How to Be Different


hi guys i’m annie agar i’m an nfl and

college football correspondent for

valley sports but the way i got this job

and got into this career was by being

different it was anything but normal so

today through the stories and

experiences i’ve had i want to share

with you guys how being different really

can be your greatest strength

if there’s one thing i want you guys to

take out of this it is this it’s all

about how you think being different

doesn’t necessarily mean you act

differently but you think differently

we are in detroit love this city i was

born here but i have to bring it up the

detroit lions did not lose this week

because they are on a bye week

wouldn’t it be nice though if we could

have a bye week in life just hey you

know no i’d i’m not doing it this week

don’t feel like it i do not feel like

performing this week in the case of the

lions that was the first eight weeks of

the season so

but you know i love the detroit sports

community i love this how sports kind of

unites us it’s a great thing you know

you see a lion span across from you

usually in the same group therapy

session but you see a lion span across

from you and you immediately know how

they’re feeling you have this connection

with them

at a really young age i knew sports was

important in the state of michigan with

the michigan michigan state rivalry

although i don’t know if we can call it

much of a rivalry when someone blows a

16-point lead no weird

but i i love that about michigan and i

mentioned being different so here’s how

i was a little bit different i was doing

so well i know i’m an ohio state fan

yeah yep

living in michigan i had two combined

friends my whole life and they were both

my parents shout out to my mom and dad

um but i loved the controversy of being

different i loved separating myself from

everybody else so i took that into my

career i knew i wanted to work for espn

that was the goal for a very long time i

used to tell my friends in college they

said what are you studying i said well

i’m going to work for espn that was just

the answer that i wanted that i had

because i wanted to speak it into

existence so i started making a career

plan on how to get to espn from the

people i’d spoken with they all said you

have to go through local news you have

to work do your due diligence work in

local news you’ll climb the ladder

eventually in all of your careers i’m

sure you’ve spoken with people who have

told you the same thing bosses

predecessors they’ll say there’s a

ladder you have to climb you can’t skip

steps you can’t be super different climb

the ladder you can be a little bit

different but stick to the ladder please

so i was doing that i was working in

local news i was on this ladder trying

to climb up to espn

and then covet hit and man that was like

a dark cloud came over everybody i’m

gonna be debbie downer for a second that

was terrible and i you know i’m a firm

believer that hard times brings people

together makes us more united this

didn’t feel like it though it was it was

very it was dividing all of us because

we were alone we were afraid we didn’t

know how to handle it so i am so

thankful i looked at covet and i was

able to see it differently i didn’t see

it as you know this negative thing i was

able to see it as an opportunity i

looked at what people want didn’t have

what we were missing and that was sports

was a big one because sports to me is

kind of an escape from reality you know

we can watch a game forget about how

terrible life is for a second

other than being lions fans uh but i i

love that i love that about um about

sports and we didn’t have that we didn’t

have that humor that comedic relief so

it was in may 2020 i did my first video

i did a zoom call thank god we’re not

doing those anymore i did a zoom call

with the big ten how the big ten would

be responding to covet how they would be

trying to get their season together

and that video now has over five million

views combined on social media my dream

of working for espn is coming true i did

a segment on sunday nfl countdown and i

did a feature with the adam schafter

which was super cool um so stuff like

that is all coming to fruition because i

was able to look at an opportunity and

see it differently i was able to look at

something differently

when i did all of these videos i did an

interview with someone who’s a good

friend of mine now stuart mandel from

the athletic and he asked me did you

think this was possible and i was like

oh my gosh no like what how did how was

this gonna happen looking back probably

shouldn’t have said that in an interview

um but i i remember thinking why did i

all of a sudden feel like this was my

time to be different why did i realize

covid was a time to be different how did

i see it that way

so i want to share a story with you guys

about how i kind of think the way that i

do i want you to put to picture um this

couple in a hospital room

and they’re oh my gosh i can’t get

emotional and um

they just have a baby boy and he has

