How to Cope through Struggling Times



sadness was it my fault

these are a few common emotions to feel


during and after divorce you may think

that it’s just the parents going through

the pain

if you do i’m sorry to tell you that you

are mistaken

it can be very painful to only be able

to be with one parent at a time

my brother and i felt the same feelings

anger and sadness

i expressed my feelings by crying and

having little fits

my brother on the other hand yelled and

broke stuff

sentimentos the difference

when i found out about the divorce i had

so many questions

like who was i going to live with were

we going to move

change schools where will we spend the


as you can see i felt lost but i had


for me what helped the most was talking

to people like my parents

non-immediate family members my friends

and our school counselor

si no fuera por esas personas

to cope with the divorce i first

addressed how how i was feeling

and try to understand my situation

for example

then i tried to cope with my feelings by

talking with those people

finally i recognized that living in two

homes isn’t that bad

in fact it is good because it introduces

new family members

by doing these things i could proudly

say i survived my parents divorce

but i know other kids my age are

probably struggling with the change i


so quiet


number one don’t bury your feelings what

i mean by that

is open up to other people

don’t be ashamed to cry i was a little

scared to cry in front of my friends but

when i did cry in front of them

they comforted me

remember you are not alone i’m here for


we all are here for you