Life is a onetime offer and I am here to achieve

good morning everybody

i am 19 years old five world records


from india life is a one-time

offer life is

so beautiful but it always depends on

how you perceive it

you can classify people around you into

three main categories

one those who accept anything that

happens to them

either positive or negative as it is

two if something negative happens to


they change into positive and if

something positive happens to them

they change into negative these are the

only three categories of people

thomas oliver edison a popular story

about him states that

edison while he was in school his


wrote a letter to his parents that this


is not suitable to study in any school

in anywhere in the world

but today due to the immense

effort by his mother and himself

his tons of inventions had earned him

thousands of patents

and now no student in anywhere in the


could cross his cool life without

studying about edison

this is an example of converting


into positive abhinavinda

this man with vision disorder had chosen

rifle shooting as his career and passion

in 2008 beijing olympics he won

gold medal for india and he became the

first one

in from india to your gold medal in an

individual category

when the indian flag was soaring high

and the national anthem was playing in

the background

mr bhindra bored down to receive the


and at that moment every one of us would

have felt like we

ourselves have earned that medal this is

also an example

of converting negative into positive

in life but the expert in

anything was once a beginner

let’s define life what is life it is

nothing about

finding oneself it is about creating

sculpting and just molding oneself

life is not about just living in this

world it is a great opportunity

to create an impression that we have

been in this world

once in an interview mr bill gates was

asked about the question like

why does microsoft hire too many indians

because almost 34 of

microsoft employees are indians and mr


with the grin replied that if i had not

hired indians in microsoft indians would


made their own microsoft out there in


our potential is very well aware

to outsiders but we should understand

that i had met

our former president dr apj abdul kalam


twice in my life once when i was three

years old

and again when i was 14 years old

he just advised me one thing msalini

you are an indian child born to an

indian mother

and an indian father learn anything from

the word

but all that god has distorted upon you

should be utilized only for the welfare

of the indian nation

i felt his advice very surprising

like why did he say so but later i

understood the real meaning behind it

i started writing and appearing for uh

international certification examinations

in computer science domain

from the age of ten and in that course i

had come

i had broken the records of two

pakistani students

who so far hold only one international

certification each

these international certification

examinations are

written by students only after btech and


but i started doing them in my 10 years

and broken their records and now i stand

proud as an indian girl with 13

international certifications


for the first time in indian history a

15 years old was invited by

indian space research organization isro

to deliver a technical lecture to 700

plus isro scientists

that was me i had delivered two hours

technical lecture

and that lecture received huge applause

standing ovation and the mongolian


sent to mars by isro which is the most

prestigious memento in the whole indian


and this is the second time i felt i

kept the word

of dr kala to me

being an indian is not just my identity

it is my passion

we in india almost 65 percent of the


has the age of less than 35 years

so we have the world’s largest young


name any technological or strategic

development today


being an indian is not just my identity

it is my passion

in india we have people our population

almost 65 of it less than 35 years of


so we have the world’s largest young


name any technological and strategic

development today

you’ll find an indian dream behind it

may it be

mr sunda pichai or satya natala or

indranoi these are just a few to name

and according to me it does not need to

be a passport which should say

it is you are an indian but it has to be

a patriotism that should reveal your


and wherever i go i just introduce


as i came vishalini from

india because i feel so euphoric to say


because i feel the pride and patriotic

patriotism to my nation


but how it is because the sacrifice of

the slice of our population

the indian soldiers this is a single


of the indian soldiers at the seats in


the sea glacier is the tri-junction of


china and pakistan it has the

strategic height of almost 21 000

feet from the sea level and it is

in and it is an uninhabitable

location with a temperature of minus 14

to minus 70 degrees celsius

but our indian soldiers stay up there to

guard us

what do you think about teamwork it is

the most vital thing in anyone’s life

but where do you learn it there are

three main things that we know that is

the three c’s of

teamwork communication coordination and

cooperation but there is something

else that is more than all these three


leadership leadership

is not about something about the size it

is something

an attitude and to learn about

leadership and teamwork one need not

join an mnc

and behold the team leader without a


or watch every single cricket match

and to learn what captaincy is

the best example about leadership and


is simple the indian defense forces the


navy and yafus they are such a great


and they have great team players

being a successful leader isn’t simple

at all it’s such a challenging task

the challenges are what makes life

interesting and overcoming them

makes life meaningful

the followers will never know how hard

the leader tries to create the path

but the leader should be self-aware

about the strengths and weaknesses of

every single team member

and he should be very insightful to set

up the goals

and he should be extra responsible about

each and every thing and psychology

should be

dynamically robust what is that

dynamically robust psychology

it is something to act in any time

one should not be a product of his own


he should be the product of his own


life is a natural fire which has leaves

called moments

