Laila Majnu The Importance of Wildlife


i’m ashdeep singh i’m from dilanda

punjab and i’m a budding wildlife


once i was traveling with my father who

is also a wildlife photographer took a

poothala punjab

i saw two spotted outlets sneaking

inside a pipe i told my dad but he

didn’t believe me

he thought i was mistaken but we waited

for twenty minutes

the owls didn’t show up my father looked

at me

and i requested him for 10 more minutes

as soon as i said that one out came out

and stood at the edge of the pipe

and after couple more minutes another

out also appeared the two spotted


huddled together at the opening of a old

waste pipe

and looked straight into my lens i

immediately requested my father’s camera

and telephoto lens and gently rested the

camera on the scar window

and waited i wasn’t at the eye level

i raised the car window up to get to the

eye level with the owls

framing the pair of center and using a

shallow depth of

field to isolate them from the building


i created a characterful portrait of a

species that has adapted to urban life

i have named them leila and majnu and i


and i hope i always see them happy


this picture warned me the bbc left

rockford of the year 2018

in the category of 10 years and under

this picture also won me the junior

asian wildlife talker of the year 2018

in the category of 18 years and under

to leila and majnu

in november 2018 i was declared the

winner of junior comedy wildlife talker

of the year

in the category of 16 years and under it

was one of leila and majnu images but a

different one

this one i captured this funny moment of

leila and majnu

answering nature call i was at the right

place at the right time

i hope people over here who think house

or other wildlife is superstitious for


just think of me i am here with you all

because of these cute creatures


this picture made an impact worldwide

because of these owls

in these pipes there are not many trees


and that’s why these house build their

home in this broken pipe

like in this image

april 2018 was the last time i saw leila

and majnu

and after that they never came back to

the pipe and i never saw them

i felt very sad these vows were a

blessing for me

and i hoped i could see them

i miss them so much i printed my bed


my pillow cover my cushion with their


i also have a poster of them in my room

i never gave up and i got lucky and saw

them almost after a year

now they’re happily back in the pipe


when your father is a wildlife talker as


all your family holidays are in forest

and even

and even if you think that our next oil

day will not be in a forest

it turns out yet to win a different


in my forest travels i always saw my

father constantly capturing natural


with his camera and lenses

on my fifth birthday my father gifted me

my first dslr camera

and that was the beginning of a wildlife

dog feed journey

i kept clicking pictures of bees and

insects in my backyard

my father was always by my side guiding

me to become a better photographer

every day

but i am here with you all today to

speak on something different

something that is very dear to my heart

i am going to speak on wildlife


wildlife is a precious gift to all of us

from a mother earth

wildlife is found in all ecosystems the

term fauna

is not only used for animals but also

for all life forms

including birds insects fungi

and even microscopic organisms to

maintain a healthy ecological balance

on this land animals birds and marine


are as important as humans

every organism on this planet has an

unique place in the food chain

that contributes to its own ecosystem in

its own way

but unfortunately in today’s time many

animals and birds are endangered

on this earth we find from majestic oaks

to the tiniest grass we can find

from the huge whale to the tiniest flies

all are created in a very balanced way

by a mother earth

we the human beings don’t have the


to contribute to these marvelous

creations but

we can protect them thus

conservation of wildlife is necessary to

maintain a healthy ecological balance

on this land natural habitats of

animals and plants are destroyed for

land work

and for land development and agriculture

by humans

poaching and hunting for fur meat

leather are some

other factors contributing to the

extension of wildlife

extension of wildlife will have a fatal

impact on the human race as well

so for us as human beings it is a great


to save our earth our wildlife and most


ourselves here are some deep reasons

for deep understanding why wildlife

plays such an important role

to maintain a healthy ecological balance

on this land

what is wildlife conservation

wildlife conservation refers to the act

of protecting

wildlife from being destroyed

the time has arrived to save the

wildlife from the

cruel cultures of men that human beings

are the main destroyer of wildlife

for example the one on rhinos of assam

are on

are on the verge of extinction as

poachers are killing them

on daily basis for their own benefits

let us explore why wildlife is the top

most priority now

hundreds of millions of people whose

livelihood depends on forage resources

are today hapless victims of


the lack of conservation by farmers in

the highland region

often leads to the deluge in the

low-lying areas

deforestation and lack of conservation

also lead to the precious loss of


countless ways species of animals and

birds are lost

every day that the indirect effect of

lack of wildlife conservation is

increase in the infertility of soil

and drought you know

trees were worshiped in ancient india


we don’t do justice to that belief today

recent research found that we have lost

77 percent of a world’s wilderness

time has arrived to save what remains as

global citizen

it is our duty to save our earth our

environment and thereby rescue our

mother earth from its present crisis

if we fail to do so mother earth will

inevitably seek a revenge

from us and we will have to face our

doom in the near future

it is thus it is government upon us

to save our planet

what is the importance of wildlife

wildlife conservation

it is not necessary to describe a lot

about importance of wildlife


we should not allow a vile part of


to vanish from it from this earth

we all know that nature maintains the

balance of its own

for example trees not only provides its


but also keep the but also maintain the

climatic condition of a region

again the birds control the population

of insects

in our ecosystem

gandhiji once said what we are doing to

the forest of the world

is a mirror reflection of what we are

doing to ourselves

and to one another this is very true

especially after all my holidays in


we can see amazing species of wildlife

with which we share our planet but

if we are not careful maybe in future we

don’t have the opportunity to see such

kind of varieties

so on the behalf of leila and majnu let

us do our bid

and preserve every inch of remaining
