I Saved a Life with Boredom

i saved a life

i saved a life with boredom

whose how this is what i want

not to talk to you but rather chat with

you about today

i was sitting on a table eating lunch

with my family

we were eating matchboos particularly

and there were three generations on that

table i started by asking my parents

did you guys feel bored in the past

was life as boring as it as it is now

and they said no not really

we have things to do we had

responsibilities we had people around

we had everything and then i asked the

younger two generations an answer i got


we’re bored because we’re doing the same

thing again and again and again

routine i asked the youngest

and they told me we feel bored because

we don’t have anybody to chat with or we

feel bored

when we don’t have somebody to play with

and i’ve realized that the difference


the newer and the older generation is

that we have technology

in our life and that technology took us

away from people and more with ourselves

and that’s the time we realized that

boredom actually exists and we can

pinpoint it

and our parents were not able this is

why when you go to say

you’re bored to your parents sometimes

they just don’t

get it and they told they tell you

you’re lazy you’re not enough

so we cannot blame them really

we’re different they had boredom

they did not recognize it

and the result we got programmed that

boredom is not good

so let me explain to you why boredom


why do we have to go through boredom

through a philosophy

called unity of opposite which obviously

you don’t need to know

so let’s go to the content of this


obviously now you can see my nephews and


and please don’t judge me but they want

to be here

one reason is because i cannot afford a

professional photographer

and number two they told me if this is

going to be on youtube

and you will be famous then we want to

be famous too

so that’s the result so point number one

of this

theory is the existence of a thing

requires the existence of an opposite

and the perception of a thing

requires the perception of an opposite

to make it clear in order to have light

we have dark and because one day we saw


light is we understand what darkness is

same goes with up and down we have up

because we have down and down wouldn’t

exist if we don’t have up

cold hot rich poor

boredom and interest as well

imagine those opposites as a team

and those teams are playing the tug of


game again you can see

my nephews fighting for my youngest


if we imagine those opposites

as two teams trying to winning

a title or a trophy

and these two opposites were exactly

equal the result will be stasis

they will be exactly balanced no


absolutely and nobody will win

and this is what i want you to imagine

with boardman interest

boredom is a team and interest is

another team and they’re

fighting only when one of them

moves and become bigger or the other one


smaller the systems moves

and one will win that fighting between

boredom and interest creates

movement movements towards the better

and how because one day we have


what boredom feels like that unpleasant


and the other day we feel like we enjoy

our time

it’s fun it’s great

when we feel interested

we always want to stay interested

and when we feel bored we always want to

stay away from it and go towards


this fight between the opposites

interest and boredom will create

momentum one because one day you felt

you’re interested and the other day you

felt that you’re bored

and you taste the feelings of both you

know how it feels to feel bored and you

know how it feels to feel interested

so you will always work towards being


whenever you feel interested you will

hang on into it

and you don’t want to be back to that


state of boredom

i made these two equations how can


equals procrastination but at the same

time boredom equals

motivation and it happens

based on your behavior if you behaved


towards boredom you will get motivation

however if you behaved negatively

towards boredom

you will get procrastination and

what i mean by behaving behaving


is that for example when you’re bored

you go through youtube you look at

random things and you might end up

actually watching how to make japanese


in japanese you might end up watching a


eating a mcdonald’s meal in 10 seconds

you name it so how can you behave

positively towards boredom

according to dr aaron westgate

a psychologist from the university of

florida she suggested that there are two

main factors that

play equal roles in boring us

the first is having no meaning and the


is a break in attention aka distractions

if the activity you’re trying to

complete me means absolutely nothing for


then the way you act with it is simply

leave it this is like you’re invited to

a movie that you hate but

all of your friends are going you just


shouldn’t go you shouldn’t waste your

time if the activity you’re trying to


is something important is something

that you want you should

try different techniques one of them

is change the way you’re doing it for


you’re a student bored of reading books

maybe it’s time

to start watching videos about the topic

sometimes the issue is about the

environment you used to enjoy it

but the environment got too routine

to you got too boring for you maybe the

new manager is not treating you well

at this time you need to change the


sometimes we feel bored because

the project or what we have to do is too


at that time you should actually break

it into more smaller pieces

and try to do something every day a big

one that people sometimes miss

is that they get bored because they are

tired some people just don’t get enough


and finally remove any distractions

around you if you have a big project

maybe go to a hotel spend some time


and finally if the activity you’re

trying to complete

means nothing but it’s something that

you must do

you just simply do it without

overthinking it

so we come to realize okay that

that’s it boredom is good

or boredom is bad so let’s talk


it depends actually it depends on the


according to dr tilberg essentially

being bored that experience of boredom

make us realize that there are more

valuable things

to us and that’s very important for us

to change behavior and break the


break the monotony means that you’re not

like everybody

else you’re not a copy based you are

somebody who’s original

you’re somebody who’s very individual

but when boredom hits you the time you


a dull side activity perhaps boredom is

not very helpful

what i’m trying to say today is that

boredom is more than productivity issue

boredom is much deeper it’s about

life it’s about desires it’s about your

journey to look for what represents

you so what is it about

during this technological era the first

thing we think about

when we feel bored is how can we get rid

of it as fast as possible

so we go and watch a movie

turn on a song or play a video game

and we engage in it and we feel happy

and not bored anymore but what happens

at the moment everything

is done the movie stops the song stops

you’re back you’re back not even to

point zero but

even worse you’re back with more boredom

that is not going with the same amount

of stimuli

continuing to look for different more

powerful stimuli

will eventually backfires because it’s

like addiction

with time you will develop something

called tolerance

and the distractions you used to use are

not going to work anymore

on the contrary instead of looking for

different stimuli we should embrace the

idea of

lack of stimuli because it’s only when

we’re alone

and quiet we can connect with our


and understands our needs and that’s

the best weapon you can arm yourself

with to go

out there and connect with the world so

think about it like a wake-up call

essentially that unpleasant experience

of boredom

make us realize that there are more

important matters to us

and push us to engage

with activities that are more meaningful


us and that’s for me doesn’t sounds like

boredom it sounds like hope

we always tell ourselves i wish i get a

sign i wish i knew this before

well here you go boredom is

the sign that your unconscious use to

tell you

listen pahera you

you you there’s something wrong please

go and fix it

so when boredom hits you what i want you

to do

is take a deep breath and tell yourself

with the voice of lucifer morningstar

what do you truly desire

as long as your desires go along your

principles your beliefs your morals

you should listen to them you should go

and discover and experience them

categorize them

understand them and that will make you

just a tiny bit

closer to your purpose the voice of

boredom will never shut up

however it will stay quiet i’ll tell you

the ugly truth

that nobody will

you can never get rid of boredom it’s

impossible to get rid of boredom

however you definitely can adapt to it

live with it and feel comfortable

before this gets too boring

back to the question i’ve asked who i

saved give it a guess

me i saved me

thank you