Shazia Khans MasterChef journey

cooking they wanted to see my skills so

we were a lot at a limited time

and um like you know a limited battery

a specific time given and you know you

had cameras shooting at you

so barely or not here remember the

camera shooting at me because i was so

busy and embrassed with my dish i

remember i made my son’s favorite recipe

was with chicken cheese bombs

and you know i barely noticed the

cameras around here very comfortably


i presented my dish and then they ended

pretty satisfactory

so i got back to bangalore and after a

few days i got a call

that i have been selected among the top

100 in the country

so they said uh would you be able to

come for further auditions to mumbai

and if i was selected further they told

me that it would require me to stay for

about four or five months in mumbai

while the show was on this was stressful

i had to convince my family about it so

i discussed more with my husband

and my father-in-law they were very


but kind of hesitant though i come from

a considerable liberal family

it did not require me to go out there or

rather let him put it i did not have any

scope to go out there and achieve

something so publicly

but i managed to convince them you know

telling them i’ll carry myself very well

and you know i don’t know if

i’d make it to the next round so let me

give it a shot let me go

and they said okay and after many rounds

i was selected among the top 50 in the

country when the show started

so i took each step as it came and made

it to the top 12 position

every time i enter the masterchef

kitchen i told myself one thing

like you know don’t expect anything just

give it your best shot be yourself

and have a blast because it was smoking

and this is what i love

doing so that’s what i did my journey

from being one among the thousands

to reaching the first runner-up position

was a thrilling one

it was a roller coaster ride and

you know a journey of self-discovery

a life-altering experience there was so

much of learning that happened so much

of growth

and the opportunity to being trained

under some of the world’s famous chefs

for five months i did miss my family but

i made friends for a lifetime

you know there were times there were

moments that still make me laugh

we figured out that whenever you had

five six cameras rushing to your station

you have definitely moved up something

and you know either your food is burning

or you’ve done it something wrong

and we learned the art how to attacking

the judges who would come to mentally

grind up

kind us all i would do is just smile at

them and tell them that i’ll fix it and

finally i think they gave up hope on

kind of trying to

mentally harass me so

yeah so follow the mastership

i got a lot of love and recognition

and i kind of channel this appreciation

into doing more

exploring more into the culinary world

and being busy i traveled

across the country and the world hosting

master classes

doing television shows a lot of youtube

content brand associations

and much more

it was all about just about the focus in

my life had just become cooking

moving on i

kind of told myself that i was looking

for an identity

and i have found it my own behalf that i


and my family is super proud of it now

i’m so elated when my sons introduced me

to their friends

and says you know she’s my mom she’s

shazia you know master chef

she’s that so imagine how happy i feel

to share my joy of cooking i

what culminated was a cookbook what’s on

the menu the recipes featured in this


are very very close to my heart and


punished by my loved ones

since my master classes were very

popular i thought that i must

start a culinary school and then the

cooking studio came into existence

which boasts kind of state of art


and equipment my vision was to bring

people together from all walks of

life who are who share a common joy of

cooking and who are passionate about it

we start we started a program where we

train underprivileged girls

who have great potential in being chefs

and kind of this also becomes like a

place in itself where they get

respectable jobs

i started my own production house

charges on productions

which uh expertise in uh creating

cookery show content and youtube’s

content for famous brands i wanted to

continue sharing my joy

for cooking and i loved cooking for

people so i started my own cafe called

the studio cafe

where the menu is very carefully created

and we

need to prepare dishes with a lot of

love and care

and to anyone who walks in will get a

taste of whom away from home and yet


so all this and much more is still in

the list

moving on i would just like to say


someone calls me their role model i take

it to heart

and drive out to do more and try to help

me to do more and more

there was this young girl who used to

watch chef sanji for the poor show

and kind of watch him create magic on tv

and i would actually do this

trust me i would actually do this i

would go back to my kitchen

secretly and enact him with his dialogue

in my own style acting as if i was doing

my own show

and many years later i did a show for

his channel so now who says that dreams

don’t turn into a reality

right many people say stop dreaming face


wake up but i will tell you keep

dreaming and make that a reality

i have created my own my own identity

from being just known as my father’s


my husband’s wife my children’s mother

as my journey goes on

i just stay i call myself still work in


i take life whatever it gives to me

and work towards learning more and more

every day

many people ask me that you know what is

the secret of your success

are there any tips you have to make it

to the top in masterchef please train us

give us a training program on how you

make it from the top

so i just tell them one thing believe in

your dreams

value yourself because if you don’t

value yourself nobody will

and also very importantly

explore your passion passion is


that became my identity people know me

as master chef shazia khan

all right so believe in that passion


every day i go to work and i’m so happy

and excited because it’s my passion i’m

not forced to do anything

but it’s just my passion the very fact

that i’m standing here

and sharing my story with you says it


so life is not about finding yourself

my dear children it’s about creating

yourself so go ahead and