First step to conquer












i’m about to ask you all a simple


five frogs sat on a lily pad and one of


decides to jump off from the lily pad

into the pond

now my question is tell me how many of

the frogs are still

sitting on the lily pad four

is what you assume i suppose but i’m


you’re wrong the answer is that there

are still

five frogs sitting on the lily pad and

you might be wondering

how is that even possible let me tell


the frog only decides to jump off from

the lily pad

remember life is a journey

and it begins not when you decide to do


but when you actually take an initiative

to move forward

and this journey of life begins by

taking that single step

and not by thinking to take that step

hi everyone i’m hasani lakshmi narayanan

an 8th grader here to present my


first step to conquer everyone

has talent but what is missing

is the courage to carry forward that


to the dark place where it leads this

pandemic collectively

had changed all our lives at some extent

but for me it was the start of my


i started interviewing a few of my


then created and documented videos sent

it to their fathers to suppress them on

father’s day

it just takes a small spark to ignite

the fire

and so did my interactions with dr

nilmal krishnan

my dad’s good friend her advice really

propoled me

in initiating my very own startup at the

age of 12.

i consider her as my mentor and she has

rentlessly supported me since day one

now i would like to share few lines

which she shared with me

about the first step the first step

the first step is about your first dream

the first step is about believing in


the first step is about accepting your


compliment with grace the first step

is about attracting positive energies

from the cosmos

the first step is about encouraging

others with your stories

another source of inspiration for me is


sujit kumasa the founder of martram


his zara his presence on the stage and

his choice of words

really helped me nourishing the way i

carry myself

and this has resulted in me being


by all my listeners and viewers from

across the world

when you take that leap towards making

your dream a reality

you experience a different kind of


a sense of accomplishment of fulfillment

and that is when you soon realize that

this happiness

was your own creation and no one else is

responsible for it

but yourself you are the master of your

own destiny

as i’m taking baby steps towards my goal

i fully realize that setbacks will be


and how i respond to these setbacks are

going to determine how my future

and our shape up i am learning from

every experience today and a full well

know that if i’m going to keep up with


i will be there as a successful leader

one day

let me tell you something my success did

not come without its fair share of


and one such instance was when i did my

very first shoot for avatar life

i was comfortable doing my interviews on

online mode

but also understand the dynamics of

social media

and what people expect from us and

behaved accordingly

but this time we had two cameramen

sitting in front of us

and a director watches carefully and


all of a sudden made me very conscious

and the most

embarrassing was when the young achiever

whom i was interviewing

started helping me out on how to

question her

that day we had to shoot a shot where

that young achiever was baking

i as i’m a vegetarian i was very fond of

breaking eggs and at least wanted to do

it once

i asked my friend if i could try

breaking it i did not know how to do it

and just cracked it open on the floor i

did not know that it would smell so bad

i could barely smell my hand that day

a boon and a bane is the advent of

social media

a lot of people appreciated the work i


but there were also a few who disagreed

and that is when i started getting

negative comments

initially it used to really bother me

but now i have learned how to overcome

constructive criticism

and just ignore the rest i used to hear


saying let me see how long she’ll be

able to continue this

as my earlier undertaking with bhajan

and bharanatyam did not go well

i couldn’t pursue it further so i had

the precedence

but then i decided instead of justifying

what people had to say about me

let me share it with my actions after


i believe that action speaks louder than


fighting with your inmost souls is just

like crossing the seven seas in a row

but once it’s crossed you’ll feel


my acronym which i would like to call

craft which i believe that

every child starter would face this word

is also a palindrome

and if you’re wondering what a

palindrome is even

if you’re going to spell it the other

way around it is going to sound the same

f which stands for facing criticism

now this comes with fame my friends who

initially missed me

due to my interview schedules have now

understood the work i do and have

started supporting me

a which stands for acceptance

young achievers the people who my

interview were hesitant to accept my

invitation as they’ve already been on

popular tv shows

and have been hosted by popular co-stars

but then today

90 percent of them have accepted our


once they see my profile r

which stands for reaching out to new


this is an ongoing process and you just

have to ensure that you

keep your audience engaged c

which stands for continuing the


when i started i had hundred percent


i felt the positivity and i had high


that my very first interview would reach

up to 100k

views but it was the other way around

and we all will have to agree with the

fact that we

continue to grow until we continue to

work hard

and the only way is to sustain our

motivation for every single video

r which stands for reviling the stress

i personally had to face this a lot when

i had to give up my source of

entertainment which is laptop and


but then i kept reminding myself about

my mission of inspiring and empowering


and also about the other stories of the

other young achievers

a which stands for aids barrier this

is one of the most common challenges

faced by any child startup

and i had to face this when i had to be

a reporter for brain feed and hindu

the initial thoughts were that i was

only 12 years old

but people who said that have taken back

what they

said once they read my articles

f which stands for financial challenges

every child’s initial financial backup

is their parents

until they find their own sponsors and

until they have been funded

they will have to use the available

resources and these are the seven big

challenges which i believe

any child starter would face

i have always been a curious child like

most children

as children when we see the world we see

endless possibilities and my journey

from where i was to where i am now today

is an interesting one and all of it

started as i was bored

and like other children i too attended

regular schooling and along with this

i attended a lot of classes which

include bhajan bharanatyam

public speaking arts which i completed

much faster than others would do

little did i have achieved is because i

had a set goal

and today i am prepared and have planned

my strategies

and at this junction i would like to

share a survey

