Can You Show Me Your Diary


i am

a little introverted

so it’s difficult for me to make new

friends in person

i prefer reading people’s thoughts

via text or stalking people i’m not the

only one

and since you’re all here right now i’d

like to get to know you

with that in mind can you please

kindly show me

your diary i know do not turn to today’s


let’s flip back a few pages let’s flip

back to the month

of january show me your resolutions

show me just how wild your imagination

can run uninterrupted show me

your mustard seed size of dreams show me

how you measure your own capabilities

what no one

is watching and if you feel like i’m

invading a little bit of your privacy i

can understand that

to be fair maybe

i should have started by showing you


you see my diary looks

a little bit like a bootleg version

of the book of psalms my diary looks a

little bit

like the first three weeks of a brand

new relationship

my diary looks a little bit like two

minute microwaved prayers of emergency

my diary

looks like churches on a saturday night

empty and sometimes my diary

looks like that slow last conversation

right before a breakup

sometimes my diary looks like a

condolence book

without felt messages going out to all

the people that we’ve lost this year my

diary is an onslaught

of thoughts and emotions loud like great

east road

and jumbo drive combined during a riot

my diary is loud like a blast at the


of the city of beirut loud like gunshots

or fireworks

sometimes it’s like i can’t breathe

between a knee

on my neck or gassing in my city my


sometimes it’s like

fireworks or new year’s eve

sometimes it’s like a glorious countdown

into the new decade like

like 10 000 screaming fans

in an erupted woodland stadium goes to

show that dreams really do come true

regardless of your musical preferences

like nine to five jobs

are slowly wallowing on their deathbeds

we need to wake up like

like eight out of ten companies at some

point this year resorted

to working remotely and they’re looking

to do so even after the pandemic seven

other people lost their lives

in a tragic helicopter crash that

claimed the lives of kobe bryant

and daughter six

days into the month of august 2020

i lost one of my best friends to


and saying that i miss him is is an


five plus 995 views on this poem is all

that i’m asking for no pressure

no pressure no pressure

for years even after his diagnosis

chadwick aaron bossman continued to give

us the best

of himself on our screen so of course of

course you forever be our

king three

nights was all it took for

a few friends of mine okay were broke so

three nights was all it took for a few

friends of mine to sell out

half the seats of an event without

actually printing the tickets

or through the power facebook and efts

two billion active

facebook users now i can’t over

emphasize the need to be socially

present as a brand

or company or an individual now one

there’ll always be that one person

who’ll never respond to your dms you’ll

get over it

now you see my diary

looks a little bit just a little bit

like a mess

like sunday morning bathroom marathons

in readiness for church when you’re late

my dad looks a little bit

actually a lot like me

and all that i’ve been through someone

told me if you want to make god laugh

tell him your plans what a comedy show

this year must have been for

him and honestly for me too

but my laughter wasn’t brewed from the

best of humor

it was a response to defeat to


to uncertainty to losses and our

generation is so poetic you can see it

with the memes and the quotes

we say stuff like elves don’t mean

losses anymore

they’re lessons

my l’s this year have looked a lot more

like lessons

a lot more like dead ends like trying to

use google maps in my neighborhood i get

nowhere and based on the energy right


i can tell somehow that my diary looks a

little bit like yours

after any tragedy we are often of the

perception that

all that we possess thereafter are


i’m of the idea that their requirements

requirements for the next stage in life

and collectively i think our diaries

have looked

a little bit like plan a plan b

plan c you name it our diaries have

looked like

the new normal zoo meetings

e-learning face max they have looked

like the end

of an era and i was talking to this

crazy wise man

and he told me kid

you know the new structure of the modern


will consist of only a man and a dog

i was like what it was like listen

the man will be there strictly to feed

the dog

and the dog will be there precisely to

keep the man from touching their

automated equipment i was like

okay but slowly i’m starting to see it

and as a new year beckons i might just

wing this

i might just wait until we get new

diaries or journals

or whatever you call them and maybe then

they will look a little bit more like

a new blueprint for eden instead of the

usual applications to join

a crumbling system in a nutshell

our diaries have looked like

pruning but once the vine dresser

is done pruning his branches

it’s impossible for those branches not

to thrive

so once again now

can you show me your diary