Law of Attraction Manifesting Our Reality

good morning my fellow sharks

my name is adrian holdman i’m a

corporate strategist and business

consultant for the cannabis industry

we have clients from california to


illinois florida puerto rico across the

whole continental

us and today i’m going to talk to you

about how to use

the law of attraction and manifesting

our reality

in business and also how the most

successful business owners are doing

this every day

so let me start off by touching up a

little bit about my background

i was born in los angeles california and

i grew up in a single parent household

i had two role models growing up i had

my grandfather

who was a small business owner and i had

my great uncle

my grandmother’s brother who was an


so i knew early on that i wanted i

wanted to go to law school and i wanted

to help companies succeed

let’s fast forward a little bit i’m in


my girlfriend at the time wants to take

me to go meet her parents

so we fly to idaho where they have a

beautiful lake house

and this beautiful lake house has its

own private dock

it’s got they have a boat they have

their jet skis and five minutes up the


they have a beautiful ranch house with

views overlooking the entire lake

so i was very lucky on this trip because

i discovered something magical

in my opinion magical so what

i discovered was when i was looking

through their dvd library to find a film

i discovered a film called the secret

and in the secret they discussed the law

of attraction

and how the law of attraction works how

you have to

visualize something you have to think

about something

write it down if you need to and your

brain will make the connections on

getting you to that

item but you need to believe you can

have it and you need to believe that you

can do it

so how do i use this every day for my


first i studied the most successful


carnegie rockefeller

musk everybody that’s major in the space


and what i discovered was a common trend

and the trend is that these people

are manifesting and attracting into

their lives

what they want to create they’re

creating stuff that’s never happened or

been done before

and the way that they’re able to do that

is because they believe

that they can do that and they also


into their lives the stuff that’s

necessary for them to do that

so let’s get into the successful

business owners that we coach and we


my clients there’s no limitations to

what they can do

they’re out there every day making new


new businesses new ideas come to life

there’s so many ways that we can bring

these things to life but the one

the one common thread in the successful

clients is that they believe that they

can bring these things to life they

believe it strongly with their entire

hearts they believe they can do it

and we also believe that we can do it

there’s no limitations

there’s no money limitations because if

you attract money into your life money

will come

you could fundraise you could crowd


you can you know sell products

and raise money for you to have enough

to do what you need to do

and there’s no limitation in the types

of products that we can create

they’re making new products that that

would blow your mind every single day

there’s there’s israeli companies out

there developing

new technology for us to use there’s

companies in california out there


new manufacturing systems

and of course there’s new genetics being

crossed and developed every day

to create some phenomenal products

so how do you as a business owner or

just a person living life

take advantage of the law of attraction

the secret

the way to do that is you have to have a

crystal clear image of what you want to


you want a sports car you want a house

with a view

you want to spend more time with your

kids you want a different

career path anything you want

you need to visualize it and then you

need to

obsess about it so that your brain can

start making connections

on getting you there then you need to go

and study other people that have gone

before you and done something like that

what have they done to be successful


there’s no limit to the amount of

education that you can receive

my formal education didn’t teach me what

i need to

for today i have an mba i have a jd

i have a bachelor’s degree but none of

that prepared me for what i’m doing and

what i need to do

my my education started after that with

with my mentors

okay and my mentors are the authors of

great books

authors authors like great books like

robert kiyosaki

like tim ferriss once you have this

realization that anything is possible

then it’s on you to go and get it we can

help you

other people out there can help you but

it’s on you to go and get it

and the best way to go forward with that

is to trust and believe in yourself

and stay hungry stay hungry like a shark

because sharks find a way to get that


and that meal could be yours too so once

you realize the power of this

the only thing you need to keep fueling

you is you need

more objectives because you’ll crush all

the objectives you have set in front of


and how do you choose more objectives

well the best way is to help people

you create a product that helps people

you create a service that helps people

you genuinely helping people creates

more positivity

and life’s about positivity and love

and as cheesy as that may sound that’s

truly what it is

you have to affect the most lives to

make the biggest impact

and that will reward you internally

financially any way that you have


so the key is to impact the most amount

of people you can

to to affect affect someone’s life and

even if you can affect one life

and improve it for the better then in my

opinion you’ve done good

that’s what i go out to do i go out

there to try to help people and improve

their lives

and it starts it starts with my

consulting firm canada shark consulting

you know we go out there and help

business owners make make companies

create jobs help economies

and and that’s big that’s big for every

company that we that we help create we

we help

we help create a bunch of a bunch of

jobs for people

and and those people are grateful

because they have they have food to eat


so i really want to thank you guys for

listening and i want you guys to know

that i believe in you and you have to

believe in yourself

and together we can create anything

i want you guys to attract into your


whatever you find is most rewarding to


most beneficial to you if if that means

you need to find time

you need to find purpose then you need

to find

a way to get there if you want to be

sitting on one of these boats all day

fishing then cool

set up a company that fishes all day


you’re set if you want to be out in the

dunes riding around

and set up a company that rides around

in the dunes all day if you love


if you love extreme sports if you love


instead of a rafting company it sounds

simple right

it is it is simple you you go through


you have a great idea you put the

concept out into the world

and then you market and advertise it

that’s it

never been easier to make money than

today we have the internet

you have resources at your disposal you

have google and you have experts that

have done it

and you have examples that you can case

studies and examples that you can look


to achieve that if what you’re trying to

do is not possible where you live

and you have the wherewithal to move

then you just need to set your mind to

being okay with that

go find your opportunity don’t limit


we only have one life and limiting

yourself is the saddest thing that you

can do

create the freedom for yourself by

creating value

real wealth comes with creation of value

of value brings about

money and the money there’s no the only

purpose of money is for

is for freedom so that you have the

freedom to go

and create you have the freedom to go

and choose how to spend your time

money is not the end game freedom is the

end game

or value it could be the end game

money’s never the end game

my fellow sharks i want to thank you

guys for watching i want to thank you

guys for being here and listening

and i want you guys to know not to limit

yourself think huge

think think enormous because you don’t

get anything by thinking small

small thinking is not the way enormous

thinking is the way

you can have it all