All journeys arent created equal


it’s 2018.

people are brushing past each other’s

shoulders struggling to move through the

hallway they’re anxious excited to get

to their seats everything’s loud but

while they’re busy i’m preparing

soon everything around me is just white

noise and i start to go down my


did i study enough

do i know my opponent

did i do enough work this week to


it’s showtime

my headphones are locked in and so is my


running through every scenario every

possibility how do i attack the next

three hours

every few songs i look up and i catch a

glimpse of the world around me the world

outside of my preparation i see their

faces and i can tell their anticipation

is building

next i look at the clock

and it’s closer to game time

i pack up my notebook and begin walking

toward the stadium entrance

here come the nerves

my palms get sweaty knees weak arms get


see what i did there

i walk into my coliseum for the day and

as i go through the white smoke i see so

many faces of people ready to see what

they’ve all paid their hard earned money


anxiously my brain switches from i’m the

best that’s ever done this

so what the hell am i doing here who do

i think i am

but i gather myself

act like i’ve been here before like this

is nothing

as the leader and the captain of this


it’s my time to address everyone

i stand tall

knowing they’re all here to see me

staring at me ready to hang on to every

single word i say

good evening everyone my name is brandon

copeland but you can call me

professor coat

that was my first day at my new job a

starting nfl linebacker working in the

off season as an ivy league professor at

his alma mater the university of

pennsylvania it caught the attention of

a few people and when i sat down in

interviews i was constantly asked so


is that your post career plan your

backup my answer to the question has

always been some version of

hell no

and after seeing teachers try to educate

my seven-year-old twin niece and nephew

virtually this year i strongly stand

behind that statement

education isn’t a side hustle

i care about sharing what i’ve learned

along my own personal journey with

others it’s just what i’m passionate


although a lot of outsiders saw this as

a stunt a way to create a safety net in

the form of my next career

i was just a young man pursuing a

passion of mine

we’ve all heard that you need seven

sources of income to build wealth

however we also commonly hear that plan

b distracts from plan a we live in this

culture of side hustles


is it really a hustle or is it something

that can provide us with financial


how many of us

are thinking of those side hustles as

true legitimate businesses as passions

we first mobilize and then monetize

now let me take you back a bit further

all the way to the 1940s

where a boy is born

in georgetown mississippi

but this boy’s father died prior to his


however he had a strong beautiful mother

there to raise him and his siblings by



he’s just five years old and he and his

brother are in the living room playing

during a thunderstorm

while his mother souls from her rocking

chair in front of the window

out of nowhere both of lightning crashes

through the window and strikes his

mother with so much force that he and

his brother are knocked off of their

feet and against the walls of the room

rendering both of them completely


he woke to a room with pieces of his

mother’s candy red white polka dot dress

stapled to the walls

at only five years young this young boy

was an orphan

moving from one home to another

he went to live with his aunt and uncle

in mississippi on by blood uncle bob


unfortunately his uncle took some sick

frustrations he had with the world out

on him

he was abusive even making this young

boy eat a rat

at 13 years old this young boy mustered

up enough courage to run away from this

terrible situation and towards an


but what he hoped would be a better life

a young black boy

running away alone

in mississippi

in the 50s

young black boy

on his own

in mississippi

in the 1950s

fast forward to 1960 and somehow with

all of these obstacles stacked against

them many which would be considered

justifiable excuses to lose all hope on

life’s potential this young boy managed

to keep a’s and b’s on his report card

throughout high school

graduates from jackson state university

and goes on to be the 15th round draft

pick to the nfl’s baltimore colts in

he played in the nfl for 11 years nine

for the colts one for the new york

giants and one for the atlanta falcons

he played in super bowl three against

joe namath nicknamed the greatest game

ever played and super bowl five where he

played a pivotal role in defeating the

dallas cowboys

on his journey this young boy hit more

roadblocks than i could count hell his

car broke down the gps stopped working

and there was traffic too

but he

never stopped

this young boy was resilient

this young boy was courageous

this young boy is my hero

this young boy became

my grandfather roy hilton

unfortunately my grandfather passed away

on january 6th of 2019

and since then i’ve had the opportunity

