Modern Slavery


many of you have heard about this brand

sarah topshop h m and uniqlo

i even bought most of my clothes from

the store what mega shop there

well i think because this brand they are

well known

their clothes are always in trend and

they are affordable

yes that is true but do you know the

manner in which this flora produced

the answer is industry known as fast

fashion hi i’m jeans

and i’m here to tell you about the

negative consequences of fast fashion

industry according to anima joy from

university of british columbia

fast fashion can be defined as cheap

trendy clothing

that mimic the luxury fashion trend is

produced high speed to meet the customer


it’s true that the cloud is trendy and


so why is that a problem

according to mathilda chapelle founder

of the ngo of 16 years die

the negative consequences of placing

fast fashion industry

in developing countries can be divided

into multiple categories

you might have heard about child labor

but there are more

paying on the minimum wage overworked

employees and terrible health and safety


let’s examine this one by one together

first paying under minimum wage

in many manufacturing countries such as

china india and bangladesh

the minimum wage they have set for the

labor is about 20

to 50 of the living wage according to

chapel a small minority number

of fast fashion brands have claimed that

they are paying their worker

at the minimum wage that means there are

many other fashion brands that are

paying their worker

under the minimum wage sadly worker make

wages so small that they cannot feed

their own family

by the necessity or have a good quality

of life

this clearly violates many laws

regarding workers right

so paying under minimum wage is not only

tragic but also

illegal second

overworked employees according according

to pauline raw

another prominent researcher in fast

fashion industry

during the peak season workers have to

work 14 to 16 hours a day producing


this equates to 96 hours a week with a

minimal risk and no days off

to put this into perspective isb


usually spend seven to eight hours a day

at school

but can you imagine coming to school at

7 45 and end at 10 pm at night

with no break in between those are the

daily hours for many

for many workers in fast fashion


it is obvious that they are not only

mistreated but also overworked

third terrible health and safety


according to business and many fast fashion

factories don’t have adequate air


workers have to breathe in the toxic end

and sometimes

inhale the fibroids this can lead to

further complications with lung and auto


so not always terrible but so are the

working environment

lastly the most tragic one child labor

according to unicef 170 million

children are forced to work since fast

fashion industry require low skill labor

it is common to find child labor in fast

fashion industry

for example in south india 2500 girls

have to work in a textile factory for

five years

just to earn a minimum wage this is not

only shameful that they cannot attend to


but it is unacceptable for the global

community to accept this kind of

treatment for children

if these information are not alarming

you enough you can see the documentary

by yourself

it is available on netflix the

documentary is called the true

cost according to the documentary this

is a rana plaza building

a textile factory that produced code

from many well-known fast fashion brand

in dhaka bangladesh

yes this is why your were made

sadly many workers have have told the

manager about the cracking around the


a small cracking create a tragic


it cost 1134 people to death

and injured 2500 people

they are no one for you but they are

someone for some people

they are all important just like us

this clearly shown that fast version

have detrimental consequences

for many workers in fast in developing


so what can we do to help i propose

three solutions

buy less read the label and shop


let’s examine this one by one together

buy less if everyone buy less the global

demand will decrease

which means fewer workers will be needed

the company will have to readjust their

manufacturing practice

second read the label it is important

that we

read the label before we buying a

workload we must know what it is made of

and where it comes from

china indian bangladesh play a big part

in the fast fashion industry

so try to avoid quotable produce from

this country

last solution is to shop sustainably the

cost might be higher

than fast fashion product but the cost

is actually good

workers are treated nice nicely and

the material is sustainable urban’s good

kramer dr collective and continue

are four sustainable brands that are

available in asia

these brands avoid a danger of fast


look i know i single-handedly cannot

solve this fast fashion problem

but maybe if we work together and have

more informed decisions perhaps we can

improve many lives of mistreated workers

in the global marketplace thank you