Ordinary or extraordinary the choice is yours

ordinary or extraordinary

i grew up my whole entire life looking

at musicians

artists all the leaders all the great

speakers in the world thinking that they

were completely and totally


what made them so extraordinary why did

i think they’re extraordinary

because i was ordinary i was just an

ordinary girl

i grew up in an ordinary family i went

to an ordinary school

i had ordinary parents but absolutely

amazing parents

and my whole life i kept thinking i

want to achieve this i want to be that i

want the

but it took me to the age of 42 to have

the realization that there is no


absolutely no difference between me and

anyone else

every single person that’s born in this

this world everyone lives in this planet

we are all extraordinary but it took a

lot of work for me to kind of figure

this out

i took a lot of self-belief something

that i did not have growing up i was the

most awkward

shy teenager i would have been burning

if anyone spoke to me i would have been

completely and totally burning on the


i would have been shaken someone asked

me a question

oh i felt the worst feeling in the world

but i was always embarrassed always shy

always sitting in the corner never

wanting to kind of step out

never wanted never ever wanted to get up

onto a stage to speak

always always thought that wasn’t for me


not me i’m not extraordinary why would

anybody want to hear me speak

so i had it then learned myself i had a

teach myself step by step

how to believe in myself how do you how

to put myself out there not to

stress not to worry not to be afraid of


so the years i spent when i was younger

live in my life i i thought every single

person wanted media love

i would have done things to please

everyone else

i would have went out of my way i would

have like let

myself down and i would have let maybe

my family down

to please someone else that meant

absolutely nothing

so from this day onwards i made a


i easily about in my mid to early

20s i made a decision that i wanted to

be extraordinary

i wanted to stand up here i wanted to be

able to express and talk

quite effectively to everybody and pass


what i know and what i want everyone to

know that

if i can stand and i can feel like this

if i can be extraordinary you can be


so instead of living the life that i

thought thought other people wanted me

to love

i started living the life that i wanted

i started looking within instead of

looking without

i continuously looked without i looked

for everyone else to make me happy

and then i had to stop take a breath and

look with them

and if i can make myself happy once i am

happy everything outside of me then

everything everyone attached to me is


because if i’m not happy it just doesn’t


so instead of searching for approval

from other people

instead of worrying about other people’s

opinions instead of

thinking all these crazy thoughts you

had a whole

i had a whole story built up in my head

about this person thinks this is going

to think that they’re going to

continue a huge cycle went round and

round and round

so i stopped it and i stopped it then

instead of being told all about the laws

and regulations when we were growing up

we were taught you have to do this you

have to go to school

you have to learn this lesson you have

to wear this uniform

and then in religion we were told we had

he said this prayer that prayer

and even when we got older you went on

social media

the laws and regulations then you were

recommended to follow this page

or you recommend that you like this page

that’s not the laws that i follow

believe me yes you need guidance you

need to you need to follow law of course

but there’s universal laws in life

and these universal laws is the laws

that i follow

they don’t take into consideration creed


nationality they don’t take engender


that doesn’t matter because we’re all

completely and totally

equal and exactly the same we are all

extraordinary there’s not one person as


and once we start to believe this once

we start to realize that we are not put

into different categories

we are not different even age groups


gender everything there’s no difference

it doesn’t matter

so for me to be it’s unique

extraordinary and we’re all spiritual


and this is all down to universal laws

being ordinary is absolutely great that

is great

but been extraordinary that’s life


it has my life completely turned upside


inside out and that’s whenever i had the

realization that i am extraordinary

it’s not nothing to do with monetary

wealth material things

it’s got nothing to do with that at all

it’s got to do with belief

and the faith and you’re giving out the

most kind

as long as you think good and you bring

it back to you again

so for me the faith and inner belief

and something greater out there is

something greater out there than

every one of us and it’s all within our


it’s all there and the knowledge

that you can be the best version of you

there’s only a few simple steps

it’s simple steps of being that we tiny

but grateful

starting off with small things and

gratitude changed

changes everything like when did you

ever think that

you turned on the top of water are you

grateful for that water coming out of it

