Outcome of Life is Based on the Choices You Make in Your Journey


hi guys how are you

after such a powerful presentation by


i think there’s no need of me actually

right because

everything was done by him and so i

think we should have a huge round of

applause for him again right because i

was born up

so so i haven’t done much preparation

honestly because i don’t know why ayush

has called me up here because this is

about you people

and how you get charged up you know so i

will try my best because

i haven’t prepared much my team has

given me a little bit input around

tedx yesterday only you know jeremy

technology entertainment

and of course design right so but i


i want to focus more on this you know

which general also talked about

that you will have a lot of choices

right you have to make a lot of choices

in your life

in the journey of life you know and i


most of them most of people you’re

around 15 16 17 age

you know largely born in this decade

only you know in this century only

and i believe you know you people will


more in action when 2030 will happen

2040 will happen right

so you have to prepare yourself for then

that two decades

right and that two decades will only


once you take right choices in next 15


or maybe next 10 years right so i want


start with my own experience first so

that i can relate

and you can relate my life to your own

challenges and then we can have more

wide discussion around it so i’ll start

you know i’m a 71 guy

you know i start from 83 you know 83

my dad served in government right he’s

an engineer

83 i get failed in eighth eighth class

and the reason was because my english

was not too good

and i just failed it right so my dad

made a choice that

why can’t i ship this guy to hindi


and from 83 to 90 i actually studied

hindi medium right

and but in that seven years i get my

confidence back

i got my confidence back yes i can also

do something

you know but in 90 you know

i took one decision that you know i’m

not that do good in

maths so i won’t select physics

chemistry math

you know i would rather opt for commerce

and i i didn’t go for

arts because in those days arts means

type right so i picked commerce

and i don’t know what happened in 90s

you know

once i picked commerce you know my


my performance my self-belief belief

gone up you know that i can also do a

lot of better things in life you know

and for next five years i became

chartered accountant

and in 95 and and that’s one story also

in 95

that i actually failed four times in my

c exam

four times her right but i

thought myself that you know boss this

is not going anywhere

one of the chat accountant will pass on

like you know after failing will not

have much difference in the market to

the society

to myself so actually i opted out that

you know i’ll not give

two to semester actually i jumped off

two semester

and put myself into a category that you

know in third semester

i will get myself in married and guys

what do you know what happened

i was in marriage of c exams in 2094


so i think again i made a choice that

you know i want to lead

to semester i want to focus one more and

then i want to be best in that right

so the idea is to tell you guys that you

know you have to make right choices

in in your life in your life and that’s

what general also told you that

you have to have aim you have to aim


so if in that aim you have to make

decisions right

and in sixth seventh he took decision

that he want to become soldier right in


some doctor took a decision that he want

to become doctor right so i think

11 12 is a founding years for you


so in that founding years you have to be

sure enough that

why are you taking these choices you

know why you are making these choices


and your choice has to be good enough

that in

in 30s and 40s you know when the action

come on you

you can perform right and in 95

you know again when i got married you

know i had a

lot of offer of jobs a lot of our jobs


but again i took the view that i won’t

do any job

because i didn’t like my father doing

job right it was very hard

kind of working so i didn’t like that

kind of environment

and being a government

son you know government uh you know

government father son

right you know where i figured out that

i didn’t have any capital

but how to start a business so again

again i made a choice that you know

come what me come what me i want to

start my own company

i want to start my own company and i

think au bank which we are all talking

about now

was founded in 95 it was founded in

january 96

now it’s close to 25 years and you know

you have seen this the kind of progress

we have made in last

you know 25 years now you know it was

one man army sir

i started alone you know now after 25

years you know we are around

15 000 people with more than

2 million customers with a net worth of

close to 1 billion

you know and across around 11 states

so i think and in this journey of my

professional life i also made a lot of

choices you know

and i’m very honest here that being in a

charter accountant

the initial year was to not to pay tax

you know do a lot of tax planning right

but i think in 2002

i said to myself that you know sanjay if

you want to become a right businesses

or you have to build the right business

you have to pay tax

you know and it should not come with a


so certain things you people has to do


it demand of the time it is a rule-bound

country you know we have to honor


we have to honor your rules regulations

and 2003 you know i started paying tax

