Leadership and Growth in the Islands

students it’s a pleasure

and it’s an honor to be here and

i want to thank you for having me

my name is ancito i uh i am

from uh from the state of church

i came from a very small village

if you go to my village still uh

the way this used to be it’s about

almost two hours from the center

we have no road we have no electricity

it is still very traditional

and i’m saying this because i’m very


very grateful to be here

here at the university of guam and to be

a faculty

and gratefully administration

grateful to the uh to those that have

been with me

on this journey and really do your


i have learned this from dr magnus and

he always said

our students make us

look good or students

make us feel proud

and certainly that’s a very very


statement i learned from it

and really your students without you i

would not be teaching here

without the administration without the


from the dean from my colleagues i will

never be here

so really you know what i what i mean to

say is uh

i came from an island

that the value christmas

and i think you know that’s one thing

that i want to share with you

uh today and it’s very profound

you know i know president of the

university is now talking about island


but uh respect is a very core value

of how we grow up in the island and

why i believe it’s very important for

students to remember

and to learn because this is how i know


and how it helped really helped me

throughout my journey everywhere i go

i’ve been very lucky i came from a very

poor family i thought that i would never

make it to college

because they have no money to send me to


but uh because of very good friends

support services

here i am i am the faculty here at the


but uh i think you know i would really

say the key

people that have been very helpful to me

it’s because of response respecting my


you do not talk much you nessa

respecting my culture you

you get along with those people around


uh respect in my culture you care about

those people around you

respecting my culture you always

listen to them and make sure that you

help them

in any way you can and really i think

that’s really what i’ve been very lucky


uh anywhere that i go people always help


and i think it’s the bottom line is


i always make sure that i saw that my

profound response

i always make sure that uh when they

need help i should be there to help them

i always make sure that uh

i will not come in a meeting with them

to argue

and that’s what i’ve been doing all

these years

and now when i came in at the university

in 2005

the university of guam was new to me

teaching at this level

was very new but i was grateful that uh

i had my dean at that time dr rodriguez

is now our senior vice president and


uh she was very helpful to me i had dr


dr lee those were my very good

colleagues at that time

they would always look at me and said

and sito

what can we do to help you

and i’m so grateful they were sharing

with me this is the way we teach those


these are our course syllabus and this

is the way you can teach that course

you don’t have to really speak all the

time but you know you can give students


you can prove them into groups of

detailed discussion

so it’s really in my team mates

my team members that they have been very


and as i said those that they were

around me

everywhere i go very very grateful

and then i found the students

are so important because

i end up learning so much from my


uh some of the research that i am doing


that i’m working on now these are

research done by my students

i didn’t know how to do powerpoint my

students teach me how to do part 5

oh my gosh what can i say

and again you know that’s why you know

when dr magnets was saying that

nancito would always be grateful would i

always be proud

we’ll always really say thank you to our

students because they make us look good

look so proud in the communities so

really students i can say

you are the university of one and this

university exists because of you

but let’s go back to my

main point i would say that anywhere you


if you have that finest quality of


and i’ve seen it uh when you study the


successful organization of this world in

this world

what do they have at the very highest

level of leadership

they have integrity and humility you can

never go wrong

and i’ve seen that in my own culture

how they teach you when you are real


respect anybody anywhere you go

i learned that in my culture

that i would never talk back to my

mother and i know

my mother intentionally did many things

many times

i know she knows is wrong but she


whether or not unseat or whatever points

from here but i cannot say

i know you’re wrong but who am i to say

to my mother that’s his friend so really

uh ladies and gentlemen remember

that is a very powerful core values of

our culture

never never never argue with your mother


never never argue with your father

always always always respect your


make sure that you protect them and

anywhere they go you will always do that

in terms of

security of their safety and then

get along with your brothers and cousins

anywhere in those communities the others

no matter what always pay respect to


so i think you know this really that’s

what i want to say with you

anywhere you go with that new jersey

chicago from here from the philippines

from i would say that’s a very universal

uh quality of human beings

and i say this because

now i found the more history

the world is in leadership i studied in


good degree and i learned from him

that at the very top it’s about humility

and activity

and that’s what i learned from the very

beginning in my own culture

it’s about integrity and humility and

i’ve seen that india when i go

that’s what they have and the finest

this most successful

organization in the world they’re

successful because

their humility and their integrity

and now you know when again you know the

president of the university

is speaking about ion wisdom that’s a

very core

portfolio of iron wisdom that i want to


really the president now that you know


it’s exciting for me because it takes

somebody from outside

to come and tell us you must tell

your own people your own culture because

it has so much to contribute to the


and really i want to thank dr christ

for that involved in his life that is

doing for the

university and for the region so again


to ease and every one of you and dr


dr rivera for the program dr sanders

what an honor to be here and i want to

thank you

for having me to speak to you and i hope

it makes sense

for a better future