Know Yourself

have you ever had

these questions um

is there more to my life

could there be more to my life than

there already is

just getting out of bed going to work

or school or college doing my chores

meeting my friends partying etc etc

could there be more meaning to it

i started asking these questions seven

years ago

uh when i was finishing my law school

and i was

also dancing professionally at

the danceworks delhi so one day i was

driving back from my law school going to

my dance studio

and i was i was wondering that

everything is going great in my life my

life is quite happening

i’m finishing my education and i’m also

pursuing my

uh my passion for dance but

what else i had this strange

feeling of

that something was missing inside

like a a piece of me a part of me

which i know was missing but i didn’t

know what it was

or i was lost like it was lost and i had

to find that piece of puzzle

so i was driving and i was just you know

looking up

at the sky and literally talking and


what else i’m sure there’s a lot more to

life than

i have figured out so far

so bring it on please i’m ready for it


even though my life was quite happening

but i was bored as hell

of the mundane not so mundane also but

yet i found it monday so i was just


what else is that i’m sure there is

something please and ready for it bring

it on


i think that demarks as the beginning

of my journey of discovering

the undiscovered self

this word undiscovered i find it

it sounds very fascinating to me


you know it’s so vast it’s

it’s as vast as i’ll say

and that’s why i would say

we humans our species

has or could

discover as much as infinity

like there’s no limit to discovering

it’s like it’s limitless

so a lot of us keep on living our lives

without realizing and without the


of of

self you know like we’re living we’re


but we are obvious to the fact

that that we are not just this body

we are not just our thoughts or emotions

or two eyes one nose and

an appearance or what we feel and how we

how we emote and think and how we


we humans are so entangled in the early

worldly living that

that it some some of us i okay including

me i also took

i would say 23 years to come to this

realization that

that could there be another way of

living and not just this

you know like a robot or just getting up

doing this

that and and the sense


a sense of missing out on something

which is so deep and now i’ve realized


after after seven years of this journey

of discovering the undiscovered self now

i understand what was missing that day

so as i was saying we humans get so

entangled in the world

worldly earthly living materialistic

living that we forget

are are unaware of the fact that we

could be living our lives

in a much more blissful heavenly

divine manner you know there’s a huge


how i was even breathing

back in 2007 uh 2013

and how i take my breath in now

i would say i’m just more present inside

my body

i’m more aware i’m more


know it’s like it’s like i’m sleeping

earlier but not

literally sleeping my eyes were open my

brain was awake

but i feel awakened

like awaken like widely awakened at a


new level in comparison to what or how i

was living earlier

so we

you know at times when we are like

really tired or fatigued what do we say

oh god i don’t have energy today i am

like so tired can’t get off the bed but


what runs us like how do we function

how does our body this matter this


this physical aspect how how do we run

how do we function on energy

whenever our body lacks energy

our productivity everything goes down

and the day we are like

high on energy where we can like take on

the world

so what is energy

i would say energy is like food for your


yeah like how our needs food

our body needs energy to run

i’m sure a lot of you have felt this


you know there are certain kind of

people in our life

in our lives who when the moment they

walk in through the door

you know like the entire room lights up

and they come in with so much positivity

so much energy so much

contagious energy that you know we also


happy and excited and lovely to see them


they have an amount of positivity that


and and they throw that out

they project that outside

and then there are also certain people

in our life


who i mean when we meet them we feel

trained or you know

at times when you say oh i didn’t get

the right kind of vibe or right kind of

energy from this person what does that


and why do we get to sense this how

what we humans are programmed

in such a way that we can

sense this we can sense

the vibrations the

energies around us

and the more we get connected deep

within deep

with our self

this ability keeps on increasing

so we humans have five senses which

would be your taste

touch smell sight

and hearing these five senses so you


they work on you know like on average


but when you start connecting deep


they get enhanced yeah


because you’re connecting when you

connect with yourself

then you start connecting at a soul


then you start connecting with

everything around you

at a at a higher level

you become more aware

you start realizing more

your senses awaken

and you connect to the direct source

of energy which is the universe

so it’s like you awaken as a being

at a whole new level

so seven years ago

i was totally unaware of this

this aspect of life and thank god for

that day

that i asked the right kind of questions

and then seven years later i’m glad

that i’m doing this talk and all of you

have chosen to come here

so so the fact that that you are here

and listening to this that means

you are ready for it you’re ready

to accept and grab

all the gold that the universe

has to offer us i mean it’s all out


it’s patiently waiting for us

to catch up or to come to the well

of infinite possibilities and drink the


and then just light up

so we i feel that i

personally talking from my personal

experience i’ve

probably just touched the tip of the


and there’s a lot more that could be


so going back to the five senses

now there’s you know there’s this thing

called sixth sense

what is that you know how how we say

uh some people are very intuitive like

they always know they go with their cut

feel and they’re mostly correct

or sometimes when we listen uh to our

gut feeling and

we know that okay something is wrong

this is not happening


because we allow the energy at that time

that we’re letting the energy to flow so

that energy is flowing in and we get to

know oh no

this is wrong oh no this is not right

for us

so that way similarly we need to be a

lot more open in our life

in every second every second of our life

and these days uh young people



gets you know gets bit scared when they

hear this word spirituality

or spirituality all is going really

great in my life i don’t need it

you know i’m enjoying i’m chilling all

is great in my life

for example if you have a very

comfortable sedan with a sunroof

yeah but life’s give

life gives you an opportunity to drive a

ferrari would you say

uh i don’t need a ferrari i’m happy with


four-wheeler my sudan would you say no

to a ferrari

so that’s what spirituality

is you have no idea

what and where it can take you in life

it’s as it’s a way of life it’s as

simple as

drinking water or breathing in or eating

your food

so if you are already happy

and you become spiritual

you become more happy so if you’re

already doing great

you will be doing even better even


so with spirituality

eventually you develop your sixth sense

so there’s this french word called


which means to see clearly

a clear scene

you know in in the sixth sense

you start to develop this ability

to sense and see beyond just the

tangible or the physical

aspect when you can pick up on

emotions of other people when you can

pick up on the energy of the vibrations

and you become more intuitive

that’s the sixth sense and when you

start developing that

you unlock your potential and then

there’s no limit

it’s like it’s limitless you could

unlock your potential

times infinity

and it’s easier said than done

i i was you know bit confused and lost

in 2013 that’s why all these questions


you were coming up in my head that i

took two years

i tried and tested couple of things some

made sense to me

and some did not so i dropped those


and then two years later in 2015

i i went back to those things and picked


a few more so in 2015 i started with

um with certain kind of meditations

then in 2017 i start with pranic healing

yoga and access consciousness and all i

can say


that i feel a lot more alive

a lot more energetic a lot more happier

a lot more clearer in my head

and i feel that

i’ve only like i’ve only gained this

much and probably this

this endless games

for me out there

so if if i have to put this in

like a summary

there’s so much to discover

yet we fear we fear the unknown because

we don’t understand it

but we must give it a chance

give us a chance to reconnect

you know at times we meet certain

people who don’t look their age who look

younger than

than their age why so you think they’re


they’re consuming some magic potion or

elixir of life

probably they are they’re so connected

people within this are connected from

the direct source

of energy which is the universe that’s

why they have so much energy running in

their body

that’s a why they’re so they they look

young they

feel like young because they are younger


so many of us around

so as i said earlier

there is so much to discover as much as

infinity so do not limit yourself

be open to reconnecting

with the direct source which is the