you know honestly on this forum i would

have to admit that you know

before that it was not a right choice

but 2003 i put

myself in that mindset that come what me

i have to pay taxes and that was very


choice because in those time we were not

that compliant country honestly

correct so but 2003 onwards

the moment i started paying tax a lot of

people started looking after us

that why this team is doing such an

amazing job and they started putting

money with us right

and again in 2008 we made a choice that

you know

i want to share the wealth let’s become

more inclusive

let’s respect diversity correct and in


we brought private equity guys we got

many more senior management team and

started building the organization

and 2014 again

there was a choice that you know we

would have run our organization in the

way we were running from last 20 years

but rbi offered us to transit

from a nbfc to bank

and again you will appreciate that you

know a normal business

which is can be run without regulation

or with the sub standard of regulations

but bank has to be run

on a top-class regulation right it’s a

public deposit

in the end so but we chose a way that

you know again

that no we want to be in the right side

of the regulation

and let’s become bank and 2017

we had become a bank and again last

three years you know

post bank an amazing journey honestly


now i think in last three years we have

learned that you know

what is all about responsibility what is


scalability what is about you know

forever kind of journey

you know how you can sustain yourself

for next 200

300 400 years right so if i want to ask

one question to you people right

which is the oldest bank which is

still being run in this world any


oldest bank in this in this world

any guesses you guys have google right

right so if you go and do google

the oldest bank is around 1465 ma’am

1465 which is still being run in europe

the italian bank you know in 1400

odd years we were having akbar correct

the india was ruled by akbar in those


the institution called bank was formed

in italy

which is still being run so i think

again we made a choice

that you know we have to be in a

business which can be

long term which can be sustainable over

the years

which can last forever you know i used

to say to my team that you know

let’s bring let’s build an institution

you know which can last for another 500


and if i had a rebirth can i come and

join this bank again

you know so i think that kind of

energy that kind of aim i think this

institution can give you

and of course we all have to respect the

democracy you know because i personally

believe that

this has happened because of the

democracy we’re enjoying in this country

you know a lot has been said in last

five six years but i am running this

business from last 25 years

you know and i haven’t seen a singular

incident to myself around that you know

that we are not we are living in a

country which is scared

which is have personal favors or which

can be done only to a selective people

no you have to believe that there is a

power of democracy

and and i i hope you must be knowing


we are very lucky one that in

the universe of around 7 billion people

you know

close to 50 people live in democracy

and we are one of them you know and

of course next i think is is about


you know if you can if you can build you

can understand diversity

i think you can build anything for you

you can build anything for you

so i think if you make right choices

you use the power of democracy

and you do inclusiveness you know

you people can build a next

world for you i am very optimistic that

in india next 10 years there’ll be huge

transition because i have seen that

transition in 90s also but that was an

economic transition i think the country

is going through a next phase of


where we need to identify ourselves


but i think the decade of 30s the decade

of 40s

will belong to you so you have to

prepare yourself

in a way that you don’t do large


you know you don’t do large commitment

which hampers your future

right but be there and i think perform

right and you can imagine that people

like me

uh from nowhere has done this

you know so if you are so educated

i think and general principles of war if

you can adopt

execute you know and i’ll

also say one thing you know don’t be

high and dry

this principle of wars can only be

fruitful when you execute

there is a difference between


learning and then execution many people

will learn and understand

but few will execute

so i think your focus should be on


focus should be that how we really

understand the situation

how you really know the reality

and then execute and i think

in next 30 40 years you know

as everybody is saying is that india

will be next superpower next super power

but how will you do that you guys have

to do that

you have to do any of that any of you

can think big

right and just be there just be there

and use your next 10 years

so importantly on you only

invest in you understand you

and then build so i think in the end

i think i would say ma’am thank you so

much for this opportunity because i am

not a

big speaker but uh i would only say you

he in the end it’s up to you to sun

ebola i think it was an amazing

line to remember forever that i am the

master of my fate

and captain of my soul i think it’s

though line me supposedly

and if you can remember these two lines

every day

every moment i think your life will be


and you’ll be looking forward to build

an amazing happy and successful life

thank you so much pleasure