Communicate with kindness


whichever language you use

the message is always the same kindness

is a language which the deaf can hear

and the blind can see which is a quote

by the famous writer

mark twain kindness

is an international language one which

we can all speak

i’m only seven but i understand what

kindness is

how to be kind to others and what it

feels like when someone is kind to me

and when they’re not and

let’s face it humans usually find it

easier to be nasty than

nice trust me

i’m a kid i know what i’m talking about

and that’s exactly why we need to

remember to be kind

because it’s important for all of us

for the future of the world and everyone

in it

if we’re kind to other people then those

people are usually kind back to us

if you don’t believe me you can practice

with a smile

because that’s a kind thing to do

so next time you pass by a stranger on

the street

give them a smile not a weird

spooky smile because they might run away

or call the police i’m talking about

a real worm from the heart relax smile

i bet you that nine times out of ten

they’ll smile back although it might

sound weird

i believe we can actually practice


yes it’s a natural thing and we all know

by stink how to be kind

but we can all get better at it

so now are three ways that you can

show kindness in your everyday life

here they are number one

if someone is hurt or in trouble help


it sounds obvious but these days

some people capture their moment on

their phones

or just watch scenes rather than offer

help and kindness to the person made

that’s not right

at all number two

if someone looks sad and is alone go

over and cheer them up tell them a joke

as long as it’s a good one

or you might make them more depressed

start a conversation or just be there

for them and listen

number three this is for all of us

kids help your parents and our teachers

if they need it our parents do

so much for us helping them with chores

will free up some precious time for them

to relax and spend more time with you

our teachers are also crazily busy that

they could do with hands on times

and maybe a thank you too

so those are three simple ways that you

can show kinds to others

i’m sure you can think about many other

ways to be kind

so now i’ll tell you how i’ve shown

kindness before

first i helped a friend in need a friend

in need is a friend indeed

right in this case my friend rihanna

banned her knee

and are pretty bad and could hardly walk

so what did it do i gave her a piggy


of course all the way to the office

a few hours later she felt fine which


great but my back hurt

but i would do it all over again

because i know how important it is to

practice kindness

another thing i did was help the teacher

by offering to clean up after being with

the rabbit

cause bini was our class rabbit

i say was unfortunately

binu died last year

anyway i was pretty sure that after a

long day teaching and cleaning after

all of us bake up a pile of smelly bunny


so i helped out

the last door i’m going to tell you is

also related to school

in one particular school assembly there

were 301 people attending

but only 300 chairs i’m sure you can

guess what

i did right sure

i gave up my chair to someone else an

elderly teacher who i knew needed the

seat more than me

would i have preferred to have my own

seat and not have to stand

at the back of the hall yes

would i have preferred not to have to

clean up after being you the rabbit

of course would i have preferred not to

have to carry my friend

halfway across school and hurt my back

in the process

sure but i

did all of those things because i know

how important

it is to practice kindness and how easy

it can be forgot to do so and choose

not to do so so today

i’d like to remind you just like i

remind myself

every day

kindness is a language which the deaf

can hear and the blind can see

and it is one language that we can all

speak fluently

if we just take a little time every day

to practice

thank you merci
