Happiness insights


today my topic is

revisiting some selected talks on

happiness and some insights

our prime and ultimate goal of life is

to be happy but do we all know

what happiness is a nation like bhutan

measures the well-being of its citizens

not with gdp but with gnh gross national


the fact is very interesting that the

nation wants to know

how happy its citizens are and just not

how rich they are

with material only to begin with

i would like to say that according to


world health organization happiness is a

complete state of physical

mental and emotional well-being

here i have selected some ted talks in

taking care of

those who are easy to fit into

this talk second easy to explain

and easy to categorize here we will

treat happiness as an attitude so we’ll

talk about this in three categories

first is cognitive

where our mind is connected second is

affective where our heart is connected

the way we feel about happiness

and third is habit how we treat

happiness in our day-to-day life

so first of all like let’s have look at


cognitive factors the first is mr bart


he talks about the neural pathways of

happiness he says

that when the stimuli are in the outside

world changes our level of happiness


what makes me happy today might not make

me happy tomorrow

he says that our physical moments and

better self-talk can lead us to more

positive and happier life

he gives an example of one of his

friends he said

that i had a friend who was by

occupation and orator

and once he met an accident and left

his speaking ability completely he

mailed me

and asked me for some suggestions as i

am a handwriting expert

i recommended him to write practicing

figure eight when you write figure 8


it improves your ability of speaking you

can become a very good

speaker after 25 days the same friend

mailed him back and said

thank you so much i don’t know how to

thank you i have taken

i have got my speaking ability back by


then he says that better self-talk when

he wakes up in the morning

he starts a record player in his own


and he meditates for five minutes and

there are some positive affirmations

like i’m going to have a great day today

i will meet someone very special today i

am going to

get higher raise in my job today and

etcetera etcetera

he says that this better positive

self-talks leads

to leads you gradually to a more

positive and fulfilling day

and likewise you go closer and closer to

a happier

life then there is dr daniel gilbert

he talks about a surprising signs of

happiness he says

that every every one of us develop that

synthetic happiness in our minds

consciously we are not aware of it for

example if you go

for meeting with someone for a marriage


and that person sneezed in front of you

while eating

you might not meet that person for the

second time but if the same thing

someone from your relatives or your

family members is doing

you won’t mind it so this is how we

cultivate habit

of developing synthetic happiness to


what we are liking and to avoid we want

which we want to

he gives an example of a photography

workshop held in harvard university

there were two groups of students in

harvard and one was given the choice

to take two photographs and take one

with them and give the other one

for the magazine and the second group

has left with no choices

they have to give one photograph for the

magazine at the very moment

they found out in the in the results

that the first group was very anxious

and unsatisfied with their results even

though they had a chance to change their


the second group where they had no

option to change anything

with the that photograph they were very

happy and content with their photograph

they were very satisfied with the

workshop work given

so he says that the less options you

have in your life the more happy

you become now let’s have a look at some

effective factors

affecting men means which is related to

your emotions

how you relate to your emotion with your


the first is doctor robert weilinger

he talks about a survey taken place in

harvard university in it started from


there were two groups selected one from

the boston’s

most poorest disadvantaged group of kids

and the second from the harvard freshers

they both were

interviewed while the survey started on

their mental emotional and

economical levels their brain has been


and they have been through some health

checkups after some years when they went


to check out what they are doing in

their lives they found

something very surprising those people

who say that they want to be rich and

famous they were nowhere in their life

they lost track of their life some

developed amnesia and some were

suffering from

schizophrenia where the other group from

the poorest boston

neighborhood some were on the higher

position in the job

some became doctor and some engineers he


that at the end we came out with two

conclusion as we got

the results of their old age that those

people who were happy with their family

lives and their relatives

were very happy and healthy at the age

of 55

and only those who were happy at that

age survived till

75 years of their age they were very

strong very healthy very happy and even

their brain were intact

nothing has taken all of their health

they had

not any kind of memory problems and not


big physical problems so he said that we

discovered two facts about happiness

that way one is

your relationships matters it’s the


of yours which you develop by time in

your life with your family

friends and surroundings and just not

the relationship but the quality of

relationship matters a lot

then there is mr chip connolly he say he


about a working staff office hotel

vivian she is a sweeper in his hotel

she cleans toilets she is always very

happy giggling

and smiling he was very much surprised

that who feels happy

who can be so happy in cleaning toilets

one day he asked her that what makes you

feel so happy

about this job this is surprising she

said sir this is not the payment i get


