Resilient A New Approach to Life.



so i’m going to speak a lot less on

mental issues

i’ve been doing that for a while but

i’ll just focus on this

because these are unprecedented times

for me survival is not an


phenomenon process and i think that’s

what we need

to understand it’s not something that

um you know we hear stories about

survivors there is no individual

when it comes to survival it’s always a


always let’s pick up

from what our kovid experience has been

we didn’t know this will happen nobody

needs us

now we’ve not even thought in history


the previous video

so we were completely unprepared i have

i’ll be taking my vaccine

either tomorrow or day after

but what are these stories people have

been talking to me and i have been

talking to so many people

in the last few months and what i

realized was people who’ve come out

well are people whose support systems

were on track the difference between

the struggle and those who don’t

struggle comes down

in the collective it’s never an

individualistic process

when i go back and look at my life

i feel so bad for this generation right


because we know you we gave you uh

pollution right you took up your hair

we took up your greens

we gave you a smartphone clearly that

doesn’t make you smart

because your phone seems to be smarter

we give you social media essentially

took up your life

right uh i don’t have an incentive

yeah um because i have a life

that’s all right

you know in grade 10 grade 12


have school friends whom you wouldn’t

meet when there are children

so you have neighbor or friends

so one school friend support system

neighborhood friends support system

and vacation is for present support

system you have actually three support

systems which are actually continuing

all these years

and then you have the college and

medical college and things like that so

what happens is it is these support

systems that make your career

i wasn’t ever taking an exam by myself

in any

or any of your siblings is

what support system is so you want to

survive you need to understand

you survive together nobody survived by


we don’t have that skill bill let’s not



is not the solution collectivism is the

solution and that’s why i talked about

the pandemic

one quadrant of the world a small little


spoonful of others and how connected the

world was

we realized that

how connected we were beyond the

geographies and boundaries and

all the physical and all the other forms

of distances

and the cartographers the fact of the

matter is we were so connected

it took what a few weeks here and then

the whole world

was in this way and that’s something we

need to learn from you can either learn


positively or negatively the positive

learning is we are connected negative

learning is well

you can just take it as much as you want

i talk to my young people in my

team and i keep talking to them about

depth in life

depth in life cannot be spoonful

everything in life needs to be ocean

food that you can’t measure it

and depth comes from values so if you

add the second component

to survivor with one most collectivism

second is values

how you do it has to be the

main aspect means matter ends don’t ends

will happen

you can’t stop it from happening but

don’t allow yourself to believe means

don’t matter that’s

as rubbish as it gets there are no

success stories

where means didn’t have values i mean

even if you see one of here or there

you are actually just doing uh your

strolling kind of

evaluation of an individual’s life by

thinking that he or she

reached some place by taking a few cuts

in there that does not apply

so people who survive times are people

whose values are intact and people who

have support system

so again coming back the curve so what

we did was

what we all did was like all of us here

you know maintaining as much as physical

distancing social distancing we can

using the mask so on and so forth had

you not done that what would have


the fact is inspirational stories came

out from us

you’ve heard about the work done by

healthcare practitioners

absolutely overwhelming just imagine

what it would have been imagine you

sitting here in one mask imagine that’s

a ppe

imagine you are at work 12-hour shift

how would you breathe and it is these


these are also survivors because these

survivors help the entire

community collectively survive

and move forward so you learn from them

so years down the lane when you have

essays that you will ask young children

to write

no your role models they don’t need to

write about people who were born

100 years before they were born they

cannot talk about people who are born

right now in their eyes

in front of their eyes that we need to

learn from this because this is meaning

what we’ve seen all across in the last

10 months culturalism

inspiring stories of people standing up

for each other

and i have been talking about this for

organizations as well

organizations where mental outcomes

organizations where

positivity connectivity was the focus


individuals were not treated as

individuals but as a collective

those organizations have done so much

so if you want to actually survive

and do well both of them go hand in hand

we are all survivors

you survive exams i have survived exams

medical school exams also

absolutely but then i am nobody to

compare mine to your and yours to my you

don’t want to have our own struggles

you learn you learn every time you go

through a high end

you learn you adapt

