 30 in the morning

and he probably lost his job when the

alarm clock were invented

and the second guy is a guy that lost

his job as well

when they invented a proper raider

however we shouldn’t feel too sorry for

him because it doesn’t look too happy


so the question is why are we going to

lose our job

we’re going to lose our job because the

the moment that we’re leaving and the

characteristic of what the new context

will be

can be defined in perhaps in three

different elements the first one

constant change means amazing speed

exponential speed the exponential speed

of what we’re seeing

is uh incredible right now the second


is uh what we see in front of us and the

the magnitude of the problem problems

are not

exclusively being complicated but also


this is not just a semantic difference

between the two words

but a complicated problem requires

technical expertise

to solve it while a complex problem

requires constant learning adaptation

sense making the capacity to connect

adults the capacity to develop

contextual intelligence and the capacity

of collaborating between different

people but the last element is what we

see right now is not only happening fast

it’s not only complicated and complex

but it’s also

changing us the changing the way we

relate to each other

is changing the way we relate to other

human beings

and to society in general to the point


kai fully uh described the society we’re

moving into

uh it’s called the homo society which

a society in which online with merge

with offline and to certain extent if

you think about were becoming like

mangrovius these amazing plants are so

important for the ecosystem

they’re growing in brackish water an


let me introduce you to akiko akiko


who has recently met and married an


however as a personal favor may kindly

ask you

not to say this to my wife because she

can be tempted to do exactly the same

so let me show you

a wonderful masterpiece is a ferrari t8

and my question to you is what allows

this car

to go to up to 350 kilometers per hour

when i see questions to my in my

workshop and seminar

people responded by saying the engine

the aerodynamics the road condition the


the pilot the technology and this sensor

are correct

but when you think about what allows

this car or

any car to go up to the speed are the


so in a moment where you’re entering

such a new context

my question to you is are you using your

brakes or

if you want rule number one of what you

have to do when you lose your job

rule number one is take care of yourself

let me give a bit of a evidence of the

of this element people

when they have a pet in 96 percent of

the cases

they end up taking care of their pets by

following the instruction given by the


when they take a legendary parents or

maybe a vulnerable and sick friend to

the doctor

is still very high 88 percent of people

end up following the instruction of the


but what’s happened when we go to the

doctor for ourselves

and in less than 40 percent of the cases

we are taking care of ourselves the way

the doctor is telling us to do

because we’ll keep on thinking that

where we can postpone the moment which

we’re taking care of ourselves

and it’s dangerous to deferred our


so let me to certain extent it is also

interesting to see

that people appear to be more concerned

about recharging their phone than

recharging themselves

so the first rule let me repeat is very

important the first rule when you lose

your job

either to take care of yourself and like

jordan peterson wrote you have to treat


like someone you’re responsible for


so the first rule is taking care of


and then what we start with this very

powerful question

what are you good at what are your


what is your talent what is your passion

and in case

you’re still struggling in understanding

and finding the right answer

you can actually find some great help

from your friends

so let me share a small secret with you

something that you may want to do

is uh send an sma so what’s up to 50

people colleagues and friends that knows

you quite well

and you ask them which three words comes

to your mind

when you think of me then sit down

read and listen what they say to you

this is an amazing opportunity to learn


other people and probably you will find


gift amazing skills capacities

insights they will help you to find a


now let’s say for a second that you are

a portfolio manager

a portfolio manager is somebody who’s

managing the financial portfolio of


and the objective of that person is to

increase the value

of this portfolio let’s assume that

rather than managing the portfolio

somebody else

you have to increase the value of your


increase the value of your career so

what would you do

now i’ve been direct of human resources

organization and i noticed that a lot of

people do a very simple mistake

which is they confuse the value of their


with their salaries so they try to

constantly increase their salaries

without increasing the value and the

impact that they provide to the company

this is a big mistake my suggestion is

focus first on increasing the value

of your career and how do you increase

the value of your career by doing these

three things

which i believe is going to be helpful

in your journey the first one

you have to increase and develop your

knowledge capital

knowledge capital is what you know and

there are fundamentally two kinds of


the technical learning which is

relatively easy to measure

let’s say you want to learn to play

piano to play tennis or

a language there are different steps

that gives you a sense of how much

you’ve progressed on the specific domain

but also the personal learning which to

me is the starting point

because we tend to forget that we are

human being

before human doing so start with a

personal learning

uh two things to remember the first one

make sure that you invest at least five

hours per week

in your professional development because

you don’t do it you’re kind of


and you’re not actually increasing the

value of your

