7 principles to live the life of your dreams

Transcriber: Fabio Risso
Reviewer: Hani Eldalees

How high do you prioritize
your goals and dreams?

A study by the University of Scranton
that was recently featured in Inc magazine

states that only eight percent of people
achieve their goals.

That’s a whopping ninety-two percent
of dreams not being realized.

So I’m here today to share with you
seven life principles

that have enhanced my experience of life
beyond my wildest dreams.

But first, a story:

In 2008 I’d come
through a really rough period in life

where everything that could go wrong
had gone wrong.

But then I had a wake up call,

that shifted me back on to what felt like
my destined path in life

and everything just started
beginning to flow again.

Suddenly I was being gifted
wisdoms beyond my years,

and I went on a bit
of a spiritual journey,

and found myself living through
seven key principles,

I now use as my foundation to life.

I have had a lot of succes
in the years since,

and I get asked a lot
what my secret to life is.

And so here I am
sharing this principles with you,

as is my idea they are
worth sharing with the world.

In 2012, I set
a powerful intention

to build a million dollar
publishing house.

A big goal, huh?

Right then, an intentional seed
was planted against all the odds.

You see, my studies were in humanities,
not in publishing.

So, how did I make it happen?

Well I set the intention,
and things started to happen fast.

What I thought would take me
twenty-five years to achieve,

took me seven years.

I know that working through
this principles

has fast tracked my succes. And all
without compromising any of my values

as a proud mom
of six awesome kids.

I am a great believer that
that we can have it all

when we lean inwards for the answers,
and outside for the support,

to make them happen.

I believe that it is possible that
the great majority of

the ninenty-two percent not reaching
their goals, are setting outer goals.

Because in my experience,
when we set passion-fueled goals

intentionally aligned with our values,
there’s no way we can fail.

So I want to share with you today
a different kind of perspective.

A perspective that makes sure
that when you set an intention

you are setting yourself
up to win, not lose.

My seven life principles that
will have you maximize

your potential in life are: mindfulness,
knowing, intention, gratitude, love,

forgiveness, and belief.

You may be thinking to yourself
that they are just words;

deep words, meaningful words, but just,
yet they’re still just words.

However, I want you to take a moment
to consider, that when you live

to the essence of
each one of this principles

you will experience life
at a whole new level.

So lets first look at mindfulness.

Mindfulness is when we become more aware
of things around us:

we see things wider and deeper.

When you open up your mind
to becoming more mindful,

something shifts within you,

without you even having to try.

Divine timing comes into motion,

and our greater awareness of self
is mastered.

For each of the principles to reach
their highest potential,

it is important to become more mindful.

My top tip to becoming more mindful
is to do it consciously

for twenty-one days,
and then it becomes a bit of a habbit.

Because when you do something enough,
it becomes part of who you are,

who you come to be.

Now, the second principle is knowing.

Knowing is one of the most powerful things
that we can learn.

Or should I actually say re-learn?

And I say that because
we’re all born with the ability to know.

But we lose it along the way.

There’s way too many people
leaning outside for the answers,

when the answers are actually
an inside job.

It’s as simple as that.
But of course as humans,

we are going to make life harder
for ourselves, than it needs to be.

So first of all, you need to realize
that you already have the ability to know:

We all do. And I have a simple,
three steps knowing process

that will help you
kick-start your knowing:

you feel it, then you think it
and then you action it.

So we’ve set a powerful intention.
It’s now an energetic frequency

and you can be confident,
knowing that the Universal laws

are doing their bit in the process.
Knowing ensures that you stay on track.

So when an inspired thought
or opportunity comes your way.

And most importantly, that you don’t
compromise your values in the process.

So first you feel it:

When an inspired thought catches
your attention, you are feeling it.

Most people act at this stage,
but I like to bring a step further,

to the thinking stage!

Where I ask a simple question:
Is this aligned with where I want to go?

If the answer is a no, or a I don’t know,
I dissmiss it, ’cause it’s a distraction.

If the answer is a hell yes!, then I have
the courage to action that straight away.

Because if I don’t, someone else will.

The biggest things that have ever happened
in my life, have come

from when I’ve actioned an opportunity
or an inspired thought inmediately,

as this absolutely feels
like the next right step.

There’s no fear in this process,
because there’s no fear in knowing.

I am able to make decisions
with unwithering confidence,

knowing that my internal navigation system
is working solely for my highest purpose.

The third principle is intention.

Setting a clear intention is

an important part
of living to your highest potential.

How can you get what you want

if you don’t actually know
what you want to achieve?

This energetic exchange is important
because it sets a ball in motion

that you can really build momentum
in achieving your heart’s desire.

I’ve had a lot of fun
in setting intentions

and going on the journey
to make them happen

the difference between an intention
and a goal is that with an intention

you set a target, but you surrender
to the process of how it comes to be.

Whereas with a goal, quite often there is
a step by step plan to achieve the goal,

and the focused energy
goes directly on each step,

instead of the unlimited potential
of an intentional journey.

The fourth principle is gratitude.

A secret that not everyone realizes
is that gratitude is not only

a wonderful, virtuous quality to have,
it is also a superchannel for manifesting.

So when you take time everyday
to be grateful, your future self

will also be grateful for it.

It makes sense since the results
will outdwell any doubt

in the faith you need to have
to commit to gratitude.

To kick-start your gratitude journey
I recommend that you get

a gratitude journal. But the secret key
to manifesting true gratitude

is to think and feel what it would be like
to have your heart’s desire right now.

In this very moment. And then,
sit in the essence of that moment.

Now, the fifth principle is love.

I like to call this: the law of love.
Because, when you put loving energy

into something, it supercharges it,
and not only do you get quicker results,

the outcome is often more
than you could ever imagine.

I know this from the many occasions of
pumping loving energy into my intentions,

and retrieving results
beyond my wildest dreams.

It takes courage to live through love.
But if you can find the courage within

and have the passion for life,
and for your calling,

just wait till you see
how that works for you.

Because when you love life,
it will love you back.

The sixth principle is forgiveness.
Forgiveness is one of the toughest,

but one of the most freeing
of all the principles.

It’s a super valuable principle because,
when things hold us back in the past,

how can we ever
authentically move forward?

Not only do you need to forgive others,
you also need to forgive yourself.

When I talk about forgiveness,
I’m speaking about

energetic disconnection
to anything holding you back

from realizing your highest potential.

Everything and everyone in our past
was there for a reason.

It helped us advance
into the person we are today.

It served a purpose in our life
for a season, not for a lifetime.

There’s no greater tragedy than a life
entrenched in the past hurt.

And if you want to evolve
and reach your highest potential,

you need to rise above, and learn
how to forgive, in order to evolve.

We need to understand that forgiveness
is an almighty strenght, not a weakness.

So we’ve come to the last
and final principle, which is belief.

Quite often we believe–

Quite often belief can come
through ourselves, but sometimes

it is a gift from someone else.

Our role is to open the door
and let it in.

Belief is a driving force in having us
open our minds to our highest potential.

There are no limits; only the ones
we impose on ourselves.

So start believing today.

This seven life principles
have been a catalyst

in this exciting trayectory of my life.
Should you chose to embrace them

for yourself, I hope that they will act
as a personal dream activator for you too.

You have nothing to lose, and so much
to gain. So if you are ready to be

in the elite eight percet, it’s time
to embrace a new perspective;

and live your best life possible.