Lessons I Learnt From Football

Transcriber: Miray Bas
Reviewer: Maurício Kakuei Tanaka

Football is a fun game,

and I am extremely passionate about it.

It is one of the most-watched games
in the history of the sporting world.

It is widely known across the world

with a lot of fans and supporters

who become united
irrespective of their skin color,


and language,

as their main focus is to cheer
their respective teams on to victory.

In football, every rule is important,

as no rule is more important
than the other.

The strikers score goals, yes,

but the defenders support the goalkeeper

to make sure the opponent team
does not score goals.

The midfielders, on the other hand,
give those crosses

that support those goals
that are being scored,

while the goalkeeper guards the post

to make sure the opponent team
does not score goals.

Even the substitutes are important as well

because when a player gets injured,
they are used to replace them.

Football is a good example
of what each family member represents,

and the rules each person plays,

considering their strengths
and weaknesses.

In a family,

the father,

the mother,

and the children

have their respective roles to play,

which they play
to keep the family together.

Can you imagine a family

where the father is the only one
running the house

and, at the same time,
running his paid job

without the help
and support of the mother?

That should be tasking and chaotic.

What about the mother running the house

without the presence
and support of the father?

That should as well be
exhausting and frustrating.

Again, the children,

wandering the streets

without the guidance
and support of their parents,

will only breed irresponsible adults

who’ll become a nuisance in the society.

On the other hand,

can you imagine a family without children?

Who will take care
of their parents at old age?

Who will take up that legacy
or inheritance when they die?

Whom and who will bring fun
and joy to the house

with their different temperaments?

This just goes to show
how important every family member is,

and what color and flavor

each person brings to the bond
that holds the family together.

Do not undermine each other’s rules.

Rather, supporting one another

will make family life easier and enjoyable

as everyone will be happy
to play their roles

and will achieve success.

Just like in the world of football,

where team members come together
with the aim of winning the game

by playing those different rules
with their skills and expertise.

Thank you.