career and the second one is to make

sure that

whatever you learned has to translate

into practical results

so what if if i were to say to you then

annoyed by heart

or the recipe of italian cuisines i can


pasta pizza melonzana parmigiana

my favorite but i never cooked a dish

you would not take me seriously because

have not demonstrated that my knowledge

has an impact so make sure that you know

how to cook

as well meaning that in addition to the

theoretical knowledge these are

translated into results and impact

for your company your colleagues the


you serve

the second thing that you have to do is

to reinforce

your relationship capital and let’s be

clear about one thing this is not about

increasing exponentially the number of


that you have contact with it’s not

about having 50 000 followers on

facebook or linkedin

or whatever social media is about

being at the service of others so to

certain extent

your relationship capital is like your

bank account you have to deposit first

before you’re able to withdraw let’s

also understand another point

which is visibility and credibility are

two different things

you don’t want to be visible with a

million people

you want to be credible with few hundred


and credibility is a lot to do with

developing trust

integrity and a way of doing things that

makes you feel

comfortable the third element

that we discussed is you have to protect

your reputational capital this is


your reputation is fundamentally what

people say is about you when not in the


and it’s a lot to do is define but what

you’re not prepared to do

in order to achieve whatever goals you

you set yourself to

um this is absolutely important and if

you think about

our professional and personal value

the ppv is equal to knowledge capital

plus relationship capital multiplied

by reputational capital so the question


why multiplied well because we know that

a number multiplied by zero

remains zero so the reputational capital

is incredibly important and you have to

preserve and you curate

in a impeccable way

so your professional and personal value

is therefore equal to your

knowledge capital plus relationship


multiplied by the reputational capital

so is this formula the results over

20 years of analysis and studies gonna

get me at the nobel prize

i don’t think so i don’t think so this

is the result of an experience and some

reflection that i want to share with you

a few years ago i was surrounded by my


and i really thought that he wanted to

discuss the

work that i’ve done during the weekend

because he has the habit to ask me to


over the weekend as i enter into his


he looked at me and he said you need to


i remain silent and after a few seconds


disbelief i ask her can you tell me why

and his answer was i don’t have time

to dwell into details go

so i left his office and uh with the


feeling that he enjoyed that


that to me was in the conversation was

an execution

it was really terrible i wasn’t only


i was i believe obliterated and then i

left this organization

literally a couple of days later i still

believe that in my 32 years experience

it’s been the most traumatic experience

of my professional life

i have to confess that the week


this day were terrible

i didn’t sleep i was desperate upset

i didn’t sleep many times and these are

the tears that was referring

at the beginning of the speech then one


i was walking along the lake

i remembered that many years before my


came to me she was five at the time and

she asked a very simple question the

question was

daddy where do i found happiness

daddy where do i found happiness as of i

was tempted to tell her ask mommy

but then my wife gave me quite a hard

look so i decided not to

and so a few days later i wrote her a

very short story

that i’m going to share with you so many

years ago

the god of darkness met in a secret


and their objective was to hide


from humankind one of the gods suggested

to hide happiness on the top of the


and after a few minutes the other god

said you know what

it’s not gonna work because human being

eventually would be able to climb the


and he will be able to find happiness

few minutes later another god suggested

to hide

happiness at the bottom of the sea

and sure enough the other one they said


it’s not going to work because


eventually men will be able to go at the

bottom of the sea and find

happiness a few moment of silence

occurred and then the most vicious

of these gods said i know where to hide


we can i have happiness in the bottom of

people’s heart

because they will be so busy in climbing


and going at the bottom of the sea they

will forget to look into their heart

that’s the story that i told my my

daughter to say listen

you have to find happiness in the bottle

of your heart

so 10 years later after writing the

story the story became relevant to me

and i realized that actually the battle

that i needed to find

and to vote wasn’t a battle outside of


against somebody but inside of me

for my own sake and allow me to say also

for my own

sanity and for the one of my family it

was not a difficult moment

and that’s related to the tears and the

sweat that i mentioned the beginning

so i realized that if i needed to take

care of myself

i needed to further develop my knowledge


i needed to reinforce my relationship


and i need to protect my reputational


and all of a sudden the game changed my

inner game

changed completely i start to find


in a place that probably i couldn’t find

it before

and and i realized that my heart little

by little was not filled with toxic


anymore but with happiness

and with the purpose that perhaps i lost


before i found out that when you climb

the mountains

like the one that was trying to climb

myself i was able to find

and to keep my faith in myself

after losing my innocence i found out


what i was saying that what it was doing

and what it was thinking was in the same


i found out that my search for meaning

was completed

i start again to breathe i start again

to smile

and i was free so

thanks for listening