Does everyone have a purpose


hello everyone and thank you so much

for being here and one of our greatest


is our time and i am so grateful that

you have chosen to spend part of your


here with me and i promise to do my very


to make it worth your while to get

started today what i’d like you to do is

take anything

that is in your hands and go ahead and

put it to the side

and go ahead and take your feet and put

them flat on the floor

and go ahead and take your hands and put

them flat on your

knees close your eyes

and take a nice deep breath in for me


and exhale

and go ahead and take a nice deep breath

in for me please

and exhale go ahead and keep your eyes

closed imagine

if every moment of your life was


everything you did everything you said

all the places that you went

all the ways in which you spent your

time and towards the end of your life

a museum was built to honor you

only your museum would show your life

exactly how you lived it

so if 80 of your time was spent at a job

that you didn’t enjoy

or on activities that you didn’t like

then 80

of your museum would be dedicated

towards that there would be pictures

videos kiosks all showing you spending

your time on these things that didn’t

bring you joy

if you love spending time with your

family or your friends or pursuing some

particular passion or hobby

but for whatever reason you only spent

two percent of your time on those loves

then no matter how much you wished it to

be different

only two percent of your museum would be

dedicated towards that

maybe just a few pictures near the exit


imagine what it would be like to walk

your museum

what would you see how would you feel

now imagine if heaven or the afterlife

or however you perceive this whole

experience to work

actually consists of you being the tour


for your own museum for all

of eternity

excellent take a nice deep breath in for

me please and

exhale go ahead and open your eyes

shake your arms out a little ladies and


if at any time in the future you feel

yourself stressed

or overwhelmed i encourage you to take a

few minutes

and go into a quiet space and spend a

little quality time in your museum

it is one of the most amazing ways to

center yourself

and it is incredibly useful for

something like which way should i go on

a particular decision

because when you enter that space and

you think to myself if i go left what

would that look like

in the museum of my life if i go right

on that path

what would that look like it’ll provide

you with amazing guidance i promise you

for the rest of your life

now i have found the way to create an

amazing museum

a museum that you would be proud to walk

not just today not just tomorrow

but literally for all of eternity is by

focusing on something called

your big five for life at the age of 33

i did something that most people said

was crazy i left behind a very lucrative


sold almost everything i owned and went

to go backpack around the world for a

year on 40

a day with my wife and it was something

that i dreamed about something i’d

wanted to do and it was absolutely

a life-changing experience and one of

the most powerful places

during that adventure was africa and

when you go to africa

everyone talks about something called

the african big five

and it’s the five specific animals that

people want to see on safari

and they gauge the success of their

safari experience based on how many of

these five they see

so if they see two of the african big

five it’s like ah pretty good

for the african big five better and if

they see all five

of the african big five nirvana right

this is exactly

what i came to africa for well coming

out of that experience

i had a pretty major epiphany and i

thought to myself

what if we were to look at our lives

that way what if we were to articulate

the five things that we most want to do

see or experience in our lifetime before

we die the five things so powerful that

if we were to do see or experience them

that on our deathbed in the last moments

of our time

we could look back over our life and we

could say you know what no matter what

else i did or i didn’t get to

i got to those things and therefore my

life was a success

by my own definition of success

and what if we were to align our

resources on those

our time our energy our thoughts

our financial resources all aligned

to helping us live the life that we want

to live

now your big fire for life can be

short-term in nature if you say i want

to watch the sunset

over the serengeti just one time or they

could be longer term in nature you may

say i want to have a loving relationship

with the people that matter most to me

the choice

is entirely yours since we have a

limited time together today

i would like to share with you five

guiding concepts to help you fill your

museum with amazing moments

as you live your big five for life

item number one it’s who not how

so many times in life when we we know

where we’re at in our existence

and where we want to go to the question

that pops up in our mind is

well how do i get there and the problem

with this is that question

how is full of learning curves and

barriers and

obstacles and every one of those is like

a mountain but we say to ourselves no no

this is something so important to me

right i’m willing to invest the time

invest the energy and we get to the top

of that first mountain and we look out

and we see

another mountain and we say no no but

this is something so important to me

so we invest more time we invest more

energy we get to the top of that second

mountain we look out and we see

another mountain and by the time most

people get to the third mountain

they give up they have succumbed

because the question to ask is not how

the question to ask my friends is who i

guarantee you that no matter what is on

your big five for life list someone at

some point in the history of the planet

has already done seen or experienced

what you want to do see your experience

the trick is to use the power of the

technologies that we have at our


find these hoos learn everything you can

about them

and then imitate it that single small

adjustment in the way that you do things

will change your life in incredible ways

all right concept number two shuffling

through the caribbean

a woman once shared with me this

incredible story of the power of using


versus how she said i went to school and

i was trained as a chef

and when i got done with school i

decided that what i really wanted to do

was to go cruise the caribbean

and so i used this other aspect of the

who technique which is telling

everybody possible about your dream she

said i told my parents i told my friends

i told the rest of my family

told the people at the school where i

was trained as a chef so a week later

her phone rings and it’s the people at

the chef school they say you’re not

gonna believe this

but a guy just walked in he and his wife

own a private yacht

they’re looking to go sail the caribbean