and not even the kind of work i’m doing

it’s the connections i have developed

with people around here

it’s the way i walk here they respect me

so much

and they treat me as the family member

that keeps me going

that motivates me to give my best every

day and i don’t even miss a day

now let’s have a look at some habit


the first is david

stendel rust he is a monk he talks about

gratitude he says that when you are

full of gratitude you become happy it’s

not the happy people who are grateful

it’s the bunch of happy grateful people

who are always happy

when you are grateful for everything you

are having you become happy

and it’s just not that you’re having you

are being happy with whatever you have

in your life

it’s about valuing what is given to you

in free

like air water sun

and even having a normal physical body

you have no disabilities

you are waking up in the morning you are

alive you are seeing the next moment in

your life that is an opportunity for

you to go along in your life and to do

more best

in your life he gives a method to apply

for a happier life and that is

stop look and go he says that we

rush into life we should stop we need to

take a pause

take a pause look around and check out

what you were working for you’re already


and enjoy the moment we run so fast in

our life that we forget to enjoy our


then stop look around there are other

people who are even there

with you in chasing happiness help them

out and take them

with you and go you have taken the next


in your hand now you are alive you are

going to leave your next moment

the next minute so you need to work your


make this moment better than the last

one and this is how you become happy

and grateful it’s a great full living

it’s the way

of this is a grateful living and you

will become very

happy day by day now it’s dr

max killingsworth he talks about the

moment-to-moment experiences

he says that la happiness is nothing

else but a moment-to-moment experiences

this moment you are happy the other

moment you are happy then the moment

comes when you’re not happy

then the whole process is in danger he

says that he has created

an app called trekyourhappiness.org

that they randomly call in three

sections of time

to their members and ask them these

three questions

one what are you doing right now second

how are you feeling right now and three

are you really doing what you’re doing

right now

on based on those results they find out


it’s not the unhappy people whose mind

are wondering

it’s the mind wandering people who are

unhappy he says that 47 percent

in our life our mind are wondering we

are not

what we are not into what we are doing

right now so if you want to have a happy


you need to stop mind wondering when you

are focused there are two modes in

our brain focus mode and default mode

when we are in focus mode we are do

doing everything with full concentration

we are into it completely

and when you are in default mode your

your mind is wandering

so he says that if you want to be happy


stop mind wondering now let’s have a

look at some

lesson lessons i have taken from this

talks the first is happiness is

completely subjective

my happiness can be different from yours


happiness can be different from the

other ones now

if happiness is a part of our life if

we are born happy then we create

unhappiness gradually

we find out ways life is actually very

straight it’s like walking on a straight


we invite miseries we invite

troubles in our life by comparing

ourselves with others

and by com comforting with others so

we should be stopped doing that

temporary problems can grow into


time by time if i keep on thinking about

what disadvantages i am having what

discomfort i am facing

day by day even if it’s a very short

period of time feeling

day by day if i keep on thinking about

those negative terms negative things

it will gradually lead me to a unhappy


then the gap between expectations and

your real life

draws you to become more unhappy

what i’m living right now what i have

right now is

my life if i expect so much higher than


it’s okay you know that walking far

better walking

to i mean trying to get something more

better is okay but wanting what you have

is more important to be happy you should

have grateful feeling for what are you

having right now

then bridging the gap between the

expectations and your real life

and past can take a very big toll on

your happiness

if you are very happy in your past life

and now you are struggling

for survival even or vice versa if you

had struggled in your past life and now

you are having a luxurious life

if you keep on thinking about that life

you will not be happy right now because

right now in this moment you are not

focused you are thinking about something


you are not in the moment you are not

grateful for what for what you are

having right now

you can definitely walk a more better

life but right now you need to be here

and long state of unhappiness can lead


anxiety depression if i’m constantly

thinking about what i don’t have

i’ll constantly develop a habit of being


that unhappiness will eventually lead me

to depressed life i would really feel

that as a mother as a homemaker i would

like to do

only one thing with my life with


that if i want my next generation to be


to be self content and self-sufficient i

would definitely pass on this

feeling of being self-contained with

whatever we have in our life

i would tell them that always be happy

with you with what you have

be grateful for what you are having

right now and then walk

onwards your life is your responsibility

and so

is your happiness if you know who you

are if you know what you want

then you definitely know what makes you

happy so work for

for it because the one who can help you

the best is yourself

and i would like to end with one quote

which i like very much and inspired me a

lot in my life

that the more you celebrate life the

life gives you

more to celebrate thanks for listening

stay happy stay safe