Resilience Through Joy and Gratitude


you don’t

drowned by falling into water

you drown by staying there

zig ziglar could have been talking about

me when he said those words

because i had a choice

i decided to choose joy

on may 18 2020

my life changed forever but not for the


on that day my beloved

my best friend my partner my

husband barry took his last breath

three months it took just three

months for glioblastoma to invade his


taking him from a strong brilliant


56 year old man to someone who could not


someone who lost his word someone who

could not use the right side of his body

and then to that moment in time

taking his last breath surrounded by

family and friends

and while that was a major change in my


it was all the changes i made before

it allowed me to know i could handle all

of this

changes began happening exactly 25 years

before his death

on that day barry and i met who i was to


was a result of choosing a life of joy


a life of blame

now joy wasn’t always the foundation of

my life

imagine being married to a man who lies

cheats is physically abusive as well as

mentally abusive in my twenties

i was married to that man

when i finally woke up and left i was

filled with anger

rage hate how could someone so smart

be so stupid

i began blaming everyone for everything

that was wrong in my life

anger rage hate i was pissed at the


and yet with all those charming


i was able to meet the man of my dreams

the man i would spend the best

25 years of my life with

i hear the words all the time you’re so


you’re an inspiration i don’t know how

you do it

to that last comment the answer is

you have no other choice

as i go through this journey of of

mourning rebirth

a new different life i realize that the


i have become is the only

person that could handle all of this

but how did i go from being angry at the


to being able to handle this immense


it happened a little at a time

i became resilient we became resilient

by building a life of joy and gratitude

resilience is a word that we are hearing

so much of these days but

what does it mean how does one become


it’s different for everyone

to be resilient is to be able to pivot

to be able to handle change

to be resilient is to paraphrase webster

to be able to overcome

difficult conditions

life is full of difficult conditions


is full of opportunities for us to see

our resilience

in my experience a life of joy

builds a life of resilience now

joy doesn’t mean you’re always happy

it doesn’t mean life is always going

your way

to be in joy means

you see the silver lining to be in joy

means you have an attitude of gratitude

no matter what no

matter what

there are a number of changes that you

can make

to add more joy to your life

and to build resiliency but here are my

top three

these are the changes that i made

that are allowing me to move forward

even in the midst of unbearable

sorrow and pain

because when one is resilient there is


you react differently to things

life and all its ups and downs

it’s just a little bit easier to handle

so first things first

how i react to life is 100

my responsibility you know once upon a


everything in the world happened to me

i got fired from a job because my boss

was an

all men were cheaters and liars

i was never going to have an easy life

things were always going to be hard for


story after story after story

and you know none of it was true it was


the first thing barry taught me was to

look at life differently

things may happen to me around me

in spite of me how

i choose to react is how the situation


turn out for me

the ad agency that i was working at had

lost a major client

one by one the team was let go i was one

of the few

remaining and i worked hard to keep my


i’d also just graduated as a massage

therapist but

i was too scared to start a new career

then i was laid off now while i

cursed and pouted barry pointed out that

this was a kick in the ass i needed to

start my new career

and for the next 10 years i was a


with an amazing practice

he was right number two smile

and be happy i’m not talking stupid

happy you know what we seen the sunshine

and roses and never the reality of a


barry always had a smile on his face

always brought joy to everyone

that smile could light up a room

he could make anyone laugh now

usually it was an inappropriate joke or


still everyone laughed

happy people are kind

to others learn that skill

from them it’s easy to share a smile

to make a joke to show a little kindness

to brighten someone’s day

barry had that ability he could light up

a room

he could make anyone smile

be happy see the lighter side of life

i learned to be a little bit kinder now

it wasn’t that i was this

unkind uncaring unhappy

person it’s just that i had an

amazing role model to show me

how to be a little bit kinder

and finally

i learned to be grateful

for every

thing everything good bad or indifferent


is a silver lining there is something to

be grateful about

we had an attitude of gratitude with

whatever we did

saying please and thank you to each

other all the time

truly appreciating every moment of every

day that we had together

we never knew how short

of a time we actually had together

since his passing in 2020 i learned to


more grateful than crying more smiling

and happy i learned to choose gratitude

over hopelessness

to spare do i feel all those things yes

all the time but i move past it or at

least i can calm it down

with gratitude

my husband died unexpectedly

at 56 grateful

yeah not for his death

but for the circumstances surrounding it

our dear friend suzanne was with me as

the surgeon explained

that barry was unresponsive and would

not come out of a coma

i had a decision to make i could not

think i promise you

none of you can when you have to decide

to take the man you love the person you


off of life support

through her own tears her own grief

suzanne asked the questions for me


i did not have the strength to ask

stephanie’s a hospice nurse

when she found out that barry was in a


she asked me do you want him to die at

home yes of course

i replied are you

sure she said because you will live

with that memory as long as you live in

that house

no doubt in my mind he would die at home

and so stephanie put her job

and her reputation on the line

to bring my husband home to die

in the middle of the coveted pandemic

friends and family came to sit with me

they held his hand

they spoke to him they kissed his head

the more gratitude i have in my heart

the more people show up to help me i am

grateful for all these people

they allowed me to bring my husband home

they allowed barry to die with dignity

surrounded by those he love

i am grateful


because you i

am more resilient with help

now resilience in my experience doesn’t

come from being

hard and closed off it comes from being

open to give

open to receive open to love

open to trust open to learn because when

we are open

we allow joy in our lives and joy builds


my life moves forward a little each day

my life goes back a little each day too

two steps forward one step back

two steps forward one or two steps back

together we created more joy in our

lives and that joy

makes me more resilient right now

that resilience allows me to go on it

allows me

to want to live more

and i want to leave this place to be

with my husband

i invite you to try adding one of these

things to your life maybe add one more

come up with your own list of things

that bring you joy and make you more


there is no blame don’t look for the


out there the answers are

inside of you

as for me i know why people tell me i’m


i’m an inspiration

it’s because when my best friend my

partner my husband my barry

passed away i was able to move forward

with him in my heart

because we built a life of joy

and created resilience
