Be Bold Be Fearless Be You



bold be fearless be you

how to create the life you want that is

what we’re going to talk about today

i want you to think about the answers to

these questions

what does being brave mean to you how

brave do you feel

right now and what would be different if

you had more bravery

in your life how many of us

are just going through the motions of

life settling for anything

and just taking what life gives us i

feel like it’s so much more common than

we think

and it’s become so much more acceptable

than it ever has

but why is that why do we settle for

less than we want

when we all know that this is the only


we really get

these are questions that i started to

ask myself years ago

when i started my journey of


and it wasn’t easy they were difficult

questions to answer

and i had to be honest with myself i had

to make a choice

i had to decide if i wanted to be safe

in my life

or if i wanted to be brave in my life

having courage and being bold ultimately

were the things that i wanted the most

i urge you to answer the same questions

so i will give you a little back story

imagine waking up one day

and everything you thought life was

gonna be has gone down the drain

you’re depressed you’re in darkness

you’re suffering from anxiety and you

just have no clue

how you’re gonna move forward you’re

being held back by fear

imagine being in a relationship where

you don’t have a voice

nothing that you want to do nothing that


think about yourself being can come to


because this person is holding you back

by being aggressive by instilling

fear in you by not allowing you to speak

up for yourself

and also by making you feel that all of

this that is happening to you

is your fault and on top of that

imagine having two children that you

have to be an example for

yet you’re still in this darkness yet

you’re still in this uncertainty

well that was me until one day

i woke up and i told myself

i need to be here for my children and

most importantly

also for myself if i don’t pour

self-love into myself

if i don’t think about being brave

and what that will mean to my children

and what example that was set for them

then what would i have then i would stay

in this fear for the rest of my life

so i became brave i started to ask

myself all of these questions

and i started my journey of

self-discovery and self-love

i knew i was tired of being tired

and miserable and that i had to make a


but one thing i think a lot of people


is that when you are ready to make a

change you sometimes have no idea where

to start

and that was me you may even feel

hopeless and you may not even feel

that you can achieve what you want

there is also usually a lot of fear

mixed up

in being brave and living courageously

one thousand percent

so that’s what i’m going to talk about

today how to start to change

your life and live it authentically

while conquering that fear

because that fear can feel like a real


and sometimes it is so hard to escape

but you won’t have to let it prevent you

from living the life you want

living authentically that is the


living an authentic life is so much more

complicated and so much more messier

than we give it credit for

it’s a journey and it is so worth it

but it is a long journey it is one of

the most exciting

the most challenging and the most growth

filled opportunities that you will ever

encounter in your life

you slowly learn implement

and implement things then that begin to

help you change

and when you choose to live a life

that’s authentic to you

that’s when you really start to show up

in your life for yourself

that’s when you learn what your real

power is

and what you are truly capable of it is

so amazing

and it requires bravery and courage


and the utmost audacity to take a chance

on yourself

learn who you are the first step is

really learning who you are

who are you ask yourself that take a

look at yourself in the mirror

be brave to go really deep and dig

deep in yourself it is taking a look


and learning what’s important to you

it’s learning to live your life

based on what your values are and your

heart desires

instead of what you’ve been told that

they are

as it was in my case and that can be a

little scary

because most of us have been living our

lives based on other people’s values

so the first step really is to dig deep

within yourself and to really understand

what it is that you want from your life

how do you want your life to look

what do you want it to be like how do


want to be really dig deep and ask

yourself these questions

figure out who you are and what your

purpose is

and what your likes and dislikes are and

what you like what you want your lights

look like my life was looking like

darkness and that is

nothing that i wanted a part of anymore

i want

fulfillment purpose excitement

peace so take a look inside

the second step after really digging

deep is to create

a vision create a vision not only for

what you want in your life to look like

but for how you want to be how are you

going to be showing up differently

in your life because of these changes

for example myself

if i continue to wake up every day

feeling hopeless feeling like there was

no opportunity for me

feeling like this was it this was my

life and

nothing more was gonna come from it then

that would have been the vision the

negative vision for the rest of my life

except i changed that i started waking

up with hope

and i encourage you to really write this


and get as detailed as possible if it


think about how your life will be

different day to day

what is your day going to look like as

simple as a day

it starts with just first step who’s

going to be in your life

do you need to eliminate some people

from your life for your life to change

think about those things not only what

it will look like

how will you feel once you start

implementing these changes

i want you to envision it like it’s

really happening right now

tackle the fear head on now that you

have your vision

i want to go over the crucial step that

we often overlook

tackling the fear head-on whenever there

is a change in our lives

there is a certain level of risk and


and it can cause us to become fearful of

making that change

for me it was not being able to rely on

another partner

to help me raise my children help me pay

for expenses that i had to do with my


i was afraid i couldn’t be able to

handle it financially

the top the tip that i give for managing

the fear

is to really recognize that you’re not

alone in feeling that fear

most people often just don’t talk about

it people don’t talk about how they’re

afraid to do the things

they want to go after their dreams as

much as we should

so the first thing to recognize is that

the fear is just your way

or your mind’s way of trying to keep you


and safety isn’t a bad thing know it’s


to keep us safe from real physical harm

so this fear is not your enemy

it is something that is there to protect


with that recognize that you don’t have

to be submissive to that fear

you don’t have to let it drive you

because you can’t let it stop you from

that vision

that you created for yourself don’t


yourself for the fear don’t feel like

it’s a sign

that you shouldn’t be doing what you’re

doing because in actuality it is a sign

that is what your heart wants and that

is where you should go

normally we feel fear while we’re

stepping out of our comfort zone

so it’s not necessarily a bad thing

we’re just stepping into a new


place that we’re not used to my biggest

tip for actively going after the things

that you want while managing that fear

is to find support find people who are


you who are going through the same

things or have the same goals

find a mentor or surround yourself with

positive people

that has helped me so much or find

someone that’s going to hold you


we are much stronger together

taking action know that when it’s time

to take action

is when your fear tries to rear its ugly

head just when you’re ready to take that

leap of faith just when you’ve created

that vision and you’re

ready to put it into fruition that’s

when fear starts rolling back in

imposter syndrome we call that now

recognize that you have vision

and the support team and that the fear

doesn’t have to hold you back so i

encourage you to take action no matter

how small

or how big it is as long as you’re

moving forward

power in fear i think it’s important to

realize that we all have fear

there’s something for us to be afraid of

no matter how much we grow

or how much we change but the thing is

when we’re fearful

that seems to blind everything it seems

to be the only thing we can focus on

and when we choose to focus on that fear

it can distract us from what we really


so we have to really really try to


that the fear is there but we don’t have


allow it to take over our lives it

doesn’t have to necessarily be a bad


i was always very fearful in sharing my

survival story with others

especially my family due to


due to just not feeling comfortable and

sharing what was going on and also

not knowing what was the right step to

take if i still wanted to continue to be

in this relationship

i was scared i was fearful but once i


i felt free and empowered

because i now let it go and it no longer

consumes me

it no longer was who i was it was

something that happened to me

but it did not define me that is when i

realized how much power i really had

and you have this inside of you too

and when you overcome the things that

you’re afraid of that’s when you realize

just how strong you are

and how much you can do in your life

so if you take anything from today’s


is that when you face your fears and

choose to live your life

that’s when you prove to yourself how

strong you really are

you already have it in you but it is

time to let it

shine through the steps are simple

know who you are decide

what you want and take action

the complexity comes in when we have to

tackle the fear head-on

but it’s the difference between a life

of going through the motions

and a life that is true and authentic

to you thank you