Sailing through Hardships.



achievers here and a beautiful crowd

like you

it’s a privilege first of all and i will

thank each and everybody

for that

we have heard many people saying about

their experiences

about how to win life i have not read it

but experienced it and i would like to

share my experience

so to start off with my father was an


his name was mr surir he was an amrit

shuri of kanna film industry

and i was a pampered kid so i started my


with all the happiness and all the glory

so if you see me you can still see the



it was like that for me so my father was

more than a father

he was like a friend to me so uh

my interaction with my mother was very


to be very precise for around eight nine

years i would not speak to her

i would just say mom i want lunch dinner

so this was the minimal talking with me

and my mother

the maximum thing i would spend my time

with is my father so he was so

into me and i would do anything and

everything for my father to make him

feel proud

so this was my journey and we were very

happy family

myself my father my mother my brother

and everything was moving

fantastic fantastic to her but at one

point of time

when trouble comes it will come in


so one day my

house got robbed they took away all the


silver everything which was in my house

okay it’s cool my father is there he’ll

earn it out again is what he said

exactly one week after that he had an

accident in an action sequence

so we had to put him into the hospital

so here like he was in an icu

for eight days for the whole eight days

i was beside him i did not go anywhere

it was just there for him to wake up and

say yes i am okay

so on the eighth day the doctor tells me

he is responding to the

treatment very well so you don’t have to

worry about it in another

15 15 or 20 minutes you can take a bath

will shift into the

general ward my mom comes and she tells

from eight days you are here

you have not even take a shower why

don’t you go home take a shower

come properly your father will be happy

when he sees you

so i said okay i went home

i took a shower i came back to the


as soon as i stepped into the hospital

the doctor said

your father is no more so

like for the eight days i was waiting

for my father to just see me the moment

i left the hospital

he has come to his consciousness he

spoke to my mom

he spoke to my brother but i was

unfortunate enough

that he could not speak to me so that

was the thing

which made me so angry

so that i

here we had to pay the bills in that


it was the most expensive hospital where

we had treated him

so it was around eight to ten lakhs at

that point of time

so all the cash was put into the


my house got robbed of everything so

myself my mom and my brother

were literally monsters because the

earning member of my family is normal

so this was the situation i got so angry

and i went into a shell i don’t drink

i don’t do any other things but i became

an emotional eater

emotional eating is like a disorder


whenever you get angry whenever you get

sad whenever you get

any emotions you try to eat just eat eat


i would eat two biryanis now and again

if i

feel depressed another 15 minutes i

could have another biryani

because your brain stops telling you

that that is enough

so this was my case and my weight went

on to

253 kilos yes i’m not lying

that is me as you could see so 253 kilos

a depressed man in my own house my

mother took the initiative

to run the home so she did a small drama


known as karnataka which went from

one place to another place drawing shows

collecting money and making sure that

her birth kids was

comfortable it is not so easy ladies and


for a mother or a woman

was lost her husband and was doing shows


villages people see in a different


for two years she suffered that and i

was in my own

groove and shed i did not know what to


one day i gave a call to my mom asking

how she was

and that made me feel that it was not


so i went back to my mom i was in


i did all the theater work right from

music direction

acting everything i did for eight years

then it stuck to me that people are

forgetting my father’s name

because you represent your name your

family’s name your father’s name

so that struck me like i want that name

it should not perish so i came back to

film industry

as a junior artist inspired my father

being a legend in karna film industry

take it from me there is no shortcut to


there is absolutely no shortcut to


after my father was being a legend also

i was working as a junior artist

i was getting the roles which were

thrown away or which was

not so important so i used to get the


i used to do it but still i was

struggling because

you’re a big fat man and whatever role

will come to you because

people think that fair people and

people who do not look good or stupid

that is the conception

so i would be eating something i would

be falling somewhere i would try to


and people used to laugh at me

what is this why do you see me like that

why don’t you see my talent then

i got my mentor which is mr sudeep

he’s a very big star in south india he

you must have seen him in davao

tree as a wheel so he called me one day

and he said

i came to know the idea what are you

doing here

i said sir i’m a junior artist he said

what are you earning i said 750 rupees

per day

he said why do you do this so i asked

what should i do

he said come into direction do a

technical field it will help you out

