Waking up from hypnosis


all right so in my hand

i have five envelopes

one says leisure one says travel

one says health one says


so one of these envelopes has got a lot

of money in it

so i’m going to have four of you choose

four envelopes

if you get to choose the envelope which

has money

then you get to win it all right

so let me try this you look excited

you’re just going to call out one of

these which one would you like to go for

let’s show here you go

you can hold on to this do not open it

hold on to this leisure

and we have travel health career

and fashion so

gentlemen here

travel okay

here you go do not open it hold on to


and we have health career and fashion

so what would you like to go for


you can take health that leaves with

fashion and career which one would you

like to go for

you go with career would you like to

change your mind

you’re happy with the mind you have okay

you can come up

and you can take care you here you go

you should have changed your mind

now you can’t

that leaves me with fashion

all right so you have health right

open health and see what do you have


no it’s just a blank paper and you can

check yours

what is in leisure it’s a blank paper

and sir travel check out what’s in


it’s a blank paper you have

career checkout i didn’t leave money in


career gives you a lot of satisfaction

but not money

i am the living example so you can keep

that in

that leaves me with fashion

the one which has

money in it thank you

usually somebody claps for this

thank you thank you

now seriously if only you had chosen


you could have one this is what you

could have one you could have one

correct as you can see two thousand

four thousand six thousand

eight thousand ten thousand rupees you

could have won

if only you had chose fashion

i thought you would have gone for

fashion but i know this

left you all feeling a bit bitter that

none of you want to give me a

round of applause i understand thank you

now i feel like i asked for it what you

just got to witness

is a classic mentalism performance

on the demonstration of influence is

such a thing even possible we tend to


if we have strong mind we cannot be


right but if we think so then we are

overlooking the fact

that our fundamental thoughts and

beliefs are something that we have

picked up

over the time either consciously or

unconsciously from our

parents from our culture from society

from what we have exposed ourselves to

like media travel books and so on

having these fundamental beliefs as the

base we create

new thoughts ideas opinions and actions

which over the time we tend to believe

as our own thoughts and opinions for

getting the origin they are coming from

these external influences that i am

talking about

they play a vital role in

the construction of our ego in making

who we are

which in turn decides whatever dreams

desires fears goals

and ambitions is especially

the influence through media it creates

ideas in our minds of what is cool what

is hip

what success be like and stuff which are

far from what the truth is

i i guess you are you are with me so far

whatever i’m saying most of the time we

live our lives

unaware of how we formulated these ideas

in our mind

staying hypnotized by all these external


unless we

we are aware and we are conscious about

how we got these thoughts and how we

formulated these ideas we would end up

living a life

which would be very mediocre how would i

know let me share

a study an interesting study a study

which was conducted on some of the most

successful entrepreneurs businessmen

and adventure enthusiasts it shows that

when they achieved their dream that goal

which they badly wanted to achieve say

someone wanted to climb mount everest

and they achieved it after their


after celebrating their achievement they

kind of felt

empty and a little confused than

how they started in the first place when

they started their journey

this because now they are clueless on


next to shoot for because they have

achieved the pinnacle of what they can


and they also realize that this

achievement did not give them the kind

of happiness that they were looking for

i think some of you can relate to this

because most of the time we create

fantasies in our mind believing if only


fulfill these fantasies then we’d be

happy and satisfied ever after

only to realize that this

achievement did not make much of a

difference in our life as a race

right now most of us are living our

lives predominantly this way from our


trying to fulfill our fantasies i would

say it’s a ego gratifying journey

where we are wasting our life and in

doing so

in all this madness we are also doing

our bit of damage

to the environment and the planet as


this is the case because

we have lost touch with who we really

are we are incredible beings who are

unaware of

our true potential

if only we get in touch with our inner


then we would get to understand what we

have forgotten

we would remember what we have forgotten

and then we will not be keeping up with


neurotic way of living now this would

come across as a little mystical and a

little woo-woo

so let’s uh back it up with some signs

this is going to be very interesting

because today’s signs show

that our heart is not merely a pumping

organ it is the most intelligent organ

in our body

we thought it’s the brain right but it’s

heart is the most intelligent organ in

our body because

the electromagnetic field of the heart

is five thousand times higher

than the electromagnetic field of the


making it the most intelligent organ in

our body

heart math institute’s research show

that there is so much information being

sent from the heart

to the brain but since we are so stuck

in our heads

our usual condition patterns of living

our conditioned ways of thinking

that we are not able to see beyond it

that we are not able to have much

access to our heart if only we

quite this we quieten this we’d be able


have access to this and a life

which is led by our heart would be much

more gratifying

how gratifying it would be

