Inclusive Education for Special Needs Kids

Transcriber: John Ayman
Reviewer: Maurício Kakuei Tanaka

Findings indicate that up to 75%
of the hearing-impaired children

in Nigeria

were not born deaf,

but different health issues,
like poverty and ignorance,

contribute to childhood deafness.

By Assoni and Emma Assoni,

in 2018.

In Nigeria, about 8.5 million
are suffering from hearing impairments.

By professor Julius Ademocuya,

in 2020.

I was not born deaf,

but lost my hearing ability
before I could speak.

My journey in school was not easy.

I started school at age two

and finished my primary education

at age 12

in a mainstream school

that is not all-inclusive.

And then …

I found Banks private school

that’s accommodated
special-needs children.

With the help of my parents and my school,

I developed my love for mathematics.

The teacher, my classmates, and family

supported me by learning sign language

in order to communicate with me.

I want to appeal to the government
to support special-needs children

because they all need to be encouraged
to achieve their goals.

I also want to appeal to families

with special-needs children

to support them with love,

understanding and patience.

An all-inclusive education

will give the child the support they need.

It also creates high expectations

from all.

Thank you.