which was done way back in 1956

in ayles university the researchers

surveyed on how many of the children

studying in the al’s university had

written goals

and found out the shocking results that


three percent of them had written goals

twenty years later they went back to the

same people and found out that

the three percent of the people who had

written goals

had accumulated three times more wealth

than the 97 percent combined

and during this journey of the first

step i had privilege

interacting with some extraordinary

children who most were

my age i were to learn about their


their perseverance how they never gave

up and one of the most common things in

all of them

which were they were the masters of

their own destiny

they manufacture their own happiness and

now i would like to share about a few of


kritik who’s the founder ceo of the

future of robotics

he himself being only 14 years old he

can train children on robotics

kaushal raj who is the owner of the

milet app

minisha uma shankar who is the inventor

of the solar ironing cart

mahindra now is helping her by funding a


not only this but she also has invented

two other inventions

vinusha who’s a young baker who’s also

an entrepreneur

who’s got funding at the very early age

of 10

yashwanth who is the very first indian

to back

four medals in the culinary olympics

which was

held in germany in 2020

advaith was only seven years old and

young artist

who’s done exhibitions worldwide and his

paintings are literally sold in lags


siddharth pili who is the youngest data

scientist in asia

he is being paid at the very early age

of 13

he goes for work for three days and he

goes for school for the other three days

alternatively listening to all of these


achievers my mind started exploring to

the outer world

and the options which i thought

previously did not exist

started becoming my reality and now i

now request you to tell me who this

person is on the screen

yes that’s right this is sachin


and sachin tendulkar when he was young

lived at his aunt’s house just for a

single reason

that there was a cricket field nearby

his aunt’s house

and imagine how clear he was at that

very early age of fight

that he wanted to become a cricketer and

as you all may know his dreams came true

when he played for india at the age of

and other famous personality on the

screen could you tell me who this

is i’ll give you a clue he was one of

the former presidents of america

and his name starts with the bill

yes that’s right this is bill clinton

and if you were to read his

autobiography you may probably know that

clinton when he was young went with


principal and once said that he wanted

to become the president of america one

day and

imagine if you were put into a situation

where you were asked to go and tell your


that you want to become a president what

do their reaction be

let me tell you they may probably laugh

at you and ask you

have you done your homework yet right

the same thing happened to clinton as

well but

the fact of matter is that not once but

for two consecutive terms

bill clinton was the president of


now this is where you might stop me and


but these are all extraordinary children

they’re genius

who had a set goal at a very young age

now could you tell me who this is

she is a young youtuber yes

that’s indeed me but this is what i


there is a genius in all of us a genius

is one percent inspiration and 99

percent perspiration

and now i would like to share about a

few of my friends who are indeed genius

who are child prodigies dr prisha who’s


nine years old who got and horned

adopted at the very

early age of nine she is the youngest

yoga guru who can train visually

challenge children

marisha karwa who is also called as the

princess of slum

ananya raja rahman who’s the global

child prodigy of 2020

she had already published two books

now do only child prodigies exhale

i did a survey to find out on how many

of the children

whom i have interviewed are indeed child


and found out the shocking results that

only 38 percent of them

are indeed child prodigies and the rest

have been recognized and have been


by their parents and mentors

and also while doing this survey i found

out that all of these children

are being supported by their parents

beyond all this not just behind my name

lakshmi narayan and my father

who had consistently supported me since

day one

and to all those other young achievers

whom their parents and mentors have

supported them

there are many other child prodigies who


unidentified now my

question to all the parents in here is


do you spend valuable time finding out

what your

child’s interest is or did you

impose your interest to your child’s


have you ever taken an initiative to

find out what your child’s calling is

i strongly believe in what a former

president dr apj abdul kalam said

you have to dream before your dreams can

come true

a dream is not something which you see

while you’re sleeping

it is something which does not let you


ask yourself what makes you happy write

it down in a book and do this for at

least two months

and at the end of two months go through

the book and see what you have repeated

the most

and that is what most likely you are

passionate about

go talk to your family your well-wishers

and tell them that

this is what you want to do and take

that leap towards making your dream

a reality 10 months back

if someone had asked me this question

would you be able to do all of this

i would have definitely said no but here

i am

standing out as the founder of the first

step my very own startup

and also as a reporter of brainfeed high

magazine and hindu school edition

today i make sure that i write one

article every week and have published

over 12 articles so far

also vj for avatar live and our glitz

every child is born with the quality of


unfortunately only if you understand


and that is why i chose this platform to

convey my message

for the need for the first step to both

the parents and the children

i would again like to repeat the mantra

of the first step

the first step the first step is about

your first

dream the first step is about believing

in yourself

the first step is about accepting your

first compliment

with grace the first step is about


positive energies from the cosmos the

first step

is about encouraging others with your


i would also like to share few success


which was helpful for me during this

journey and which i believe that would

be helpful for you as well

there are no failures only feedbacks

once you have a target do whatever it


till the time is legal moral ethical

choices have consequences past

is not equal to future for things to


i must change first remember

the first step matters either on the

moon or on the earth

taking that leap towards making your

dream a reality

towards your path of happiness is


i have conquered it and you are only

responsible for your success

and this journey of mine would not stop

until i reach through the stars

which shine up showing up lied to many

other young children of me

thanking for the opportunity this is

hasani lakshmi narayan and signing out

founder of the first tip thank you