cerebral palsy and um the doctor slides

across books across the table and he

says here you can learn everything you

need to know about cerebral palsy or

since your son’s already different he

already sees the world differently let

him figure it out just treat him like a

normal kid and let him figure it out

that was my parents in case you couldn’t

tell by the almost emotions coming out

and i’m going to share a little video

with you guys kind of explain my family

a little bit more so you kind of

understand where i’m coming from

color’s pink enough

come on

i’m sorry mr and mrs agar your son has

cerebral palsy

he probably won’t be able to walk

or talk

what should we do

these books

will tell you everything he won’t be

able to

do or

you can focus on what he can do


come on

what if one decision could change the

course of your life

i’m sorry is what he has contagious

come on


hey guys

this is johnny and he would really like

to play baseball with you guys


come on guys



come on








so it was because my parents taught us

to look at things differently that i was

able to kind of see a positive out of

this negative situation uh this is my

brother john he’s really cute he is

single ladies so hit him up that was not

free by the way you owe me later um no

he’s a super sweet kid and he has done

some incredible things he’s now he’s

been on several under armour commercials

with dwayne johnson and michael phelps

um he does iron man races my dad’s

incredible pushes and pulls him through

iron man races and all of this is

because he sees things differently he

sees a way to impact people in a

different way so i think you know a lot

of that comes from him of how i’m able

to see things differently so when it

comes to you guys how can you apply this

how do you look at things differently

well social media is a great example he

also wrote a book you wrote a book you

have to go check out it’s really good um

when it comes to you guys how it applies

to social media i want you to think

about a time when you were struggling

what helped you the most was it someone

doing the unexpected or what was just

expected of them usually it’s someone

doing the unexpected that makes you

realize hey they really care about me

they really want to help social media is

a great example of this because on

social media there’s constantly trending


everything is trending everything’s kind

of negative but if you took all of that

and tried to put it back out there in a

positive way and bring your own unique

spin on it that can be really successful

to you um i i’m a big i’m a firm

believer in being positive i think

that’s a super important thing and

trends are very important in social

media don’t get that wrong because

trends are you know what people want to

watch that’s what we want to see but if

you take it and you just completely

think about what’s unique to you that

you can that you can put out in the

universe that’s a great thing you know

each and every one of you has a unique

thing about you that nobody else can

bring so figure out what that is and

then you can hopefully get it back out

there in a positive way and impact

people with it i was so don’t take a

picture of the jim harbaugh thing i’m so

sorry about that i know my ohio state

friends were like what are you doing

that’s a big mistake um but no i think

it’s really important i’m so happy that

i was able to see things differently and

find out what i can bring that’s unique

it might not be the best it might not

have the most views but it’s unique to

me and that’s what i love about it it’s

making people laugh so i absolutely love


i was going to show this commercial to

you but i’m short on time you have to go

look it up it’s a great commercial

holiday commercial and i remember

thinking you know what what if people

don’t know what’s different about them

how can they be different holiday

commercials are a great example of this

because they’re kind it’s a bunch of

kindness and there’s nothing more

different right now in life than being

kind not a lot of people are doing it

we’re constantly picking fights with

people and it’s really hard to find

someone that’s just genuinely nice and

wants the best for you so i you know i

challenge you this during not just

during the holidays but all the time

just being nice that’s a great way to

differentiate yourself from everybody

else especially on social media

um and look at things differently you

know have a different perspective on

life that’s that’s the most important

thing johnny is the one that kind of

allowed me to see things differently my

brother but figure out what it is for

you and then look at look at situations

differently like i said you don’t have

to act different you just have to think

differently and the last thing just be

kind be super kind to yourself to

everybody around you and that already is

going to set you apart this is one of my

favorite quotes it says human kindness

has never weakened the stamina or

softened the fiber of free people a

nation does not have to be cruel to be

tough thank you
