What converts a problem into an opportunity

what is the problem

restrictions sacrifice scarcity

obstacles hurdles struggles

i think problem is nothing just a state

of mind

problem is subjective one thing which

may be problem to one

may be comfort or enjoyable to other

bunk your class you will understand

hi i am sumit kachara professor by

profession chatted the content by


company secretary by interest speaker by


and government officer by destination

basically i sell knowledge and thinking

i am a man who dream achieve

and re-dream born and brought up in a

middle class family

i’m just 21 with 10 years working


in the small town of bilvada


with handicapped crawling mother

and diabetic senior city and father

i am burdened with responsibility to

serve my parents

in their hometown with

having outstanding career

in order to prove themselves my parents

bound me in the shackles of discipline


and sacrifice

as per the repercussions of their first

in the town intercast low marriage

my parents got expelled from their

respective houses

thank god they have not kicked me for

the same act i have done

two years back

i think the era has been changed from

amrish puri to allocate

fathers one thing i noticed things were

not easy to me

success is mandatory not an option to me

in order to prove themselves my parents

bounded me in the shackles of discipline

and restrictions

i was not allowed to attend parties to

mix with neighborhood

to watch television or cinema

or to talk or meet my friends more than

five minutes

even my mother took a vow from me not to

play at a sport

in school i was allowed just

for three things study

study and study even my summer vacations

were the same

boring days of introversion

even at the age of 21 believe me guys i

was not aware of the relationship

between simran and babuji

and gerber is not just lion

a person too in those dreadful days of

restrictions i felt

like devdas i wrapped indeed i wrought

those roth loop white trees i got so

much bookworm or padaku i should say

that i studied books in

school bus ride

well those were great learning days too

i have learned and get career oriented

with increase in focus curiosity

readership and knowledge

scoring 97 in science and 95 in


and that guy who studied senior

secondary books in ninth standard

and solved mathematics of secondary

class without any school

lecture or coaching

so i was pretty sure after this high


that i am going to take commerce no no

no science and mathematics

but alice you cannot go outside

you have to be with parents to serve


and finally i have to take comments

i entered into the apex course of

commerce chartered accountancy with all

india 15th rank

i passed company secretary examinations

just at the age of 20. i have learned

this thing

study hard sacrifice your fun for five


and you can enjoy 50 moves or vice versa

well in final

i managed i convinced my mother

to let me release to have national level


at indore and jaipur

i went there and

you can understand a mischievous

boy who want to explode the world

the kid in me was never set back i

literally listed out each and every

restaurant even checked it picnic spots

parks and cinema halls don’t ask me the


but as you see spoiling is easy

comfortable enjoyable

but it has shitty side i got failed in

information system in finals

now you can imagine the taunts and

trauma family and the relatives

you in pursuit of national level


got failed the all india anchor the

company secretary

man failure hurts more than the wound

never get depressed never get frustrated

but take it as a challenge a problem is

nothing rather a challenge or


what you are required to act on it

when you take it as a challenge you will

perform legendary

and never waste time and energy

my father rightly says if you waste the

time the time will waste you

anyway i got passed in the ca next


when full swing preparation of my

sister’s wedding was going which is to

be held in next month

i also got passed in several interviews

and got pleased at nasik with all the

tabular charts

to convince my mother analysis

emotions one the history repeats itself

family comes first you have to be with

your parents serve them they are needy

and i had to choose my career in pilvada

the hometown

i started working as a tax practitioner

because i learned tax laws by section to


with case studies

detailing with tiny precision is

perfection in knowledge

our mind is like 16 gb pendrive you can

fill it with bollywood

cricket politics or even any media

but that is useless because that are not

going to pay you

fill it with occupational knowledge

you will use it

the very first course i decided to

pursue after post graduation

was none other than diploma and

information system audit

the very paper that let me test the

first failure of my life in academics

i want to excel it and you know in that

course from chartered accountant

institute we have to

enter by 50 marks and clear it with 75

marks i scored 82 percent

the same person who got failed is

passing about distinction

i took it as villain

if you want to get a hero

you should accept the villain villainy

can be anything

can be poverty gangsters

aliens anaconda or father of heroine

but if you want to prove yourself as

hero first conquer them

now comes the question of thousand

dollars which career path to pursue

like any other youth i dreamt of working

in the metropolis

with my own cubicle lavish and luxurious


but i had to work

in my hometown practicing

my own knowledge

in that practice i came up with an


to teach the same knowledge to company

secretary participants

and i took that session

one thing i made a rule in my life

never let go any opportunity

opportunity never knocks at door gone

that arise the arise of

windows you have to grab the opportunity

in that session of 22 june 2012 i found

a spark

a sense of achievement and challenge

in order to teach those 60 participants

the same knowledge

thinking vision and emotion

that i have i found the intersection of

my talent and interest

that is essential for successful career

believe me guys in

all these 10 years i learned it

suppose you want to be an actor acting


body no dance no

godfather no kapoor or khan

no how can you be talent is required

at the same time interest is required in

order to avoid monotony and boredom

fight intersection point growth

remuneration scope position

all our secondary and fruit of this

coincidence point

i began taking such sessions

and started coaching of professional


one thing led to another and i found

myself indulged in 14 working hours

a day starting

the morning with private college

thereafter the local branches of three


institutional professional institution

in commerce of

india the institute of chartered

accountants of india the institute of

cost accountants of india

the institute of company secretaries of

india and thereafter practicing taxation

in night

i’ve done many things from written


statutory and concurrent bank audits tax


peer reviews but

what i found no file talks to me

the way my students do no audit is


than teaching

after all this dedication and


to serve the professional fraternity

and students i got well rewarded with

positions and recognitions

i have been invited to into various

educational institutions

and surprisingly the guy who scored

61 in english was judging an english

debate in convent school

starting from the grassroot level

to the chairmanship of company

secretaries institute

the local branch of bilvara chapter

success is not the end

it is a continuous journey dream the


achieve it as a challenge don’t be


aspire more one fine day

of 2015 my college colleague asked me to

take a session

of village kids in government school of


and that session made me realize

indeed mesmerized me with the curiosity

and interest of the students

those village kids really need

commercial knowledge

i thought why shouldn’t i teach those


the professional knowledge they cannot

afford the professional fees

of the courses at the same time

i should serve i should teach the


how to earn by commerce

i thought school education is necessary

to live

but to survive college education is


i decided to get into government college

lectureship and you know my selection

without any jack and jack and in this

white presence era of

reservation by caste by public service


as an assistant professor is

well reward for

my dedication determination commitment

for the development of the society

believe me working with government

mechanism has added different meaning to

my life

from fraud detection performing election

duties as sector magistrate

and flying squad auxiliary

and ancillary work to the teaching and

starting a

free youtube channel to the students

are the new milestones in all these two

years of

working with government i realized when

there is a will there is a way

if you want something for the lifetime

teach knowledge is power knowledge never


it pays you it outshines you in front of


knowledge by teaching can be started at


own home don’t wait share your knowledge

this is not an end but continuation of

the story

the transformation story of an introvert

rudlu guy

to the elaquante speaker and

revolutionary comet official

thank you
