
    Know Yourself

    Kritika Avasthi is an Indian actor and professional dancer. A household name in the Indian YouTube community she is best known for her ro...

    Refining Self Through Service

    Sylvester Sly James Jr. served as Mayor of Kansas City Missouri from 20112019. During his tenure Kansas City enjoyed a renaissance boasti...

    Your Ego is Not Your Enemy

    David Gerber is a partner speaker and coach with Novus Global an executive coaching firm that works with Fortune 500 companies profession...

    Perceiving your own reality

    What do imaginary colors and social judgments have in common They both arise from subjective perceptions of reality. Ishana Kumar a seven...

    The Secret To Starting Over

    Life is a lot like the game Chutes Ladders sometimes we get ahead and sometimes we get a bad roll and have to go backwards to where it f...