to reflect on his impact on my life

way beyond both of us playing in the nfl

or even for the same team but through

his unique perspective on the world and

all that he has survived

my granddad gave me a life’s worth of

experiences through some of the simplest

sayings in the world


growing up my mother working extremely

hard to provide a valuable education for

her two sons would often have to choose

between taking me

her firstborn

best looking

most intelligent

most athletic and

well you get the point

she would have to choose between taking

me to school or risk being late to work

this meant on some days my grandad will

be getting an uber call from my mother

at six in the morning

to give some context

school was an hour away from my home and

30 minutes away from my grandfather’s


first off i don’t know who consistently

picks up the phone this early especially

out of their sleep but to my amazement

every time my grandfather would and

every time he’d say yes to driving me to


he looked at it as an opportunity to

spend time with one of his six grandsons

so without fail he would get out of his

sleep to pick up the phone and ask what

time will you be here

as we drove to school we always seem to

be at the mercy of traffic

a five-minute delay in getting out of

the house could be the difference

between a smooth ride and

bumper-to-bumper traffic

frequently however we will be driving

along minding our own business listening

to a smooth jams radio station when out

of nowhere traffic would just pile up on


without fail my grandfather exhaling his

frustration and stretching his neck to

peek around the traffic was never

satisfied with waiting

after a couple peaks


and right

he began to move the car ever so gently

out of the lane

and after a few peaks he would say cope

you know what

what’s up granted

it’s a poor rat that only has one hole


i said it is a poor rat that only has

one hole

before i could respond granddad would

start to make some rapid cuts in and out

of the traffic choo choo choo choo

and get us onto a path that took us


to the front door to school

thanks for the ride granddad you’re

welcome colt do you need me to pick you


no i think my mom is getting me okay

well call me if you need me thanks

granddad i love you i love you too colt

it’s a poor rat that only has one hole

i didn’t realize it at the time but this

phrase was my granddad’s way of pouring

his entire lifetime of wisdom and

experience on me in just nine simple


what he was actually saying was

we must expect

and prepare for the unexpected

if we had only one hole to rely on a

single way to get to school

when the unexpected happens and it was

cut off we would have no way of reaching

our end destination in time

by having more than one route to get to

the school my grandfather literally

guaranteed that we would get there on


even if it meant me jogging into the

door at 7 59 a.m

my grandfather ultimately had four or

five paths to get to the same place so

that regardless of what life threw at


he would find a way to reach the


what if your plan a doesn’t work out

does that mean the journey to your

personal finish line ends right there on

the spot for you

you see your career is not the


it is simply the vehicle

we can switch cars along the way but

ultimately reaching the destination is

all that matters

i love my granddad’s story

because it has always been a powerful

reminder to me that there is literally

no excuse

i can come up with valid enough for me

to not create the life that i want

while we all face our own battles

his struggles to simply survive

seem like they come straight from a


this scenario the destination was school

the car was just where we sat the road

was just what we traveled

but the destination has his focus it

didn’t matter if he had to off-road or

throw me on his back and run the last

few miles he was going to get us to our

destination on time

in order for us to take complete

ownership of our lives we must remember

this simple nine word phrase one that my

granddad taught me on our car rides to


envisioning and claiming your why is the

first step in creating security for your


realize that your chosen career path or

side business is simply a vehicle

that will help you reach your end goal

you may change cars or switch routes

along the way hell even the people

riding with you may change but

ultimately nothing prevents you

from reaching your

destination brandon copeland is not

simply a football player

or a professor

you are not just a doctor or a lawyer a

student or a teacher

these are just vehicles that describe a

part of us

a passion or a hustle that we’ve been

blessed enough to just monetize

these are merely tools to help each of

us reach our end destinations because at

the end of the day

that is what life is all about

ultimately nothing and i literally mean


should prevent you from getting to your


so the next time we are faced with a

challenge or obstacle trying to prevent

us from reaching our own destinations

we must remember

it is a poor rat that only has one whole

thank you for the life lessons grandad i

love you and i will see you after school
