How I used my life experiences to create a purpose unique to me.


people have the right to live

can bear almost anyhow frederick

nisha why such a small but such a


unnerving word that can bring the most


most knowledgeable person to their needs

and as an individual whether you’re a

student or a professional

you do at some point in your life will

be asked the question

why why do you want to do this job

why should we hire you did you feel our


then because why is such an important


in all of our lives this sense

of why came to me at a very young age

because i was always inspired by my


and the surprising fact is that i have

never met her

i don’t know how she looks like and i

often went around

the house asking whether she looked like


my grandmother lost her life at the age

of 22

giving birth to my mother she had given


to her four siblings before that and i


wondered such a small span of life

i wondered if she was alive would she

also have ambitions and goals like me

would she be driven like me

and sometimes i think is it very

important for us as

human beings to have goals or is it like

a human fantasy of us

nevertheless a team of researchers from

the harvard school of public health have

found out that

individuals with a higher sense of

purpose or people that have goals and


have shown a longer span of life and a

healthier life

that is a good reason for all of us to

think about having a purpose in our life

and to be very honest during my college


i have to spend a lot of time alone

thinking about

why am i here what is my purpose and


i should be doing in my life but it came

to me

in a very in a very weird fashion

it came to me at a time that i felt that

everything that happened

really brought me to my purpose and all

that had done subconsciously

really led me to my goal

so these are the steps that i

subconsciously taken to help me reach my


and i hope they help you too step number


move out of your comfort zone i was born

and raised in kuwait

and i moved at the out at the age of 15

to a new city like bombay where i didn’t

really know the people over there i had

no family and friends

i had absolutely zero life skills to


i could hardly wash my own clothes or

make my own food

and i had no idea why i came here in the

first place

yes i was very terrified in the starting

but soon and very gradually i met people

from different walks of life

that taught me so much that helped me

learn how to drive a car on my own for

the first time

start a business something that i don’t

think i would

ever think about and that’s what i want

for you

even you don’t have to leave your house

like me you can stay

with your family at the same time i

encourage you to meet new people

with different experiences that inspire

you to

take up something in your life and to

drive your passion

and even if you’re an introvert that

doesn’t like to mix up

all you can do is read a lot of books

because books really open up

your personality and help you think in a

much broader way

and you can always research on different

subjects that can help you

tickle your interest in a way

step number two make your own vision


i know a lot of people find this very

fancy but this has

always helped me year after year what i

pasted on that

vision board came true whether it was

representing india at miss universe

or getting featured in kingfisher

or even speaking at a ted talk like this

it all came true

but if you still believe that this is

some kind of hocus pocus

it technically really helps you because

it gives you a clear idea

of what you want to include in your life

of the places you want to go to and

of the experiences that you want to feel

and you can remove something that don’t

really fit your purpose

step number four your attitude towards


and difficulties as humans we tend to

run away

from a difficult period or from any kind

of fear

and if you’re just like me and you love

reading astrology

i read only the positive parts and try

to ignore the negative parts

but i felt that everything in my life

has always driven me

to become a better person it’s all

because of the difficulties and all the

shortcomings that i had to face

whether it was not being able to get

into a medical school even after

studying for two years diligently

without any distractions at that moment

i was so

heartbroken and i i was so dejected

but today i realized that it helped me

have a new perspective in life and i

wouldn’t reach it that wouldn’t happen

or even when my love

my child of a business that i created

putting all my life savings

completely go down in three months at

that moment

i felt such a failure but today made me

realize that i

i had the i had the risk-taking ability

which i would not recognize

if that wouldn’t have happened to me so

i think as humans we need to be

accepting of failure and in schools and

in colleges they should teach

more about failure because they don’t

tell you that even

the best of the best and the legends

have faced their own share

of failure whether it’s an abraham

lincoln that has seemed so much before

he became the president of

the united states or if it’s mary curie

all these celebrities all these big

names have also faced their share

of failure so if you need if you feel

that you’re not

getting through because there’s so much

going around you maybe it’s a good sign

step number three eliminate the outer


steve jobs said don’t let the outer

noise silence your inner voice

and it holds very true sometimes we can


in between our own way and prove as a

resistance by listening to the opinion

of others

it can happen very easily and it’s

something that

you really need to take a stand on

i was always made fun for my speech

because i had a lisp and a stutter from

a very young age

people would not take me seriously and

they never thought that i could make


of myself because communication is such

an important part of a person’s life

but i did not listen to them because i

never felt that there can be something

that limits you as a human being

and i spent all the hours that i could

trying to perfect the way i speak

it’s not not something that i’m obsessed

about but i’m constantly

evolving and learning and even with you

whatever difficulty comes in your part

make it make sure that you take it in

your stride

this particular incident in my life

kind of really shook me and taught me so

much as a student i was

in volunteering at the tata memorial

hospital of cancer research

and we were on a duty of taking care of

all the children

and on children’s day we had this

particular event where

we asked the kids what they would like

to become when they grew up

there was this one particular child that

came and said that when he grew up

he would want to be a doctor and cure

the cancer of all the children around so

that nobody has to live a life like him

and that really shook me and showed me

the kind of courage

and passion this tiny soul had in him

and i feel that really taught me to take

everything that happened in my life

in the stride and use it for a better

and a bigger purpose

never underestimate the power that lies

in solitude

meditation is very important in today’s

generation because there’s a lot of

noise inside and you need

that quiet moment for yourself to listen

to your inner voice

i had this habit of getting up really

early in the morning around

four o’clock so that i could experience

sitting alone by myself

and meditating to understand what is it

that i really wanted

from life nicola tesla said that the

greatest inventions came to him when he

spent time alone

and i feel that’s where you will find

your true inner voice

if i think about it my passion for

standing up for the truth and for


for communities of farmers and lgbtq

communities something that really helped

me develop myself and overcome

my lisp

and that is exactly what i want for you

the youth of this

country that drives this marvelous

nation to be inspired and passionate

about something that drives you i hope

that all my life events causes the


in yours to an epicenter that is you