A Knowledge Mindset What You Know Comes from Where You Sit

it’s not fair

that’s why i used to tell my dad when i

wouldn’t get what i wanted to get and

when i wasn’t told what i wanted to know

i would scream loudly it’s not fair

my dad would call me say to me well the

fair is not in town

and that’s how it worked in our

relationship and this is also how it

works now in many organizations between

bosses and their director ports

now with many organizations working

remotely it is even more important that

those in the senior seats

share knowledge when people have a

compliment or complaint

is based on their point of view when you

talk to someone you need to consider

their point of view and their knowledge

or perception situation

this is an important aspect of knowledge

management that leaders can forget

the idea of what you know comes from

where you sit is based off of miles law

which states

where you stand depends on where you sit

miles law is a reference of fairness and


where the point of view and decisions

are made by people based on their


what you know comes from where you sit

refers to perceived fairness of


with knowledge the fairness of who knows

what in an organization

and how it affects a person’s ability to

do their job and prosper within the


inefficient knowledge sharing was found

to cause businesses with approximately

18 000 employees a loss of 47 million

dollars per year

and those with 100 000 employees about

265 million dollars

is that fair well a workplace

knowledge and productivity survey

conducted in 2018

reported that workplace productivity

declined due to inefficient knowledge


this is based on the following employees

had to wait on average of 5 hours each

week to get unique knowledge

from co-workers with 1 in 10 workers

waiting an average of 10 hours each week

employees spent an

average of eight hours searching for

knowledge that they needed from


and on average employees reported

spending about six hours each week

duplicating work because they could not

attain the knowledge they needed

inefficient knowledge sharing and with

that and lack of inclusion

affects more than the financial and

productivity bottom line

gallup reported the organizations where

engaging employees through knowledge


was taken into consideration had 67

percent less turnover than their


inefficient knowledge sharing affects

employee retention because employees may

not feel included

workplace inclusion factors employ

empowerment as a contributor

but when knowledge sharing does not

occur or occurs only through select

levels of employees

inclusion will not occur inefficient

knowledge sharing and lack of inclusion

also negatively affects

employee advancement it negatively

affects advancement because knowledge is

a tool to give employees a full picture

of work that they are doing

or involved in and that affects their

decisions and recommendations in doing

the work

most importantly it affects the trust


in lower level employees they feel based

on the amount of knowledge they are

privy to or rather

kept outside a circle of trust and that


their overall trust if someone does not

feel valued it can result in employee

leading and therefore the organization

loses corporate knowledge

and may increase spending onboarding

training and updating a new hire so

i have three recommendations to help

organizations reduce employee turnover

and increase employee inclusion in terms

of trust

these recommendations are incorporating

knowledge sharing

into your organization’s inclusion

culture core value

to improve inclusion and trust employees

reward knowledge sharing throughout the


through performance reviews and

quarterly recognition to implement

knowledge sharing is more than just a

financial benefit

finally increase organizational team


through knowledge now that we are in

various phases of working remotely and

possibly some working remotely


what you know does come from where you


becomes more of a reality and a


no the fair is not in town but we can

increase employee trust

and retention while reducing

organizational financial loss

by sharing knowledge at all levels we

are moving towards the same end state

what you know does come from where you


it is not fair now let’s

change and make that a level bench of

inclusion trust and knowledge sharing

thank you