Make your own magic moment in your life. VinoTEDxYouthTCGS

ladies and gentlemen

welcome to teddy use airlines this is

the flight from feeling lost

to redefining yourself today’s flight

time is only about 15 minutes

later we are going to show you how to

make our magic moments in our life

i hope you enjoy the flight now

we are going to take off please

fasteners the belt

so how to make our magic moments in our


how to make magic moments

in my career life i define myself

as a happy flight attendant

but to be honest i want to confess

i do roam my eyes to passengers i’m so

sorry but

life is so hard that of course it’s not

right in front of them right

not writing from the passengers like oh

of course not

but the truth is a happy flight


it’s it’s not always happy

you know the daily routine life made me


so bored so exhausted

hopeless and empty

and i almost forgot how excited i was

when i finished all the tough training

tests and finally got the golden wings

and i almost forgot the sense of

accomplishment of serving passengers

i lost i lost the motivation and

interest in my life

during that time i dislike myself

and i don’t want it i don’t want to


i want to stop it from getting worse

so how

i tell myself i need to reframe the way

i look at work so i decided to

to see all the passengers as my family

or my besties my best friend

and here comes the magic

you know when the passengers get on


and it will be like they come into my


and then i would i would like to take

care of them

from the bottom of my heart and i would


from the bottom of my heart and i know


when i smile from the bottom of my heart

i will be so beautiful

and i know that i love the way

i am and this is the key point

this is the key point of being happy

the key point of being happy is to truly

love yourself

so a happy flight attendant will be

happy again

and after i overcome this depressed in

my career life

how about in my life

in my life i i define myself as a

dreamer i know a lot of people may say

oh i’m just too old i’m too late to


their dreams to pursue my dreams and

maybe they already locked their dreams

in the box named childhood but today i

want to let you know

i want to let you know please do not

lock it up

in 2018 i saw a post on the internet


which was a brand new scene contest

xianlin juwan

jungle voice and i was so excited


i love singing i love music so i tell


no matter what will happen i will just

give it a try

so when i’m back home i send them my


and my video right away like me

i was i i just got the chance

to take part in the open audition and

lucky me again

i was selected i got to take it

to be the one who could attend the tv


what a journey and what a memory in my


however at the end

can you guess what number did i get at

the end

number number two number one

if i were number one i would you know i

would be a sinner now but

i’m still happy i’m still a flight


at the end i got number 26.

yeah number 26 number 26

it doesn’t matter i know number 26 not

even top 10 but

it doesn’t matter the thing is i think i

made my dream come true already and

i enjoyed every moment when i stay on


and singing out loud so it doesn’t


number 26 yeah number 26 cannot be a

sinner so

i back to my normal life and


i think i would ever say goodbye to my

dream of being a sinner forever

but you know life

it’s a box of chocolate bitter and sweet

you never know you never know what

you’re going to take

like few months later here comes the

magic again

few months later an arts foundation

contact me

hi vino we saw your performance on

jungle voice

and we are going to have a musical play

this year

hope we could have a chance to

collaborate we are looking forward

to your reply oh my god

is it real like this is the magic moment

in my life

because i’ve been dreaming of being a

musical actress since i

since i was in taichung right here

the the music class the first time i saw

the less miserable

base hand every time i saw that i was

just sing along with them

on my own pretending you

beside me so

you know that this is my dream and this

is a magic moment in my life so should i

say yes

or say no

yes or no you know

but i want to say yes but do i really

have time

don’t forget that i am a flight


i fly all the time and i fly everywhere

do i really have time to do the practice

to do the rehearsal

or besides that do i really have this


of this kind of ability to do that

don’t forget that i’m just a happy

flight attendant

though maybe um maybe i’m very good at

acting in front of passengers but

this like this kind of ability

so should i say yes or say no

you know a lot of voices in my mind just

like right now

but there’s a saying pop up in my mind

as well

when you want something all the universe


in helping you to achieve it

so yes

yes i i want to do that i want to try

i i want to sing i want to dance i want

to act

and i want to create more possibilities

in my life

so i say yes

and it turns out

i made it we had a tour from

yulin hualien tai dong and taoyuan last

year and this year

we toured from shinjuku and kaohsiung

i made it you know this is the magic


in my life and i know that this is i

this is my decision i make this happen

i want to thank the people i want to

thank people who see me and see my


and also i want to thank myself

i didn’t say no for that i didn’t say no

to any kind of

any opportunity and also i want to thank

the whole universe so today i want to

let you know

don’t be afraid to be a dreamer

if you really want it the whole universe

will help you

to achieve it

so how about this year especially

this year

i always believe that we are

the owner of our lives

we define ourselves

we are the one who could truly

make the possibilities in our lives

so this year i keep redefining myself

i define myself as a magician

we are a magician in our life

this year i define myself as a yoga

lover i define myself as a

lifeguard i made it

and also i define myself as a free diver

obviously i like swimming

and also i define myself as a event host

yeah how about in the future

i don’t know yet but i will keep

redefining myself

because i want to make more magic

moments in my life

so for people maybe you are feeling

you’re feeling lost now

keep redefining yourself and don’t

settle down

make your own magic moments in your life

and thank you for your listening i hope

you enjoyed the flight

thank you