Stepping sideways the crab strategy



as a child

sunday was most memorable for the family


during those days i remember one

sentence that sounded

very wise and very ancient to my child’s


whenever something of importance

occurred to me

or occurred to everyone during those

lunches someone will say

time will tell i don’t know if it speaks

to you

he didn’t speak to me at the time sunday

lunches were

long enough as it was

at the age of 18 i entered the

scientific prep school

traditionally considered in france as

one of the hardest

and the most challenging education pass

for young children

a journey i had not chosen but in which

i was somewhat

enrolled since my birth

not knowing who i was not knowing where

i was going

i followed the past it was given to me

my vision of the future was extremely


and i thought if i work hard

if i give it all then my past is set

and success would be somewhat assured

that was naive extremely naive

in the game of prep school and abstract


we are not all equal and some are much

more gifted than others

regardless of the amount of work i was

putting in

i was struggling while some of my

classmates seems to be flying through

the program

i thought i was waiting through mug

and this is during this very difficult

prep school moment that i learned

something essential in life

we are all in a card game

and we all have different cards and each

card has its own purpose

and sometimes the card that we hold in

hands are not the best one

but they may prove to be very useful in

the future so my advice to you is

hold tight to your cards and always keep


school was difficult i was struggling i

was suffering but nevertheless

i went through the program

after prep school i joined ostp at

french engineering school specialized in

construction and civil works

after two years i decided it was time to

gain international exposure

and i tried my luck in the us i sent


four 4-5 application to 4-5 american


and maybe by luck i got accepted at mit

in boston

more collaborative more hands-on more


the american curriculum was a fantastic


and i built great souvenir from this

period in this

university we are often told

we have to play to our strengths

but first we need to identify them

at that age at your age

it’s not that easy i was only starting

to begin to understand that

straight line were not for me especially

if they were drawn by others and that is

why i started to craft what i now call

the crop strategy

when moving in straight line becomes


take a step back analyze all options

and try to see if by making a move to

the left or making a move to the right

you cannot keep moving on your own


after mit after my graduation

i decided to join an investment bank

why because it was a prestigious choice

because it was the best option i had at

the time

karlovic my chess professors often tells


when nothing of importance happens on

the chessboard

you still have to play just choose your


option and play without steering the


the game will naturally evolve

opportunities will arise

and then you’ll have the chance to


and indeed the game did evolve after

three years in banking

an mba at insead and two years in

management consulting

i decided to leave everything

and to join my father who had taken over

a company

a manufacturing company in mayan for the

parisian elite

i was living everything i was living a

clear career path a structured future

to go and get lost in the countryside

for me

i was making my first choice and i

didn’t know it at the time

but i was about to enter manufacturing

and i would love it

but first let’s dig a bit more into the


why did i join this manufacturing


maybe to go and to help my family and

especially my father

but most probably to make my first


choices as a child

during those family lunches i was

surrounded by people who had crafted

their own destiny with their own hands

and maybe those people tried to

influence me also at the time

now was the time to make my own choice

and to also craft my own destiny

so i did make no mistake

joining a family company is an adventure

without a safety net and often without


from the discussion with my father i

understood very early on

that manufacturing like many other


bear fruit over the long run for those

who are pugnacious enough to earn it

day after day for those who will play

their cards

with patience with awareness

and with vision this is why when i

joined the ois the family company i

played my card over the long run

i immediately tried to leverage my

international experience

to go and to travel abroad i visited

more than 100 countries

to convince clients to work with us but

also to build a vision

in a market whose technological


is still amazing today from a few dozen

employees we grew the company to 850

people today

from 2000 machine manufacturer per year

we grew the company to 2000 machine


per day what an incredible collective


but it didn’t come without any


let me give you two of them the first

challenge came from the east

a bit like in my prep school when i was

surrounded by people

whose abstraction level exceeded mine

i found myself on the side of my father

when china entered the international


and changed the manufacturing paradigm

the way we used to know it

faced with a tsunami of highly

competitive product

sometimes 50 percent of our price we had

no choice

but to apply the crop strategy once

again but this time not only for us

but for the employee of the group and

for my family

especially and especially my sisters who

put their trust into me

the second challenge came from the

technology products

and market were mature since the second

world war

started to mutate and even disappear

we had no other choice but to very

carefully listen to our clients

changing needs and to adjust our product

and offering

accordingly i don’t know if you remember

i told you i was not gifted for straight


in this changing party parting this


changing parting this peculiarity helped


and the crop strategy enabled the


not only to survive but to move forward

in the future

let me say a world

on strategy in the context of

manufacturing machines in europe

if the size of our domestic market in

france was large enough

when i started to work

in the days of mechanical and electrical


this is no longer the case at a moment

where you will be starting to work

in the days of electronics and software

in the case of our company each of our

new product requires more r d


and therefore a larger clientele to be

able to amortize those

investments it’s not that difficult

the larger domestic market is the more

likely a company will be to invest in


whether we we like it or not in europe

if we want to continue to build

european or international manufacturing


we have no other choice but to build

this dream

on the size of europe i have to build

europe you have to build europe we

have to build europe it’s our future

finally as i stand in front of you

20 years after my engineering school

i’m still in the middle of my card game

and i hope to continue to learn from my


every day be ambitious for yourself and

for your community

be curious be open-minded be generous to


and remember that moving forward

constructing your future moving from

yourself to others and from others to

the world

will not be an easy and straight line

and when you’ll feel like you have a

heated dead end

or if you don’t know what your next

carrier move

should be remember the crop strategy

take a step back analyze all of your


and try to see if by making a move to

the left

or making a move to the right you cannot


on your own journey thank you very much

