How continuous learning innovation improves our identity


so good morning everyone so today i’m

going to talk about

how continuous learning and innovation

improve our identity

how many of you get home from school or


and just say that today is the day today

is the day that i’m going to be


to learn something new

instead some of you may just be like

lying on your sofa

just scrolling through social media or

just binge watching

like youtube or netflix think about how

much time you actually spend on these


if it’s a long period of time you may

think that oh it may just be like a

waste of time

but if it’s a short period of time it

can just be for rest

or leisure and this can actually help


and also define our identity

our identity is something that

represents us such as

who we are and what we do but it also

means to have the qualities

abilities personalities and


that define us for most young adults and


this is the time when we usually find

our own identity

however if social media is prevalent

among teens nowadays

instead of discovering our own talent or

interests some of us may be finding our

identity from social media

we want to fit in and to satisfy the

expectation of others

to gain recognition from our peers

however this is a false identity

because this is not truly expressing


our true identity is to explore our

talents and interests

to share with others or use it to help


this is why our identity is so important

another thing that i found from a couple

of my friends is that

we are all so bounded by the exam


we are only willing to learn the content

that would be only featured in


but not necessarily the things outside

the syllabus or something new

and for adults unless you’re a

professional most of them who already

stopped learning

because they’ve already learned

everything that they’ve needed to

most of the adults have already landed

on a decent job

and already have job security let’s

therefore sometimes make them sometimes

like a bit more complacent and therefore

blinding themselves from learning

something new

as herekls once said the only thing

that’s constant

is change there is always something new

to explore every day

and everything that we learn will define

who we are

this is why we should all start

continuous learning continuous learning

is a self-motivated persistence

in acquiring knowledge and competencies

it expands our skill sets

and develops them for future


it can form part of our work it can form

part of our personal and professional


to reach our full potential it doesn’t

have to be anything that’s academic


it can just be reading a new book or

learning to play a new instrument

to look for something that interests you

to build our own self-identity

so there are a couple of benefits to why

we should start continuous learning

first of all it allows us to be relevant

to keep up to date with trends to expand

our skill set

in addition competence leads to


when we learn and understand something

new we

often have a feeling and a sense of

accomplishment in our capabilities

and therefore we are more confident in

taking on new challenges

another benefit that continuous learning

offers is that it sparks new ideas

new skills unveil new opportunities and

allow us to find innovative solutions

to problems continuous learning also

allows us to change our perspective

to see more points of view of the same

situation and to change our attitude by

building on what we’ve

learned so when we often talk about

continuous learning

we often hear we often have a similar


so it’s just that i don’t have the time

and a motivation to

actually learn continuously there are

actually a lot of ways to overcome this


and one of the ways is to implement the

five-hour rule by michael d

simmons this rule simply states that we

should dedicate an hour to learning

five days per week firstly we have to

acknowledge the trade-off

the extra hour actually causes us to

accomplish less in terms of short-term


however over time the game that we’ve

made through constant learning will


they will add up and propel us to

greater heights than the extra hour ever

could have

the fiverr rule is just an example it

doesn’t have to be an hour straight or

five days per week

but the main idea is that we learn

something new or something extra

every day as long as we keep this habit

it becomes a routine

people like barack obama opera winfrey

and bill gates

all commit to continuous learning

because it expands

the skill sets and the general knowledge

across the entirety of their careers

and by doing so they’re always opening

up themselves to new opportunity

and they’re never resting on their

laurels so as you can see

continuous learning improves our

identity by broadening our horizons

and enhancing in areas that we’re

fascinated by

so the obvious next question is where

can we start continuous learning

so just a bit more than 10 years ago

people still relied on teachers

and tutors and also their teaching

materials that they provide us

but there are some problems with it it’s

because the content is sometimes quite


and that some of them have already been

outdated so therefore it may be

false or even be and wrong so

as most people have access to internet


there are numerous learning online

platforms such as duolingo

addicts or brilliant these are all

these are our courses that are free and

we can attend whatever lessons that we


for example my mom learns swedish

from duolingo and also me who also


some of the out of the service biology

biology topic for medics

or maybe just to simply learn how to

play piano or a guitar

most of the courses are free and they

and there are no

time and geographical limitations so we

can pretty much learn anywhere anytime

which makes learning much more flexible

than ever before

so after committing to continuous

learning we can think about how we can

absorb the knowledge

and use it or apply it in life

so for instance we can make use of

knowledge and

innovate something new innovation is not


by how young you are how many resources

you have

or how good your learning environment is

for example a 14 year old girl from


remember jose actually made a

pedal-powered washing machine

she was asked to do laundry when her

mother became ill but she was less than

impressed with the amount of time and

energy needed to go to the nearby river

and to hand wash the clothes so she made


amazing appliance which has made a huge

impact in the world and made

countless applications in areas lacking


so a lot of times it’s the surroundings

that actually

define us and allows us to

inspire and to make innovative solutions

for the betterment of others

so another two students from hong kong

simon lee

and michael lee and simon wong they have

made a self-sanitizing door handle

just a few years ago inspired by the

outbreak of stars back in 2003

they’ve noticed that microbes can be

spread through contact

and they’ve made this handle that can

destroy most viruses and bacteria on the


this has proven to be super useful

especially during this

covet-19 pandemic so without the

knowledge acquired

these amazing and sophisticated


just would not be possible it allows us

to innovate something new

and inspire us to do something or make

something out

of almost nothing and to

improve our identity so these are just a

few examples

of how young people innovated by

creating such

products that helped millions of people

around the world

so how does this lead to our identity

so both of them have contributed to

society and helped

millions of people around the planet

both of them didn’t have much resources

to begin with

but because of their commitment to their

ideas and innovation

they allowed their innovation to define


so being innovative doesn’t mean that

you have to just make a physical

product to help others it can come in

many different forms

maybe you can also use some of the

talent or interest

that you have and make something to

entertain others

or just to simply share it with others

so take billy alex as an example

most people recognize her by her unique

look and style of music

whether you like her music is

controversial but i’m sure that

like she has created this and innovated

a new kind of musical genre that is so

different from the rest

her alternative approach to music is

pulse apart from what we are used to

she allowed her singularity to express

herself to express herself through the

arts she made

so by being creative sensitive and


all of these define her identity

so as you can see innovation can come in

various distinct forms

and there is no one way to be innovative

no matter what you learn there is always

room for creativity

and to make something that truly define


so all in all continuous learning and


are so beneficial to identity in so many


the key is to make use of the knowledge

and make it yours

remember what you’ve learned will define

who you are

continuous learning is just a vector for

improving our identity

but if we keep on learning continuously

to try to learn something new every day

it exhibits

on a daily basis which stems largely

from my identity

what we learn will contribute largely to

what we’ll do next

not everyone can make products that are


or innovative we can always create ideas

that inspire others and to innovate for

the betterment of others

whatever you decide to learn the

important thing is that you commit to

continuous learning

and do something that truly define your

best self

thank you
