Attitude of gratitude

wondering who this little girl is

or wondering who am i why should you be

listening to me and why

am i on this stage let me give you a

reason why

because i cracked the code

i cracked the code to a happier you

hi guys i’m deekshavura a blogger

a content creator a digital influencer

or all of the above

so i was born into an army family my

father’s in the army

my brothers in the army my grandparents

were veterans in the army so it’s safe

to say that i was highly influenced by

the way of conduct and the culture here

is when i was introduced and inculcated

with the three d’s of my life

discipline determination

and dedication so while i was

all up for being dedicated and


i really wanted to add the fourth d

the d of diksha i wanted to add the


of diksha so let me take you through

or take you down the memory lane while i

was in school i was the teacher’s pet

i was the house captain i was

participating in

almost all the extracurricular


i was winning so many awards i

absolutely rejoice the attention

so here is when

the year came when i had to decide what

i wanted to do for the rest of my life

according to most parents it’s the 10th


i didn’t even know which ice cream

flavor i wanted to have

but i was to decide what i want to do

for the rest of my life

so i did exactly what i would have done

at an ice cream parlor

i took one scoop of everything

so i became a pcmb student

which is physics chemistry math and bio

not because i was a scholar or i enjoyed


but because i really didn’t know what i

wanted to do in life

and i didn’t want to lose on any


cut to the 12th grade i very quickly

realized that i’m

horrible at math and physics i was no

longer the teacher’s pet

my grades were dropping and according to

the society

i wasn’t doing quite well for myself

so back then there were three major

career options in the bharara family

a i could be a doctor

my sister is a doctor my cousins are


my uncle and aunt are doctors they were

fitting in the criteria

b i could be a teacher

what better career option for a girl

the license to a perfect married life

see i could join the indian army

and take the legacy forward and make the

bahara khandan proud

so i became a lawyer

why just

so i started pursuing law a five-year

integrated course of bba llb

this gave me five more years to decide

what i really wanted to do in life

now in these five years i started

participating in

fashion shows drama shows dance shows

and i was

winning all the awards the little

two-year-old me

was ecstatic though i was really good at

studies i almost stopped my college

but i didn’t have the courage to go up

to my family and tell them

oopsie i’ve wasted five years of my life

so i sat down for placements and to my


i was selected by one of the top firms

of india at the age of

22 i was offered a package of

22 lakhs which according to many sitting


is success i had an entourage i had this

beautiful office

i had this building which looked like a

five-star hotel and this life

which looked right out of a movie screen


but i felt suffocated

i felt like somebody was stabbing my


and one day i snapped out of it

that day i read somewhere never strut

with borrowed feathers and i thought to


this is it i’m never looking back

that is the time i knew the way to


the moment the moment

you know what you don’t want to do

you’re a step closer to what you really


but let me tell you one thing choosing

the less trodden path

isn’t always easy they’re people

questioning you at every corner

they make you feel like you’re not worth

it like your dreams are too big like

you’re not good enough

though my family was standing by me and

my friends were

believing in my conviction and my


you still have these external noises

these people who make you think that you

can’t pull it off

with a lot of hard work and a lot of

burning the midnight oil

the 3ds with the dash of the fourth one

stuck with me today i can proudly say

that i chose my life

i chose to let go of the societal


i chose the right and wrong and i

chose to carve my own future

so three years later here i am standing

in front of you

inspiring 90 000 young minds every

single day

and sharing my story of my choice

so today you may ask who is deeksha

to which i would say that the life

of this world is nothing but the harmony

of opposites and the life of diksha

is nothing but the harmony of choices

so make your choice and choose your life

thank you