i took his advice he was directing a

film then

i went and joined as an assistant

but it did not show me because his team

and my

uh i did not get together

so after five to ten days i came back i

did not work with mrs

i went around asking for job everything

i did but nothing was working

nothing absolutely nothing was working

and every time i used to go and ask for

a job

seeing my appearance people would think

look at him how can he do a job how can

how can you give a job to a person who

is like 250 kilos

they do not mind whether you have a


they do not mind your appearances is big

for them

so i i had to go and beg for job and ask

my ask my friend to recommend me i used

to go and tell so please tell me you

know my job

please tell them please recommend them

to give me a job that hurt me so much

that hurt me so much i broke down

i said no yeah this is not happening let


end it let me end it and

to be very precise i’m i’m telling you

i thought of committing suicide so i was

sleeping on my bed

looking at the fan and thinking that

okay now if i hang myself

will this fan hold 250 kilos

yeah this is what was going in my mind

because you don’t know

so who is going to take care of me so

this was running in my mind

then at about 4 35 i decided

okay let me give it a try at the same

time it may be

my father’s blessing or a coincidence my


came into my room and he said ananda can

you drop me till

the ground i want to go for cricket


was not so good i was having a smoke

then one voice came

what are you doing my uncle i said who

is this so again i saw mrs

he said what yeah what is your problem i

said i need work

he said i gave you and you will not

revise it so the team you work with

you will never be successful yeah if you

had told me i would have not have

that flaw but he said then he gave me a

work as an assistant director

from assistant director i became an

associate director from associate

director i became a director

and in my journey i gave this is my

seventh film and

i have given five blockbuster hits in

canada film industry

because i would like to tell there is no

shortcuts to success

and nothing will come into your life

nothing will play

a role of mentoring you or nothing see

you have to push yourself


when when you start your work there will

be a lot of hurdles

there will be a lot of hurdles so every

time i see people trying to

telling me that

i’m not very good looking man he’s so


he’s talented he’s doing that he’s doing


don’t see a problem as a problem try to

get around it and find a solution

because every man is born to do and

achieve greater things in life

it is not that you are restricted they


there are two kind of people one or

things inside the box

and the another one who thinks outside

the box i said who created this box man

break it break the box and be yourself

so lot of things like this has come into

my life

it has been a roller coaster i’ve seen

the peaks of success

i’ve seen failures also

because when you are successful when you

are successful you have to be grounded

you have to be very grounded is what i

have learned

otherwise it will take it will take to

your head

the two people in our industry

who could there are there are two things

either you should digest success or push

permit success

the greatest person who could digest

success and success

and who could maintain his dignity is mr


and the second person who could vomit

and be so simple

and be slowed down to earth as mr



so be grounded because when success

comes to you

it lot of troubles it brings

so much ego it brings lot of things

for example like i was

listening to captain’s speech he was

so proud in telling like how soldiers

like protect us yes definitely and

it is very great that we have such a

soldiers such

pure-hearted people without any

fear of death face

opposition or enemies for us and another

another another person whom i would like


bring in our farmers who like day and


do their job to feed us so when when

in the industry i would like to tell

that we should respect in this part

when people were going through a lot of

troubles a lot of troubles

who came to our rescue who came to our


it is our own courage it is our own

will to survive so where there is a will

there is a name so we should we should

push ourselves

we should teach ourselves and we should

tell ourselves

that nothing is impossible in this life


of your life so this is the

thing what keeps me going on from

one point to the other point another

point to the other point

so i started my journey i had my


i became super obese 253 kilos

then today if i’m standing here my

weight will be around 180

18 kilos 118 so i have shut down around

232 kilos to be very precise

so this is the journey which motivates

mine like my own strength

so i would like to pass it on to you

telling that you are all unique people

i don’t know some of the biggest

celebrities are sitting here some of the


achievers are sitting here every

so i would like to tell never let

yourself down

never think like your personality or

your appearances

is going to make any difference it is

your talent it is your belief

it is your courage it is your will which

is going to take you there

so always keep telling that nothing is

impossible to me

definitely i am going to be the winner

and you will be the winner

so this is how i keep myself motivated

so i think if my small

talk if there is any mistakes please

forgive me