6 keynotes to a wholesome life

hi everybody my name is binafsa sunawala

i am an actress and a host also a

traveler and a reader which could be one

of the few reasons why i think i might

have learned a few things here and there

that i’m going to share with you all


now this is going to be a very simple

yet a very meaningful talk

and i sincerely hope that i can share

and impart

all that i know and all that i have



trying to achieve a good life and having

a good life

now wherever you’re watching this from i

want you all to close your eyes for 15


and think of all the things that you’re

blessed with do this as sincerely as

possible i will do it along with you


our time starts now

how good did that feel

for those of you that managed to do it

sincerely i’m sure that felt very good

because that is the power and that is a

magic of gratitude

there are so many things to be thankful


it is said and experienced by many

that she or he

that feels gratitude for everything that

she or he has

will receive more

have you ever noticed yourself

constantly complaining about a certain


and that same thing tends to keep on

getting worse

now try feeling gratitude for it

try thinking of all the good things

about that very thing

for example let’s take your job let’s

say for example you’re frustrated with

your job you can’t stop picking on all

the bad things about your job

now start thinking about all the good


think about how much money it brings you

if you are able to feed your family with

that money that is a brilliant thing

think about all the good things about

your job instead of complaining and see

how it changes for you and i’m sure it

will if you feel true gratitude for it

as i mentioned before there are so many

things to be grateful for

you could be grateful for a loved one

you could be grateful for a good job

remember to be grateful for the water

you drink for the food on your table

you know i’ve been reading this book

magic by rhonda byrne

and in that book

the author quotes newton where he says

i am looking at the solar system

and i see the earth at the perfect

distance from the sun

to receive the proper amounts of heat

and light

this did not happen by chance

this is what he said that is so


now think

to go to think about that

let me explain some more things the

author also goes on to tell us in the

book about how we’re all protected by

this protective atmosphere beyond which

there is no air or oxygen

about the fact that trees give off

oxygen so that the air is continually


about the fact that if we were to be

placed anywhere else in the galaxy apart

from the earth then we’d all be

devastated by cosmic radiation

now these are all facts but how often in

our day do we think of it

months might pass and we might never

have even given a thought to it

for some of you who have that’s a

brilliant thing

feel gratitude before you sleep and feel

gratitude every day that you open your

eyes and wake up to a beautiful new day

that brings us to the end of our first

note on how to achieve a good life which

is gratitude

moving on to our next note i’m going to

explain this with an example

from my own life

there was this day i was feeling very

overwhelmed i felt very heavy on my

emotions i felt very angry very hot

i was in pain

but i had to be somewhere i had

somewhere to be so i got into a cap and

i couldn’t hold back my tears because i

was very overwhelmed i was feeling

extremely emotional

so i couldn’t hold back my tears and i

started crying i started sobbing

so my cab driver heard me and he looked


he looked at me and he said

in hindi he asked me


which means madame why are you crying

please don’t cry

now he said such a simple statement but

he said it with so much kindness without

expecting absolutely anything in return

he said that with so much kindness love

care and compassion

but for a minute there i just forgot all

about my pain and and my my suffering

and i and i and i

lightened up i completely

um got humble all over again

and i my heart was filled with love and


and this is just one of the examples

that goes on to prove that kindness will

always be bigger than any kind of hate

sorrow anger pain kindness and love is

the biggest of all

that was really a wonderful day for me

to realize something beautiful

moving on to my next note now this is a

combination of good thoughts good words

and good deals

now i’m a zoroastrian and in

zoroastrianism we are taught to believe

in good thoughts good words and good

deeds as i am sure every other religion

teaches as well

wake up

and remember that today i am going to

say nothing negative i am going to fill

my mind with good thoughts i am going to

say only good things and i am going to

do only good deeds

and this is definitely a win-win because

not only is it a beautiful thing a

beautiful thing to do to change the

world because it always starts with

yourself but it also is

something that will make you feel so

light and so amazing within you

it really really is beautiful how simple

and wonderful these things are

moving on to my next note

purpose and passion

direct your life towards a purpose


that every human being has a true

passion and a true purpose direct your

life towards a purpose

remember to master and develop the

skills for that purpose and feel as much

passion as you can

every human being has his true passion

and purpose deep within himself or

herself and if you really look within

you will find it

converse with yourself be kind to


make mistakes but explore what makes you

happy and you will find it

that brings me to my next note which is



now all of us

have laid out um a set of goals to

achieve we all want to achieve certain

goals and we always think oh if this

just goal if this goal i achieve i’m

just it’s everything is great

but only some of us might have realized


we’re actually looking to be persistence

because the goal