and it has them organized in the way you

have lived

and turning back the pages reveals the

life history

and i would say we should discard all

the frivolous moments

and keep only what needs to be cherished

and of course

we have such a great inbuilt power

called forgetting some stuff

and this is how we should use it

goal setting i’ve heard a great saying

that aim for the star so that you can at

least hit a fruit

it makes me to ask the question what do

you want to hit

is it a star or a fruit it is such a

ridiculous principle

because you should not follow it and you

should be self aware of what you want to


do what you aim and aim what you can do

even the legendary example from


states the same thing arjuna’s target


wanted to hit the bird’s eye he aimed

for it and he went it

but he did not confuse it i aim for

something and i hit this

that clarity is called


and if you ask about my goal

in india there is still some space

left for a woman born in india

working in the scientific domain who

earns the country back

a nobel prize and that is what i


as my lifetime goal

there is a tiny cavity between

people who are considered unsuccessful

and what they want to achieve

it is called they quit it

they easily get demotivated

but successful people if you see keep on


they make mistakes but they never ever


they learn from their mistakes achievers

are the people who do not find

themselves there’s nothing to find about


but achievers take the path of creating


by breaking the barriers and this whole


is called history let me ask you a


what is impossible i have been told that

coming out of mother’s womb and getting

back inside is impossible

but in 2016 that was proved possible

lily boomer actually when lilly baby


was inside her mother’s walk

when margaret boomer her mother was

pregnant it was found that the fetus

had developed a tailbone

it was found that the fetus had

developed a tailbone tumor

the tumor started sucking the blood from

the fetus

and further it grew bigger than the baby


doctors had planned for a critical

surgery of only 20 minutes

time the uterus of the mother was cut

open the baby

along with the tumor was taken out and

within 20 minutes

it was removed and the baby was put back

inside the

uterus it was sued back and

the baby went inside the wall and 12


later the surgery the baby was born

for the second time it entered the world


and now it must be some four to five

years old

doing all the stuff that the people at

the same age do

therefore even coming out of mother’s

warm and going back

inside is true and possible

it is always easy to recuperate from


yeah it’s very easy just three steps for


face the failure enjoy the difficulties

and feel the difference

why should we one’s own analytical


doing wise comparisons see one every

single person

is as unique as his own fingerprint then

how can one compare himself

with someone else out in the world there

is no general

unit or metric to measure every people

everyone is unique therefore

one can always wisely compare himself

his today with his past

and always feel composed even if you

have achieved your birth motive

or even if you have failed in the most

simplest thing ever in the world

just feel composed because a

seed even seed needs to fall down and

bury itself

inside the soil for years to grow into a

large tree

a butterfly has to force itself in the

pupa stage

to serve the sky with its wings

you can notice here growth happens in


the silence can take anyone to greater


what can stop you is that other people

is that obstacles never it’s you


halting yourself from getting exposed to


yes i really agree with the point that

failure brings

pain but there are two types of pains

one that hurts a person and second that

changes the person

just discard all the hurtings just

remember what you have changed

have you ever wondered how life would be

if it is totally painless

there is a disorder called cip

congenital insensitivity to pain

and people with cip say that pain

is precious we should learn

to handle pain and to end your pain

that’s it

what’s the difference between learning

and studying

just do you learn to ride a bicycle or

you study for it

or you go for an exam you just study for

an exam

or you learn for it

study it happens because if you had not

touched a bicycle for about 10 years

you can generally light it easily but

it never happens with your examination

what’s the secret ingredient it is the


interest and quest to learn something

which is absolute in studying stuff

when you start learning you turn on a no

failure mode

you just learn new lessons to hold

yourself from

previous failures but you get new


that gets you new lessons just stay

positive about that

there are five success keys time

management determination

self-confidence positive thinking and

smart work

don’t toil hard just go for the

opportunities smartly use them wisely

opportunities do not knock your door


but nowadays they do not knock your door

even once

therefore no don’t miss any opportunity

use them wisely but never ever misuse

your opportunities

and if you feel in any part of your life

that you do not get an

opportunity you did not get the chance

you deserve

then life has given you a great chance

to create your opportunity yourself

always stay positive and calm

keep on breaking the boundaries and the


that keep you away from your success and

what you want to achieve

i would like to say that

i would like to say that we all have

arrived on this earth

with a return ticket all we do not know


the date the time and the location of


but we definitely have a very confirmed


our seat is confirmed

so guys life is a limited period offer

use it well and to do that

you need to be a warrior and not a


time has no holiday dream has no expiry

date and life has no pause button

and that’s it life is like a coil

you can spend it any way you wish but

you can spend it only once

life gives you opportunities to learn so

many things

it starts from mathematics to science to


from business management to geography


arts to anything but

it depends on one’s own wish what one

wants for

but we all have a common question

which category do we like to be do we

want to keep studying history

or make historical achievements

so friends aim high think big

and achieve more let me re-emphasize

life is a one-time offer

use it well thank you