TEDEd Website Tour

Welcome to the TED-Ed beta website tour.

I’m Logan Smalley,

I’m Bedirhan Cinar,

I’m Jordan Reeves,

and I’m Stephanie Lo.

We represent the TED-Ed team.

We’re going to tell you about
how the website is organized,

about the lessons
that surround each video,

how you can customize or flip
your own lesson,

and how you can measure
the lesson’s effect

on your class or the world.

Towards the end of the tour,

we’ll reveal one more major feature

that directly affects
every person viewing this video.

Let’s get started with the home page.

On the home page,
you’ll find original TED-Ed videos,

each is a lesson recorded
by an actual educator

that’s visualized
by a professional animator.

You can nominate educators and animators

in the “Get Involved” section of the site.

The TED-Ed library can be browsed
through two different lenses.

Learners can use the “Series” view
to browse videos thematically

and based on their own curiosity.

And teachers can use
the browse by “Subject” view

to find the perfect short video
to show in class or to assign as homework.

Every video on TED-Ed
is accompanied by a lesson.

These lessons don’t replace good teaching,

but they can be supplementary resources

for students and teachers
around the world.

Let’s look at this one,

created by a teacher in the US
and an animator in the UK.

When you arrive on the lesson page,
simply click play;

the video will continue to play

as you navigate the lesson’s sections
that surround it.

In the “Quick Quiz” section,

you’ll find multiple-choice questions

that check for basic
comprehension of the video.

You get real-time feedback on your answers

and if you get one wrong,
you can use the video hint.

You’ll find open-answer questions
in the “Think” section.

And in the “Dig Deeper” section,

you’ll find additional resources
for exploring the topic.

You can complete the lessons anonymously,

but if you log in, you can track
your own learning across the site.

Just visit the “Recent Activity” feed,

and you’ll find answers you’ve saved

to lessons that you’ve already
started or completed.

And now to one of the most powerful
features of the TED-Ed website:

flipping a lesson.

Flipping a featured lesson allows you
to edit each of the lesson’s sections.

You can edit the title
as it relates to your class.

You can use the “Let’s Begin” section

to provide instructions
or context for the lesson.

You can select or deselect
any “Quick Quiz” question.

In the “Think” section,

you can add your own
open-answer questions.

And in the “Dig Deeper” section,

you can use the resources provided
or add your own.

When you finish flipping a lesson,

it’ll publish to a new and unique URL.

And because the link is unique,

it can measure the progress
of any learner you share it with.

You can use it to measure participation

and accuracy of any individual
student’s answers.

So that’s how you flip
a featured TED-Ed video,

We’ve got one more major feature
to tell you about.

Using the TED-Ed platform,

you can flip any video from YouTube.

That means you can create a lesson
around any TED Talk, any TEDx Talk,

but also any of the other thousands
of great educational videos on YouTube,

including the ones that you yourself
could record, upload and flip.

And through flipping these lessons,

together we’ll create
a free and remarkable library

of lessons worth sharing.