we’re actually looking to be persistent

sorry because the goal is actually the

destination is actually for but a second

but what we’re really looking to do

is we want to go on our journey to

fulfill that goal we want to go on our

journey to achieve that goal and once

that goal is done we feel happy we feel

overjoyed but we’re on to our next

because human beings are seekers we want

to seek and seek we have a thirst for

search and every time one goal ends

human beings are out on their journey to

achieve their next because all they’re

looking for is to be persistent and to

be on their journey continuously and

that truly is a wonderful quality that

human beings have so keep at it

our next note

is about


now learning is a very powerful thing

because and by power i do not mean you

meet up with a bunch of your friends and

you’re discussing about how amazing your

iq or your gk is

in this context

learning is that which makes you

powerful because every failure and every

time you are not okay or every time that

you are upset you are learning

and you are learning and you are

learning until you get stronger

wiser and more dependent on your inner

strength and wisdom and less dependent

on outer situations events for people

for your happiness

so that in mind you you will learn if

you just remember to learn instead of

always sulking and you will get stronger

so remember that these are the real

lessons that life teaches us the

learnings that life teaches us

and hence we learn

our next note is a very interesting one

believing in the power of your own mind

now when i realized this in my own life

it was one of the most beautiful things

that ever happened to me

because how wonderful it is

to be the guide of your own life

how wonderful it is to realize that all

your happiness peace success

failure relationships

lies right here

take care of your mind

guide it the right way

keep it away from the things that

unnecessarily disturb and disrupt its


fill it with positivity and good


strengthen it during the tough times and

keep it humble

in the good

tune it how you want to towards

happiness peace success prosperity and

all that it is that you desire


that you cannot let anybody else or any

other situation control your mind you

have got to keep the control within you

and if you really believe in the power

of your own mind

you’re going to know that it is your

mind it belongs to you

you are the master of it and that at the

end of the day it will always always

listen to its master

how wonderful it is these are just

simple lessons

but i’m sure they’re going to be really

helpful if you really apply them

our next note on how to achieve a good


is happiness

you need to find happiness everywhere

you go make it a point because to be

happy and to be smiling can unknowingly

really improve your day

now some would say or think that um how

can i be happy on days where i feel

slightly low

on those days an easy and quick solution

to being happy is to be grateful

think of your blessings count your

blessings and while you’re counting your

blessings i’m sure it is very difficult

to not feel a certain amount of

happiness so remember to count your

blessings and believe that you have to

be happy find it look for it and make

sure that you’re happy

our next note um

is about peace

now peace our physical body needs


so does our mind

you feed yourself

you feed yourselves to be fit to be


but what about the mind

you have to feed your mind as well you

have to nourish your mind you have to

feed it with all the things that benefit


you have to remember that feeling

peaceful is the most

fulfilling feeling in the entire world

so make sure that you find your peace

our next note on how to achieve a good

life is discipline

now discipline is the one thing that

binds all of that that i’ve mentioned


discipline is something without which

your life is but happening and you have

no control over it

and then you might complain and you

might think oh things are not going my

way but how will they if you are not

disciplined enough

for any career any work that you do you

obviously need to be extremely

disciplined in order to be successful

but not just that you need to be

disciplined in your life as well

all that i have mentioned before this is

not let’s face it it it is not a piece

of cake

it’s not always going to be easy to um

wake up and say all the good things it’s

not always easy to um always um

say the best things about people or

about situations

you might sometimes really quarrel with

your mind while you’re trying to tame it

and you might also forget to say thank

you before you’re having your meal

but all you have to do is set out

certain values certain guidelines and

certain rules be strict with your

discipline and remember that discipline

is very important for your career but it

is also very important in order to


a good life be strict with your values

and make sure that they enrich your life

and that they’re good for your life and

each day that passes by

so this was the last note on how to

achieve a good life

and of course i am not the queen of

everything you know i have myself

experienced these things tried to bring

gratitude or thankfulness in my life

tried to believe in the power of my mind

remember to be peaceful and happy and

strive for it i’ve tried all these

things i’ve practiced all these things

and it’s been difficult to do some days

but you practice and you practice and

that’s the fun of it because when you

achieve it it feels absolutely wonderful

and to end this talk i’d just like to

say that uh all that has helped me i

really hope that i could um share all of

this with you and that it helps you too

in your life

and also i really hope for all of you

that you all are so blessed

to wake up every morning to wake up to a

new day to wake up to new wonderful

hours to make your life a wonderfully

good life

thank you so much