1 Life Infinite Life Lessons


and totally believes

that there is no dream that one cannot


you all our wonders and we all are here

to do wonders in life



so hello i am a celebrity manager

pr manager and a motivational speaker

and i totally believe and i am going to

talk with you guys today

and to currently not only tell about my

victories but to tell you no matter

wherever you guys are in your life at

this moment of time

there are wonderful days which are

awaiting you

and moving on let me take you through my


basically back then in my childhood i

had dyslexia

this calcium this graphia and adhd

that is potential deficiency with

hyperactivity disorder

who is it way too much well back then i

was way too much

and due to which people had treated it

as an untouchable

kid in my school and for 17 years of my


i became an over introvert person i was


outgoing i had social anxiety and i


this social talking or public speaking

is not my thing

but there was this one person within me

saying that harsh you’re going to do


and you will definitely do it and that’s

where art of survival played a vital


definitely there is no app where i can

just install the art of survival

within me and within you but then there

are definitely four elements

that have taught me a lot in my life and

i would love to tell you what that four

elements are

and if you apply it in your life i am

sure we all really do wonders

so i guys ready how many of you want to

change your life can i have them

hands up amazing so are you guys ready

yes yes

so yeah these are the four more

important points that is that

acceptance gratitude never give up and


others these are the four important

elements of art of survival

which have helped me in what i am today

moving on to the first one self


okay there is some glitch thank you self


as you can see my only favorite to write

a very famous dialogue from japanese

so i think the day you accept yourself

i think what will do wonders to you i’ll

tell you when i had dyslexia back then

in my school people used to bully me

i i was being hit by a divider i was

being thrown in a cutter i mean

multiple things happened with me but i

just was positive that you know

there will be something and i used to

credit that white dyslexia

why i have to face so many problems in

my life but one finally i was just

passing by i saw a mirror and i saw

myself oh my god i’m such a wonderful


and i think i need to do something

wonderful to this guy who is in the


and that’s where i accepted myself the

way i was and

i i just accepted all my problems i mean

it’s okay

i’m just as normal as others are and

that’s how

my children started i accepted myself

and things did what does to me

right and that is what just hit my mind

and i accepted myself the way i was

and you trust me from the next day

itself world changed for me

world changed them


attitude of gratitude is very important






i am thankful to god for giving me so

many challenges which has made me a

stronger person today

so be thankful for all the problems what

you have in your life

there are blessings in disguise


all you have to do is thank you god for

everything okay

and before you after you wake up all you

have to do is

thank you god for this wonderful life i

think you have a beautiful life

we have all the organs which are working

and i don’t think so we need

anything more than



the way i started you know being

thankful for everything

my life changed around me you know

success just

hugged me so be thankful for every damn


can you please change



this is




know i haven’t been rejected i haven’t

rejected 57 times

you know and still i had that one thing

i had that thing in mind and today i am

talking to you guys













fun story

17 years of my life my entire schooling

i have been there alone doing nothing

sitting like an

over introvert

there was no one to help me i’m saying

this but helping others

is very important maybe monetary maybe

physically maybe mentally

help others because that is definitely

you will be a blessing to that person

overcoming all the problems what life

had thrown at me

today i am a celebrity manager pr

manager motivational speaker live coach

parenting coach

and many more makers

i had dyslexia i had problems


to all the people who are gonna you know

apply this art of survival in their life

a happy birthday thank you so much