Enhance your Life by altering your Surrounding.

the people

who know me well will agree that i have


a visibly anxious person i was very


or concerned to do something or for

something to happen

but now i have found a way that has

helped me

to bring down my anxieties

i found a way for us to help tune our

mental radios

to just the right frequency and focus

on what really matters

don’t you have those days when the mind

keeps switching between the past

and the future the what if and the what

could be

so i’m going to tell you what i learned

by shifting to the mountains from the


how it changed me and the things that

you can try no matter where you are

in 2018 completely exasperated by my

monotonous life back in city i decided

to move to the himalayas and start a

life full of passion and purpose

i co-founded a unique eco stay in a

remote village

at the height of 2700 meters with the

most amazing view

that we could find i thought if i

started living in the moment

and created a space where everyone could

come together and enjoy nature

it would be the perfect way for me to

live an amazing stress-free life and

start living in the moment

the stuff of dreams right well

not exactly in fact on the contrary

it made me even more anxious than what i

was back in the city

i mean look at this house that we had to


i was completely out of my comfort zone

in a new place where

every task felt quite literally like an

uphill battle

managing the work on site solving

problems that i had no idea about

and the expectations i had set up on

myself to create something

really beautiful added to my anxieties

i had thought that changing my location

would change me automatically and


that wasn’t happening the paradise that

i had imagined in my dreams

was now turning out to be my worst


what do you think went wrong i was still

the same me

just living in a more beautiful place

the change had to come from somewhere


so as we were renovating the house

during what turned out to be the worst

winter of the decade

i was staying there with one of my

co-founders while we were taking care of

these three cute puppies

it’s not so much that year that multiple


damaged the only road that led to our


we had no power for days and the

temperature would drop to -10

freezing the only water supply we had we

spent our days trying to

somehow manage for water drop by drop

as we waited for the storm to pass

but it was not all that bad either

it was a sort of a forced detox where we

were forced to

stay indoors and we were thrown back in

time unable to do any work

in such extreme moments of adversities

i finally found the peace i had come


i realized that the beauty of staying in

the wild

was when you had no option but to

surrender completely

your senses in nature and to be honest

as time passed my brain would still find

ways for me to go back to my ways of the

city life

working hours on laptop countless

watching countless tv series movies


endless scrolling on social media the

usual stuff

but i had felt that moment of clarity

and started seeking more ways to

experience it

one thing that did work in my favor was

that because of me

being able to shift in a remote location

i cut down

on a lot of distractions automatically

for example

i didn’t have to drive to work every day

i couldn’t go out to eat or party

or go to theaters or malls that this led

for me to have more time for myself

which i utilized to dissolve the

boundaries between what was going inside

my head

and the serenity that i saw outside

i started doing yoga meditation and

working out with a lot more interest

as it felt so much more effective

when i intended to connect with nature i

started going on short hikes to explore

the jungles around me

i read book about mindfulness meditation

and practiced what i learned

in the wilderness

i tried to see the beauty from my camera


to capture the movement and emotion that

i felt through it i gazed

upon the starry nights with a sense of


and awe

it took me nearly two years after

shifting to the mountains

to find the perfect mental balance

and to feel more focused and


i realized that the real change had to

come from the inside

but honestly it would have been

impossible if i didn’t have this


to completely immerse my senses in


it’s a very simple idea by clearing all

the urban clutter

physical and mental distractions i was

able to clear the cut clutter inside my


being in the mountains just pushed me

out of my comfort zone

which gave me this new perspective

and there is plenty of research to prove

how healing nature can be

scientists in uk gathered evidence from

over 140 studies involving 290 million

people and prove the health benefits

that nature has on humans

connecting with nature increases our


as you can clearly see it also makes you

more capable

of dealing with stress and anxiety


we’re built better to function with

nature than with more technology

that’s why nr of walking in the park

will surely

help you feel much better than an hour


instagram or facebook would ever do

please understand i’m not saying for you

to leave

everything and move to the jungles but

there are few things that you can try

no matter where you are

i’ll do a small experiment i’ll play a

small clip

and i would want for you to imagine what

is this sound

is it a bird or is it an insect

well that was actually a trick question

because this was the sound of the most

common squirrel

found almost everywhere have you

actually ever tried listening to the

sounds of the birds

and animals outside your house and try

to figure out

what species they are what color they


what kind they are they say

to find the silence and peace inside

you try and hear through all the silence

and seek the silence outside

so if you can immerse your

senses in nature completely next time

you go out

and try and actually hear try doing

walking meditation

bare feet on grass and bring your


to your steps every time your mind


bring nature inside your house clear the

clutter and make space for plants that

you can take care of by yourself

grow some herbs take some time out in

nature completely

even if it is for a weekend plan for an

escape into the wild

you can even come to my place

we need to stop getting stuck in this

endless loop

of social media and news that is not

even new

do you know that you can delete your

instagram and reinstall it

when you need it i do that all the time

it’s amazing how free that it is i’ve

hidden my whatsapp

deep in my abs where my eyes can’t go it

turned off all notifications

and i only go to these apps when i have

time for them

these apps are meant to take your


in the times that we’re living in we

have a thousand reasons to feel

a lot more anxious but if there is one


that i can say for sure is that if

you’re looking for a peaceful mind

start by dissolving the boundaries

between you your mind

and your body and nature i

hope this helps for you to be more you

to tune your mental radios to just the

right frequency

which is of this movement make it a

point to connect with nature

every day because after all aren’t we


born to be wild