gary says gary weber who is an author

and a researcher

who shows brain studies brain studies

mri brain studies of brain

experiencing different pleasures as per

the results

on a scale of one to ten on a pleasure

scale where

one being the lowest of the pleasure one

can experience

and ten being the highest of the

pleasure one can experience

on this pleasure scale of one to ten the

pleasure via sex

stands at number eight the pleasure one

gets out of sex

stands that number it it can give you

only pleasure eight

not at a whooping pin like how i used to

believe during my adolescence

so it can give you eight and

the pleasure via drugs especially

psychedelic drugs a lot of research is

going on

on these drugs showing how it helps

people to come out of depression and

gives them a spiritual experience

and the pleasure via these drugs stand

at number 9.5

so i wouldn’t suggest anyone of you to

have these drugs

because i have some better suggestion

that is the one which lies at number 10

the pleasure which is experienced

at number 10 is the pleasure which is

experienced by the ones

who are in complete tune with their

heart long time meditators experience

this pleasure

which ranks at number 10 where they are

completely blissed out

and in a state of tranquility almost all

the time

so if you can’t relate to the pleasure


drugs or sex

then think about the pleasure via


and food which is very prevalent in our

society which falls way too down on this

scale what i’m trying to say is

if only we are quietening this then

naturally we will get in touch with the

inner world

and where we would get all the

satisfaction that we are looking for

sages and enlightened masters talk about

this place

this bliss which lies right here in this

very moment

if only we we are completely aware

of this present moment to the the degree


awareness we have as per the degree we

would get

blissed out the key is in

getting in touch with the way we are

feeling i want you to

bring your awareness to your feet as you

are sitting there as you are

watching bring your awareness to your


and become aware of all the sensations

in your feet if your mind is wandering

around just

gently bring your awareness to your feet

bring your awareness to your palms

the feelings on your palm become aware


what you’re feeling all the sensations

on your palm

become aware of the air which is

touching your body

become aware of the air that is touching

your body

from the top of your head to the bottom

of your feet

throughout your body wherever the air is

touching you

become aware of it become aware of the

breath which is going in and out of your


as it goes in to your lungs and out of

your body

become aware of aware of a growing

sensation in your chest

a sense of appreciation and gratitude


all that you have in your life for all

the blessings

and for all the goodness that you have

in your life

expand this sense of appreciation and

gratitude in your chest

let it expand let this good feeling

expand and let it

engulf the entire body

great notice as you are doing this you

are not worried about

the issues of your past or the issues of

your future at this moment

even though those issues are there in

the back of your mind

right now at this moment you have

achieved a bit of peace

and contentment just by tuning in

the way you are feeling at this moment

the idea is to get in touch with this


the idea is to get in touch with how we

are feeling can open your eyes now you

can visit this

space again and again get in touch with

his face again and again

so that you can expand your heart space

the feeling space

where from where you get all the

abundant love

healing and the clarity that you are

looking for

the more you get in touch with this

place the more

abundance flows into your life all that

we are looking for in the outer world

all the satisfaction

we can get here if only we keep visiting

this place

so now with all these studies that i

presented we are aware that living our


led by our heart is the most

is the most intelligent way to live

what good would it do to the planet

would it help our neighbor would it help

the planet

if you are thinking so i have a

fascinating study

which was conducted by bunch of


who are known as peace creating group

when these

who are who are meditating to promote

peace in war zones

when 8 000 of these meditators had


and were meditating where

they ceased their thought activity and

held peace in their hearts

it affected the war situation positively

statistics show the correlation between

these meditators meditating

and the drop in violence and terror in

war zones

crime activity also had subsided


during this time interesting isn’t it

there is a whole branch of study which

is known as morphogenetic field

which shows how we are contributing

to the entire world just with our state

of mind

with our state of mind alone we can

influence the entire world coming back

to the influence that i was talking the

beginning if we are happy

compassionate and in a state of


then we share this space not only with

the ones

who are physically around us but also

the collective consciousness with

everyone around the planet

like um it’s like if you are

if you are feeling negative then you

will be

adding to the collective consciousness

but with negative energy

raising your vibration higher by

experiencing joy by

exercising love

by increasing a sense of gratitude and

appreciation for whatever you have you

would be able to

raise the vibration of the entire planet

to sum it all up bringing peace to


and finding the love within is the best

thing that we can do to ourself to the


and to the planet if you look at the

world right now

isn’t it a mess this is the world that

we have created because we’ve been

relying so much

by our mind or our ego’s way albert

einstein says

we cannot solve a problem with the same

thinking we used

when we created them the problems of the

present world require

a paradigm shifting solution now we know

where to look for

let the light from within guide us

thank you