they’re looking to hire a personal

chef and we thought of you i said what

happened she said well i got the call i

did the interview which consisted of

making a bunch of meals they loved it

and i got hired

i said well what was it like i said what

did you do exactly she said well as the

chef i was responsible for making the


i said all the meals she said no you

know there’s lots of islands in the


she said a lot of times they would stop

so i just had to make it when they

weren’t doing

that stuff it’s like oh my gosh i said

well what about um serving the food were

you responsible for that she said oh no


they had a person to do that so what

about cleaning up afterwards

oh no no they had a person to take care

of that i said how about buying your


she said well i like to do that as a

chef but if i didn’t feel like doing it

they had a person who would take care of

that i said where did you stay

she said oh i had my own private

stateroom aboard the yacht

and then i’ll never forget she looked

right at me and she said oh

and i got paid a lot of money for this


and i asked her i said how long did you

do this for

she said 18 months 18 months

so why did you quit she said ah i got

bored of cruising the caribbean how many

of you

would like to have the problem of being

bored of being paid

to cruise the caribbean doing something

that you love

that ladies and gentlemen is a big fight

for life type of problem

all right concept number three the power

of selflessish

and if you can embrace this concept this

paradigm shift

i promise you it will change your life

in unbelievable ways and i can say that

with such certainty

because it is absolutely a hundred

percent changed my life

a while back i’m standing on a stage

talking to over a thousand teachers and

i asked them a question i said how many

of you

have an easier time giving help than

receiving help

and almost every hand goes up which is

not entirely unexpected because i find

that people with the biggest hearts

have this issue and teachers i find have

some of the biggest hearts the great


so i said something to them which gave

me a very high chance of being the only

person in recent history

to be thrown off a stage by a mob of

angry teachers

i said why are you being so selfish

and because i sensed my immediate

potential demise i followed that up

quickly with another question

which was why do you help people

and someone yelled out from the crowd

they said because it makes a positive


in their lives i said well that’s true

and someone else yelled out

because when i do that i know that it

helps them in some capacity

and that’s totally true too but then one

young lady in the front raised her hand

so of course i called on her and she


i help people because it makes me feel


and that right there is the crux of it

we help people because it makes us

feel good and therefore when we don’t

allow them to help us we are denying

them the opportunity

to feel good and that’s selfish

and here’s the thing people love to help

but they really love to help on the big


and there is nothing bigger than you

articulating the things that you most

want to do see

or experience in your life so do

yourself a favor

if you’ve struggled with this allow

people to help you

let them be happy don’t be selfish

concept number four things we love come

to an end

my father is 79 years old and he’s been

suffering from parkinson’s disease

for many many years now and

unfortunately the symptoms of that he

has trouble with his balance he has

trouble with his division

he has trouble remembering things at


and ever since he’s a little kid he’s

always loved to fish and he loved it as

an adult too

but there came a time because of his

medical condition that he just couldn’t

do it anymore and you know

in our everyday lives it’s not like

being a celebrity athlete a celebrity

athlete they retire and they get the


unbelievable tour right every stadium

there’s videos showing their

highlights and the rest of that and they

have this fantastic experience

of celebrating each step of their


but life isn’t quite like that you know

we don’t get the countdown

my dad didn’t get to know that he had

ten trips left and then five and then

four and then three and then

one and i think the main takeaway

from that for us is to just try and

appreciate a little extra bit

things as we’re going through them and

i’m not saying we take this to the

extreme right it’s not like

i’m eating a grape this may be the last

grape i

ever eat and i’m chewing my grape for

the seventh time this might be the last

time i

ever chew a grape seven times right

that’s too much but i think that we can

take a moment for the things that matter

to us i’m getting on an airplane

and i’m flying off to an exotic

destination for an adventure

i’m heading off to a restaurant that i

love to have one of my favorite meals

or i’m seeing a friend of mine and i

know that i’m going to give them a giant

hug the kind of hug that lets them know

you matter to me because i think that if

we do that

and we do it well then no matter when

the end

comes we’ll know that during the course

of our life

we’re a hundred percent full in

all right concept number five amazon

doesn’t deliver this

statistically speaking the average life

is approximately 28

900 days if you take your age multiply

by 365 and subtract from 28

900 statistically that’s about how many

days you have left

and if we’re not careful a day becomes a

week a week becomes a month month

becomes a year

and if nothing has changed for us then

we end up doing the same thing next year

that we just did last year very often i

hear people say something to the effect


as soon as i have more free time then

i’m going to

insert dream of choice it’s like we have

this perception that we’re going to open

the door one day to head out to our car

we’re gonna look down

there’s a box sitting there honey honey

great news

amazon delivered the box of free time

now we can finally start doing those

things we most want to do

and while that would be awesome if

that’s the way that it actually worked

we know that it’s not we get the free


we get to live the life we want by

consciously looking at our calendar

consciously looking at our life and

crossing off things that are

not what matter to us most and

substituting in

the things that do ladies and gentlemen

our time here is winding to a close

and i want to leave you with one final


i believe that everyone has genius

within them

everyone has something special to offer

and when we allow ourselves

to be our most authentic that is when we

let that genius out

and in the process of doing that not

only we get to live a spectacular life

but we also do one of the most important

things possible

we inspire others to let their genius

come forth

and maybe just maybe

that is the purpose of this little game

called life

thank you so much for spending part of

your life here with me today

thank you