and today you learn the meaning so all

of us sitting

when the first vaccine finally was taken

by a lot of my colleagues

yesterday that’s that’s what mankind is


you know coming up with a vaccine

anymore less than 12 months


beyond all doubts you have medical

practitioners taking the initiative

and remarkably collective force of the

world coming together

nobody is saying it you know which one

is made where what is made well

what what works for us and so that’s

that’s the learning here

that’s how you move forward survivor is

not about staying afloat

survivor is about blasting flourishing


having a fruitful life that is fruitful

for others also

life cannot be for one’s own self that

just doesn’t work

it has to be meaningful and meaning is

not self

self is just a small little power it is

the environment

the other that makes the world

individualism is about self collectivism

is about others

you will hear so many people sharing all

their stories

and individualizing each eye and me

there was an us enemy because it’s

always an assembly

so i didn’t pass my tent like i said my

teachers passed my death

my friends passed my death i didn’t pass

my medical college

my friends had been past it not because

they were giving me the sheets

but in my case for sure one night before

i still remember

my surgery exam i was reading if i’m not

mistaken often

which was supposed to be in surgery too

and not surgery when i don’t now


and one of my friends just passed by and

said what i’m reading

often is not tomorrow tomorrow

i hope you don’t measure them i hope it

doesn’t matter in your life because it

truly doesn’t matter

and i’ve been saying this specially to

young people influence matters

number of people who influence doesn’t

matter and anybody who calls himself or

herself an influencer

that’s bad




that you are telling me that you are an


which means you can influence me

come tell that to my mom

so she really can’t relate to all this

oh she likes seeing your tv for sure


she’s everything but wonders

why this is happening so understand this

we are imagine being

a five-year-old today imagine being born


just imagine this person was born today

in five years time would have gone

through some

schooling and all sorts of things

happening to this child and you might

well have

early stimulations happening not only

knows by

another decade or so we might start

stimulating in a month

two months what all things will start


and we put this child in a rat phase and

you will have

younger and younger people having social

media influence younger and younger

people using that

right you’ll have more and more


less and less depth more and more


less and less friendship

all of that where is the open loneliness

conversation gone in cold

we realized that all we needed was to

spend time with our family

recall it my conversations were what do

i do

i don’t have time i can’t talk to my

family i don’t get tired to talk to my


there is so much of loneliness there is

that everything

what happened in cold you connected to

your alumni you connected to your


you did your video meetings that’s what

media is for

that’s the change now we need to make

sure that we continue with this change

because i think that’s the key the key


is are we going to learn from this


or are we going to just let this

experience also pass

because this has taught us a lot we’re

all survivors we learn minimalistic


we learn that right we learned that for

a community

we can all be responsible

we learned that we could actually take

care of our households

we learned that children are the pillars

of strength

that they have been sitting 10 months at

home and they have been

doing brilliantly in this we’ve been

more worried

every now and then i’m asked by a

journalist that you know how about


and i tell them children are all totally

fine with it

i mean this is your best imagination

best dream come true

that you are taking your first class

actually from your bed actually in your


i mean what would you have become in our

time so like

you woke

so pick up pick up the right things

you don’t need to go through a mission

to flourish in life you don’t need there

are highs and lows happening day in and

day out in our life

you just pick them up and learn from

them so we’ve learned a lot

and we’ve learned the power of community

we’ve learned that together we could

have achieved so much and which we have

that’s why we are here if this question

would have been asked five months back

that good tedx number have happened we

would have not known the answer

it happened it happened because the

collective force of the society together

the majority took part in

a collective exercise of precaution

prevention that’s the factor you and i

can all think about oh that one’s not

wearing a mask so that one did not know

this that one did not do this

for a change that was the minority

because the majority stood up and

was there to be counted and that’s the

learning we need to have

so if there is a summary according to me

about survival

it’s in values values come with


nothing in life that does not have

values can be meaningful nothing in life

that is only about me can ever be

correct because me does not exist

each and every step of yours is a

collective step

and if we continue to learn and like i


the depth is not going to be a spoon and


is not going to be just staying afloat

depth is going to be the ocean then


is going to be for the collective and

that’s the message thank you