because i honestly got i wasn’t at the

time i didn’t i didn’t think anything of

it at all

but i started being grateful for all

those small tiny things

tiny things to me but massive things to

other people

so i wake in the morning and every

morning and i’d be grateful

that i’ve opened my eyes that i have

opened my eyes to live another day

and this wonderful world

i want to be here to help as many people

as i possibly can

to show people that there is more to


and stop sweating the small stuff

every morning i would wake up i’m going

right there it is just

the most fantastic day whether it’s

raining healing snowing

it doesn’t matter it’s just great to

open your eyes and love another day

and you see that there is there is an

easier way to life

this is such an easier way to life

so once you stop sweating small stuff

and i can guarantee

see the small thing or the massive large

thing that you think that you’re

worrying about

that’s something small to someone else

and somewhat something really really

small and you give it a few

even years i want something i’m through

something a couple of years ago and was


at the time it almost ended me being


because i thought it was so huge and now

i can look back and i can say it was

tiny it was so small

but that’s all down to the law of

relativity and that is one of the

universal laws i live my life

by and that would be it is not big and

it’s not small

it is just it is just that that is

that’s it it’s not big not small it’s

big in comparison to something else

smaller or small in compartment to

something else bigger

and that’s the way we have to look at it


it’s not big not small and it just does

and then leave it at that that’s all you

have to do

so i have a choice every morning i get

up in the morning i have a choice

whether i want to come out

whether i want to be on a good day or a

bad day

i have a choice for whether i want to

worry about this or worry about that

or not think about it at all i had that

choice when i wake up in the morning

now you get up in the morning you can

have the whole ability to say that you

want to have the best day

and then and knock on effect it’s as if

the universe is trying to stop you

having a good day

your alarm might not turn on in the


or my favorite your six-year-old might

not want to put on her tights towards


she doesn’t like them or you quite get

into the car

and the car doesn’t start so you have

all this here you have all these

different things that could be knocking


but it’s not about those things

happening it’s about how you

as a person deals with that

well you react to that or you respond to

that responding

takes time to stop and think

and you go okay why does she not want to

put on those tights

how is she feeling what’s happened in

this car

stop take a deep breath this is maybe

stop me for something else happening

down the line

whereas you react you just go straight

in react boom

and the whole thing explodes for me

the old me i would have reacted every

single time

i would have threw the hissy fit the

whole house would have been all over the


no matter what happened i reacted nine

times out of ten

and that’s no good that is just it was

no good for me it was no good for how

i felt and then once i learned then to

change all that

it completely transformed for me to


as i say it takes time to think because

no matter what it is

you respond i would have blamed


everybody because it was never ever ever

my fault

and then whenever you take

responsibility for yourself

and it’s not anybody else’s fault

whenever you take responsibility

everything starts to flow and it flows


smoothly and so well and then things

just seem to happen

the way you wanted to so for me i had to

stop blaming other people

worrying about other people’s opinions

because other people’s opinions they

are the most

yeah they are the most damaging thing

that you can let onto yourself yourself

but that person’s probably not even

thinking along the lines what you’re


as i say you had the whole thing i had

the whole

movie played out in my head but

above all i always remember that no

matter what

you pronounce that the world it doesn’t

matter what it is no matter what it is

whether thoughts

words feelings actions that’s going to

come back around at you again

and i’ll tell you i want to come back in

the best possible way

i don’t want to have to be sitting

worrying thinking something negatively

and then waiting right when’s it going

to come back when it’s going to come

back i might can come back straight away

but it’ll come back and that’s all down

to the law of thinking

and that’s another of the universal laws

i love my life by

so what you think what you how you act

every action that you take

make sure it’s a good one

because once your heart is right and if

your heart is right

your head is sure to follow yeah it has

to follow

so i know in my head and my thoughts and

my thinking

i try every day and do the best that i

possibly can

for everybody involved and

all i can do and say

is stop sweating small stuff

take every single day at a time

and are we going to now just stay and

live this ordinary life

or take that huge leap in that step and


the life the extraordinary life that

every single person
